I got bit by a boxer


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by tlatchaw
So if a young lady choses to stay at home and raise a family she's wrong somehow? What happened to freedom of choice?

Nope, nothing wrong with that. Just as there's nothing wrong with us moms who work and have $7.00 an hour daycare workers ruin our children and turn them into unproductive heathens.


New Member
I can't imagine sticking my hand in the face of a strange animal. The questions "May I pet your dog?", "Is your dog friendly?" and "Does he bite?" would have all been very good questions to ask the person at the other end of the leash.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by frankie
I can't imagine sticking my hand in the face of a strange animal. The questions "May I pet your dog?", "Is your dog friendly?" and "Does he bite?" would have all been very good questions to ask the person at the other end of the leash.

You sound like an intelligent person. :bubble:


Originally posted by frankie
I can't imagine sticking my hand in the face of a strange animal. The questions "May I pet your dog?", "Is your dog friendly?" and "Does he bite?" would have all been very good questions to ask the person at the other end of the leash.


But see, CEO doesn't think that way, he thinks that all creatures, especially women, are beneath him, personally, I wish he'd eat shi! and die. :shrug:


Originally posted by frankie
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. I wonder if he'll do it again?

Only if the good book tells him to do differently........


New Member
It seems you know more about my life than I do....

You work so you can pay your bills? Doesn't seem you have too many choices to me. If you don't work, you can't pay your bills.

I'm not saying you are not, b/c I do not know you. I hope that you are independently wealthy. It would be great if more people were. I'm not quite there yet, but I will be within the next 5 years. Money isn't everything, but it's sure better to have more than less. My wife knows that she doesn't have to take crap from anyone at her job, including her boss. She can quit at anytime and either try to find more work or not. We don't have kids at this time, so our goal is to generate as much income as possible. Bank as much as we can while we are young.

You are right, if you are not the owner of the company then you do answer to someone. Inevitably, I think we will all answer to God. Have a great day.