I have no respect for...

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Suz' said:
when we needed to do that we couldn't afford it..................

that's one smart dude!!! good on him.

Now I wish it was that easy........Now we can afford it and it's just not that easy........:shrug:
If she can afford to go to a home interior party....

You know no one leaves those things without buying some piece of crap they don't need.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
:lmao: I don't get scared too easily, but the movies and stuff that scare me aren't really all that scary. Like the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (scarred me for life), The Ring (scarred me for months) and Campfire Tales (probably aimed at 8 year olds). :lol:
I won't watch The Ring again. :nono: I still think it's real. :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
:lmao: I don't get scared too easily, but the movies and stuff that scare me aren't really all that scary. Like the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (scarred me for life), The Ring (scarred me for months) and Campfire Tales (probably aimed at 8 year olds). :lol:
The only movies that scare me are the Living Dead flicks. Zombies freak me out way to much! :yikes:


American Beauty
PREMO Member

He's watching you...


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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
K_Jo said:
C always asks me if he can go places and often thanks me when I say yes. I never tell him no, but sometimes he wants me to so he can use me as an excuse to not do things. :lol:


New Member
You know, I have to put my two cents in here too.

I am a male, 34, and have a wonderful wife, we've been together for 15 years. We both are the same way when it comes to one of us going out somewhere, we at least let each other know where we're going and maybe what time to expect us back, that's out of pure respect in case there is an emergency or something.

The point is, what really ticks me off about other guys, but I get a really big laugh at them too, when you ask them to take a short ride to the hardware store or guitar shop, or something, they always say something like, "well let me check with (wifes name) and see what she's doing", I like to come back with something like, "Dude, we don't care what she's doing, it ain't what we're doing", just to see what the "man" has to reply with. Cracks me up, especially if I ask one of the guys something like, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend? wanna go out to hear a band and have a few drinks or something", it's always the same, "well... let me see what we're doing this weekend", or some really lame excuse, personally, if you don't want to go, then be a man and say NO, don't sound like a sissy by saying your wife won't let you.

I have come to realize that all of my guy friends are not capable of accurately configuring their own calendars, thank God for women, these boys wouldn't know what day it was without asking their wives... "Honey, can I go pee-pee now"? LOL

If I have somewhere I want to go, or my wife wants to go somewhere, and we don't have the interest to go it together, I love it when I can say to her, "Go, get gone, you left yet, stay gone for the night, enjoy yourself, and know that she'd not have a hissy, boy life is grand, are guys really that insecure? Glad I am a "man"!

Another great statement that I am famous for with friends and family is this one,

They say, "Where's your wife?

I say, "Beats the hell out of me",

they say, But she's your wife, you should know where she is all the time"

I say, "Yeah, I'm her husband, not her babysitter".

They say, (well... they are too shocked to really say anything...LOL!)

NOTE: she tells them the same thing about me!

I must have missed the part in math class with the problem: (women = ball + chain)

Now, would I ever thank my wife for letting me go out, or even as permission to go out? well, it's more like, "See ya when I get back!"


The Bass Player
Justyn Sayne Band

Hot N Bothered

New Member
JustynSayneBand said:
The point is, what really ticks me off about other guys, but I get a really big laugh at them too, when you ask them to take a short ride to the hardware store or guitar shop, or something, they always say something like, "well let me check with (wifes name) and see what she's doing", I like to come back with something like, "Dude, we don't care what she's doing, it ain't what we're doing", just to see what the "man" has to reply with. Cracks me up, especially if I ask one of the guys something like, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend? wanna go out to hear a band and have a few drinks or something", it's always the same, "well... let me see what we're doing this weekend", or some really lame excuse, personally, if you don't want to go, then be a man and say NO, don't sound like a sissy by saying your wife won't let you.
:nono: you missed one point. My guy DID ask me what plans we had. THAT is a courtesy I wouldn't let slide. For 2 reasons, one, chances are we have plans he forgot about or two, I could be making plans with someone for the same time and hadn't asked him about it yet.

In either case, we'd talk about which plans would interfere, whose plans are more important, etc. But when we don't have plans and/or one person's plans don't interfere with the other's then we're all good. It's when the wife says, "no, we don't have plans, but I don't want you to go." or just make up some lame reason to keep the guy home.

Also, it'd be different if the guy were out partying every weekend and never spent time at home.


JustynSayneBand :twitch:

Your post sounded so much like my husband it is unreal. :lol:


New Member
Hot N Bothered said:
:nono: you missed one point. My guy DID ask me what plans we had. THAT is a courtesy I wouldn't let slide. For 2 reasons, one, chances are we have plans he forgot about or two, I could be making plans with someone for the same time and hadn't asked him about it yet.

I didn't see any mention of kids either......that can complicate things too.


24/7 Single Dad
Hot N Bothered said:
:nono: you missed one point. My guy DID ask me what plans we had. THAT is a courtesy I wouldn't let slide. For 2 reasons, one, chances are we have plans he forgot about or two, I could be making plans with someone for the same time and hadn't asked him about it yet.
:lol: When the plans are in the middle of some long involved story, odds are we tuned out and didn't hear them in the first place.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
:lol: When the plans are in the middle of some long involved story, odds are we tuned out and didn't hear them in the first place.
:lol: We are required by law to use 100 times more words than necessary. :blahblah: :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
K_Jo said:
:lol: We are required by law to use 100 times more words than necessary. :blahblah: :shrug:
I believe it. When a story starts off about somebody at work and the next think you know it's about the dog belonging to the waitress at lunch. :confused: