I have been working on my Website



Scaratica said:
What is your position in school funding. What is your position on improving the per capita administrative cost's for attending CC shools

Calvert County Schools are among the best in the State. Our teachers are amazing. I recently attended a Recognition Reception for thoses teachers with over 20 years with Calvert County Schools System. Teachers and staff were honored by their peers for 20, 25, 30, and even 40 years of service.

There are people in this county, without children, who feel that they should not have to pay for the school system. This is a fair question... but to them I would ask the following question?

Do you believe that quality schools draw quality families? Parents who would search out quality schools for their children are the same parents who would instill great character values.

Once again I have to say.... If we focus our attention on keeping our children healthy, happy and safe, then we are going to have a future that is healthy, happy, and safe.

Thank you for letting me quote that statement in this forum...


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
residentofcre said:
Calvert County Schools are among the best in the State.

Becky, aren't you employed by the school system for the 2005/2006 school year?

I didn't see any mention of it on your website.


No... I have never been employed by the school system.

Is there someone named Becky Tice employed by the Calvert County School System?

How cool is that?

The website is www.beckytice.com
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I have been trying to add a volunteer registration page... the software I am using doesn't have a customizable form page.... Anyone know where I can find one?

Seems like Website Complete is not so complete.... lol


Iron City
Scaratica said:
How would you view balancing or leveling the tax base that supports public school systems.How would you balance the contributions made through local tax vehicles.How would you get NON property owning residents to contribute their fair share to the school system.Since renters are not certified property owners,they don't contribute to the local tax base that supports our students participation in the CC school system?
What do you mean by "how would you get NON property owning residents to contribute? Danm, I could have swore I paid county taxes when I rented for a year. Last time I checked, a resident is a resident and pays county taxes, sure perhaps not property tax, but a resident of the county does pay taxes, whether a renter or property owner. Please do define "fair share."


Well-Known Member

I like the web site.
Lots of solid issues I line up with.
Thanks for posting it.
Hessian (and yes, I do vote here! :lmao: )


Well-Known Member
I had hopes that Jerry Clark would have represented south county much more aggressively than he has. John Gott should have been reigned in long before he took over Lusby. South county needs a louder voice on the BOC.


There is a meeting at Mill Creek Middle at 7PM on Thursday...

This is the first public update on Lusby Town Center in quite some time.... we should back the cafeteria.... show them we are interested....

I understand that they will not be discussing the Lusby Parkway or Food Lion.


Lem Putt
Scaratica said:
None of your responces would imply solutions to the issues that exist within this county. Are you certain that you can provide and are you prepared to provide reason backed up with firm understanding and regulatory resolution that can be supported by a constituancy willing to express their opinion to support your position? You have avoided the issues at large. I must assert, If you are not prepared to embrace the residents concerns,I would most likely recommend for the county at large,to ignore your move to run for any kind of regulatory seat within this county. Your verbatim is very shell and core and presents itself with no true strengths for enhancing the well fair for Calvert County.
Try this on for size:

This is March. She is interacting with the voters ahead of the election in November. If she had a polished, sound bite filled platform right now, I'd run away. Likewise, if I don't know where she stands by election day, she would not get my vote.

You aren't dealing with a career politician running for congress. You can cut her a little slack. If you have honest questions, try asking, instead of being critical and insulting.


I'm not going to talk against Jerry Clark or the others for that matter.... but I will say this... I would work full time at being the best commissioner I can be.

I have been told there are 70 committees. That doesn't include CAPE or other organizations like it. Maybe meeting one day a week is not enough. Maybe we need commissioners that will do their homework as well as clear their schedules for meetings with committees. If we met with 2 committees a week it would still take a year to get to all of them. If there are just 5 members on each committee, there are 350 volunteers that could be an intrigal part of making the right decisions for the county. That's a lot of homework being done by volunteers. The least I could do is pledge to ask them what they think.

I know when I finally got on the Board at Chesapeake Ranch Estates, I found out how much homework was involved. There is reams of reading, plenty of emails, meetings, meetings, and more meetings...and then sometimes I have to search for answers on top of all that. I know that being on the Board of a County must be even more time consuming. I pledge to those who vote for me that I will do the best I can.


I'm not sure how to answer that one.... but I love the laughing smiley faces... very verry cool..............


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by elaine
First sign of a true politician, lips are moving. Second sign, avoiding the question.

dems4me said:

Do you know what that question was?


Scaratica said:
None of your responces would imply solutions to the issues that exist within this county. Are you certain that you can provide and are you prepared to provide reason backed up with firm understanding and regulatory resolution that can be supported by a constituancy willing to express their opinion to support your position? You have avoided the issues at large. I must assert, If you are not prepared to embrace the residents concerns,I would most likely recommend for the county at large,to ignore your move to run for any kind of regulatory seat within this county. Your verbatim is very shell and core and presents itself with no true strengths for enhancing the well fair for Calvert County.

I think this is the question I didn't answer [Its been so long ago I can't remember but following the comments I came to this one...]

Item 1... If elected I would attempt to keep the pulse of the County in three ways to learn what will be supported by the majority of the constituency.

Committees...There are currently a good number committees in Calvert County. These committees are made up of citizens all over the county. All but three or four of these committees are not even meeting. I would check with them regularly and work toward getting all committees back up and thiving again. One of the current commissioners explained to me via email that there is just not time to listen to all of the committees. Maybe the reason that commissioner doesn't have time is they are busy listening to special interests or working only one day a week. I would work at least 40 hours a week... and evenings... that way I could talk to the volunteers. People who are willing to sacrifice time with their families for the community should at least have an opportunity to see their work go forward.

Public Forums The internet is a great public forum. I really love somd.com because it draws such a wide range of personalities. I have met some of you in person at meetings. Some of you have called me at home. I would stay connected with this forum and others. I would also take more opportunities to discuss issues with people in other local forums... like church groups, HOA meetings, and school groups.

Availability I hear that a commissioner get up to 500 emails a day and 100 phone calls. If you are only working one day a week it would be impossible to know that. [So let me say that I know that they work more than 1 day a week] I would make myself more available to the people who live in the county. Hopefully my little pink Motor Scooter will stay running.

Item 2... Reasoned backup and firm understanding of regulatory resolution to the issues at large.

It's a little early for me to be giving you a roadmap of what I would do to resolve the issues I have listed in my website. My oponents haven't shown you anything. They haven't printed out their favorite issues. They have not offered an opinion on much of anything. Have they?

This is a test.... If I pass the test I will win a spot in the general. I am not going to share all the answers of this test until I can get into a formal debate on at least one of the issues.

You already know more about what I would do than you do about several of the my opponents.... I will continue to keep writing here.... I also have a blog on my website that I will be happy to use to answer questions... I'm not avoiding but I am not going to give my opponents the solutions while they have time to steal them and make them their own....

Is that ok? Did I answer your question any better?


New Member
Scaratica said:
Since renters are not certified property owners,they don't contribute to the local tax base that supports our students participation in the CC school system?

Renters don't contribute to local taxes?


It seems to me that they pay local income taxes. They also pay local sales tax.

I don't think they pay real estate tax so that may be what this comment was about.