I have a confession to make...


mama to two
it may have more to do with the level of abuse metted out by one forum member to another

That is what I posted earlier. The person you are and what you believe is obvious in what you post; whether it be religion, politics, community affairs, etc. Unless, one is a liar and doesn't post what they believe. That's the thing about the internet. But, then you have people come out and say how religious they are, but does not reflect in their posts. Social media exchange is a dangerous thing. I would like to see all of us constant posters here to be in one room face to face and have a discussion. That would be the most interesting experience ever! :lol:


my war
Deejay that is a nice quote but a person does not change their basic attitude and way of life overnight. Sorry I have seen this before and it was fake. It has just been my experience.

You don't know me and you never will... End of story.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I do not know or have followed malice's posts but I do think it is possible to have an epiphany just not in the case of Hank.

She and I have been here for years and I know that I have said a few ugly things myself, I own it. That being said, I tend to keep most opinions to myself, for the most part. She and I have become very good friends through the years and know the real her. Take some things that what has been said on line with a grain of salt. You never know the true persons background.

You don't know me and you never will... End of story.

I am sorry about your situation. I feel your pain.


professional daydreamer
The disparaging comments toward Hank are more a reflection of the character of those making them, than of the person their directed at.

Don't think for a minute that just because I've "found Jesus", that I won't speak my mind. Bonehead, you may want to go back and read some of my posts. I'm far from perfect. Mamatutu, your deleted posts did not slip by most of us.

John 8.7

I'm tellin' ya', you people better get right with God.


Lem Putt
I would have never guessed that you had found Jesus by some of the awful posts you have made to forumites since my time here. It seems your 'faith' would influence how you treat people even on a recreational internet forum. If you found the light {by your own admission} prior to this thread, it has often not been reflected in your comments. As far as Hank, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and time will tell. People can change. I have seen it in my life. And, mAlice has always voiced her views, {and by her own admission has recently become a believer}, but never have I ever seen her be mAlicious to anyone on this forum. There is a difference.

You seem very happy mAlice and want to spread your joy. Thanks for sharing. I am happy for you!
When your opinion matters I'll let you know. Until then keep it to yourself.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just had an odd thought... what if someone had the opposite realization, and announced they were now atheist ?

Would there be multitudes of people saying, "I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations!!" ??

I'm thinking not.....

Of course there would in an appropriate forum of so inclined folks. She could go over to the DU and get the exact same reaction were she to announce disbelief. It just so happens there are a lot of people on this forum who are believers in Jesus. I would suspect a community forum centered around San Francisco or Austin or Madison WI or NYC would have plenty of supporters the other way. Anywhere in Europe. She sure as heck wouldn't be being applauded if there were lots of followers of Islam on here. Or Budda.


New Member
This whole conversation reminds me of Mathew 6;1 - 6:6. On a related note does anyone else think it is funny that Jesus said not to pray in meaningless reptitions like the Gentiles do....and what do we do today? We mindlessly repeat word for word the example he gave of how to pray. Reminds me of when in comedies the one guy says "Repeat after me: I, state your name", and the crowd he addresses say all together "STATE YOUR NAME"
And, mAlice has always voiced her views, {and by her own admission has recently become a believer}, but never have I ever seen her be mAlicious to anyone on this forum. There is a difference.

You seem very happy mAlice and want to spread your joy. Thanks for sharing. I am happy for you!
Malice has been here posting for many, many, many years and just because you haven't seen that side of her since you've been here doesn't mean it never happened. Heck, I vividly remember her being on my list of most scary forumites for the longest time. People can and do change all the time. Ebb and flow. Ebb and flow.