I have a confession to make...

We should go out to the Japanese restaurant to celebrate.


Everyone at that table knows what Hashi is, and so does the waitress, now.

Yes! Yes we all do! I can be quite honest with you that until that super secret forum lunchy thing together I didn't know the proper name, but now that is the FIRST thing that comes to mind when I partake in Japanese cuisine! :lol:


professional daydreamer
Yes! Yes we all do! I can be quite honest with you that until that super secret forum lunchy thing together I didn't know the proper name, but now that is the FIRST thing that comes to mind when I partake in Japanese cuisine! :lol:

As customers, we don't really need to know the terminology, but it helps. As a waitress in a Japanese restaurant, it's unprofessional to not know the correct terminology of something you handle every day.
As customers, we don't really need to know the terminology, but it helps. As a waitress in a Japanese restaurant, it's unprofessional to not know the correct terminology of something you handle every day.
You made that point very clear that day.... :burning: :tantrum: :bawl:


Lem Putt
Of course there would in an appropriate forum of so inclined folks. She could go over to the DU and get the exact same reaction were she to announce disbelief. It just so happens there are a lot of people on this forum who are believers in Jesus. I would suspect a community forum centered around San Francisco or Austin or Madison WI or NYC would have plenty of supporters the other way. Anywhere in Europe. She sure as heck wouldn't be being applauded if there were lots of followers of Islam on here. Or Budda.

She didn't reveal her belief in Jesus until the 15th post of the thread. She got a good response with just stating a belief in God. Sure some assumed she meant Christianity, but for some it was just the belief that mattered.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I would have never guessed that you had found Jesus by some of the awful posts you have made to forumites since my time here. It seems your 'faith' would influence how you treat people even on a recreational internet forum. If you found the light {by your own admission} prior to this thread, it has often not been reflected in your comments. As far as Hank, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and time will tell. People can change. I have seen it in my life. And, mAlice has always voiced her views, {and by her own admission has recently become a believer}, but never have I ever seen her be mAlicious to anyone on this forum. There is a difference.

You seem very happy mAlice and want to spread your joy. Thanks for sharing. I am happy for you!

When your opinion matters I'll let you know. Until then keep it to yourself.

That's a very un-Christian reply.

She attacked my belief. Do you think that I should value her opinion?

No she didn't, she said you were a mean person and would not have guessed you were a religious person because of it. There's a difference between commenting on you and attacking your belief.


Lem Putt
No she didn't, she said you were a mean person and would not have guessed you were a religious person because of it. There's a difference between commenting on you and attacking your belief.

You didn't see her deleted posts, did you? She posts some really vile stuff then deletes it so that she can play the victim.


New Member
You didn't see her deleted posts, did you? She posts some really vile stuff then deletes it so that she can play the victim.

Forgive and forget, turn the other cheek. Be the bigger adult, let bygones be bygones. Relax don't do it. When you want to go to it. Relax don't do it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She didn't reveal her belief in Jesus until the 15th post of the thread. She got a good response with just stating a belief in God. Sure some assumed she meant Christianity, but for some it was just the belief that mattered.

Wasn't meaning to quibble. It seemed obvious to me from word one she wasn't talking about the Great Pumpkin, Mother Earth or Voodoo.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wasn't meaning to quibble. It seemed obvious to me from word one she wasn't talking about the Great Pumpkin, Mother Earth or Voodoo.

The tell was when she ended with "God Bless us all", which she probably wouldn't have said if she'd converted to Islam or Zoroastrianism.


Soul Probe
mAlice and Hank - I hope you both will always see the signs. Enjoy the Mystery and keep It close to your heart.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You didn't see her deleted posts, did you? She posts some really vile stuff then deletes it so that she can play the victim.

just saw the what you quoted today and that didn't look like it deserved the response you gave. Since there may be more that I don't know about, I'll go away quietly.


Well-Known Member
Never fails.

:shrug: I'm very happy for her. I feel she is someone who has become spiritually healthy, by her "confession". If she were claiming the opposite, I would believe her to be spiritually unhealthy.

It's not a slam. People have every right to be atheists. Just like I have the right to find sadness for them being so, and hope they become healthy some day


mama to two
I wasn't going to post in this thread again, unless it came back around. It did, so....

mAlice: I deleted a post because I thought it was uncalled for and thought better of it. Isn't that what this thread is about? Self reflection and awakening. I never knew deleting a post was against the rules, or would generate comments that I did that. Again, I am happy for your new found faith, and the courage to talk about it here. :smile:

MMDad: I never attacked your faith. I was just surprised that you are so religious when you go out of your way to make insensitive and cruel comments to forumites. And, as far you letting me know if you want my opinion, I do not need your permission to do so, just as you don't need mine. That is how a forum works. The best to you in your navigation of life. :smile:

And, just a general comment on the drama queen discussion. Anytime, a forumite feels passionate enough to post strong words about any subject on this forum could be considered drama. In that respect, there are a lot of drama queens/kings on this forum. There is nothing wrong with that, and it encompasses many; some of whom don't even realize they fall into that category, or choose to exclude themselves.

Dang! If this forum could get past the double standard thing, we would get along so much better! God bless us, one and all! :huggy:
:shrug: I'm very happy for her. I feel she is someone who has become spiritually healthy, by her "confession". If she were claiming the opposite, I would believe her to be spiritually unhealthy.

It's not a slam. People have every right to be atheists. Just like I have the right to find sadness for them being so, and hope they become healthy some day

Your assertion that a belief in God is necessary for spiritual health is quite naïve. Those who believe in God do not have an exclusive right to spirituality. Spirituality is a much broader concept.