Well I have 2 weeks left with boy as I posted earlier. boy went to visit his mom over the 3 day weekend and just got back Monday. He was barely out of the car and she started on me bringing him this weekend. I said no, you are getting him for the summer in just 2 weeks.
Time warp with me ahead now 3 days.
She just called, which freaks me out because between visits the typical time from drop off to phone call is 1.5 to 2 weeks. She talked to boy and first words out of his mouth was "No, I am not coming this weekend". The wench started already.
I just told her 3 effing days ago "no" with a good reason, not that I need one as the custodial parent who is owed almost 2 years of back child support, but what kind of cement headed dingus just ignores that? So he chats with her for a minute then hands me the phone. She says "So you are not brining him? (read=You are not going to drive 6 hours on Friday night to bring my kid to see me, burning up $35 worth of gas plus tolls so you can get home at midnight?) I siad no, we are going to be busy this weekend and next weekend. Then she gets the perterbed tone. "Ok then, when are you bringing him for the summer?" UFB, I have only told her this 200 freaking times, given her the link to the school callendar and printed one off for her.
It is about this time I like to use my "misdirection play" to turn the tables and expose just how effed up she is. You see, boy told me an interesting story about his 11 year old half brother. Seems he got pizzed at her and got down the phone book, looked up "Foster Care", called them and told them to pick him up. Well they tell him to put her on the phone, (she doesn't know he called) she explains that he was just mad and that was the reason for the call.
So I ask her, "So what is up with Boy II, whats this about Foster care? She says "He is not going to Foster care, he was just mad." I asked "did he actually call them?" She says "I don't know but it would serve him right if they did come and get him so he can see what it's like."
Do I hear a nomination for "Mom of the Year? Anyone? Anyone?