I got bit by a boxer


New Member
You will never believe this... Me and the wife were walking around our circle on Monday (minding our own bus.) and I got bit by a young boxer. I would say that he is probably 7-8 months/maybe a year old.

He was on a leash and appeared to be just wanting attention so as we were walking by, I kind-of leaned over a little and was going to let him sniff my hand and then pet him. I had my hand cupped upward too... Then I saw that the fool was trying to bite at my hand so I moved it and turned to keep walking. The dumb girl (acting like she couldn't hold the dog) let him pull her and as we kept walking he bit me on the back of my ankle, just above my heel. I was like, "oh no he didn't."

I think they were afraid that I was going to sue them or something, so they were all apologetic. He got the blood and left a little gash, but it's nothing to cry over. But after we kept walking it started to #### me off even more. I started to call the HOA and report them, but I haven't yet....

What would you do?


Be about it
Just curious, was the dog bite a vicious thing, or more playful? Not that it was a good experience either way - just asking.


Yeee hawww
This situation could go two ways.

Let it be cause it was not that to bad of a bite, but then what if the next time he bit someone it was worse?


New Member
Originally posted by PFgal
Just curious, was the dog bite a vicious thing, or more playful? Not that it was a good experience either way - just asking.

the result was not bad, in that it doesn't hurt me. But it wasn't a playful bite... He was really trying to bite me. He first tried to bite my hand and then I proceeded to walk around them and he bit my ankle. It could have been worse had I been a small child or baby... I have a boxer/pit and he's never been like that....


New Member
Originally posted by CowGirlUp
This situation could go two ways.

Let it be cause it was not that to bad of a bite, but then what if the next time he bit someone it was worse?

Exactly what I was thinking. I don't blame it on the dog as much as the girl. That's why I was thinking of calling the HOA...

I was poised to nail him on the head with my fist, but she pulled him back. I'm not worried about myself.....


Be about it
Originally posted by ceo_pte
the result was not bad, in that it doesn't hurt me. But it wasn't a playful bite... He was really trying to bite me. He first tried to bite my hand and then I proceeded to walk around them and he bit my ankle. It could have been worse had I been a small child or baby... I have a boxer/pit and he's never been like that....

What are the rules about where you live? The dog was on a leash, but if the chick couldn't control him then that doesn't do much good, ya know. :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Why didn't you just stomp on his head after he bit you? Doing nothing might lead to having a known biter loose on your streets where your kids might come across him. Report it and next time stomp on the biter and kick the owner too.


Be about it
Originally posted by Sharon
I would've asked if he's had his vaccinations.

:yeahthat: I was attacked by a dog without them and I had to go through the rabies shots, etc... Granted, I got more than a small bite, but either way it was a mess.


New Member
Originally posted by PFgal
What are the rules about where you live? The dog was on a leash, but if the chick couldn't control him then that doesn't do much good, ya know. :shrug:

I remember reading a pretty stern warning about dogs in the last neigborhood newsletter.... Not sure about the rules, but I can imagine they would take pretty swift action if someone was bit... Honestly, its one deep cut on my ankle and if I was looking for a lawsuit I could get it... You know, with the mental anxiety and etc...

The girl was acting retarded and I said that to them... You know how people act like a dog is so hard to hold... My dog is alot bigger than this one and yes he is strong, but you can hold him if you are really trying.... She was doing alot of acting.... The dog probably only weighed 40 lbs(max) and she was like 5' and over 100 lbs...


A dog chased my daughter down when she was riding her bicycle and bit her ankle. Had to call animal control, find out who's dog it was, and why it wasn't chained up. Animal control took care of it and check the shot records to make sure my daughter didn't have to get rabies vacincations. PF, I really feel sorry for you having to get those shots. I understand that they are really painful. Did they have to give them to you in the stomach?


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Why didn't you just stomp on his head after he bit you? Doing nothing might lead to having a known biter loose on your streets where your kids might come across him. Report it and next time stomp on the biter and kick the owner too.

I was walking away and when I saw him come at my ankle, I turned and was ready to strike him on the head. But I didn't, mainly b/c I didn't think the dog would bite me...

I did say to the girl that if she couldn't hold the dog, she didn't need to have him out...


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Was the girl holding him an adult or a kid?

I had 2 boxers harass me one morning, they were roaming free. Told a deputy cruising around where they lived and she went there (honked) but wouldn't get out of the car until the owner came out of the house. When I talked to her later she said the owner seemed "put out" that she had woken him up. :rolleyes:


Happy Camper!
I'd be worried if she can't hold the dog now that it's a puppy, how can she control it when it is fully grown???


New Member
Originally posted by Vince
A dog chased my daughter down when she was riding her bicycle and bit her ankle. Had to call animal control, find out who's dog it was, and why it wasn't chained up. Animal control took care of it and check the shot records to make sure my daughter didn't have to get rabies vacincations. PF, I really feel sorry for you having to get those shots. I understand that they are really painful. Did they have to give them to you in the stomach?

Sorry for your daughter, but glad that she's ok... Sorry for you too, PF.... A shot in the stomach??? Ouch!:bawl:


New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Was the girl holding him an adult or a kid?

I had 2 boxers harass me one morning, they were roaming free. Told a deputy cruising around where they lived and she went there (honked) but wouldn't get out of the car until the owner came out of the house. When I talked to her later she said the owner seemed "put out" that she had woken him up. :rolleyes:

Some people... :rolleyes:

The girl was probably like 14 or 15...