I hear Ryan Woodford plead guilty and is in jail



I always knew he was guilty . What ever happend to taking responsibility for your actions? Where is the justice for children who are abused by their parents, and how do the grandparents feel knowing they raised such a monster for a child. Your supose to guide your children in the right direction when they do wrong. When you keep bailing your child out of the trouble he causes, he will never learn right from wrong. Becuase of your stupid choices as a parent, a baby will grow up never having the life he deserves. He did not ask to be born into the world that your child gave him. I hope you sleep well knowing that your child got away with punishment once again for his actions. Mean while his child, your grandson will never have a normal life. All of this pain has been caused by poor parenting. Its one thing when you bail your child once, but when you do it over and over again, what are you teaching him? Oh, I know, "mommy and daddy will always bail me out of trouble", "so let me continue to hurt others". THATS GREAT PARENTING


How much time did he get?

According to the paper, he plead guilty and got 18 mo, with work release and may only do half of that. Im sorry for sounding like such a bi---, but I just cant over how there is never any justice for the children who suffer from abuse and how the parents see no wrong in their children. If that were my kid, he would get tough love. You do the crime, do the time. Lessons to be learned.


New Member
According to the paper, he plead guilty and got 18 mo, with work release and may only do half of that. Im sorry for sounding like such a bi---, but I just cant over how there is never any justice for the children who suffer from abuse and how the parents see no wrong in their children. If that were my kid, he would get tough love. You do the crime, do the time. Lessons to be learned.

That is a shame. The child was 7 weeks old before his life was changed by this bastard.


That is a shame. The child was 7 weeks old before his life was changed by this bastard.

Yep. He couldnt even hold his own head up yet. The color of his eyes had not even changed to his permanent eye color. He hadnt even had all of his new born shots and doc visits. He is my nephew. Ive seen him once last month. He just lays there and looks around.