I hear Ryan Woodford plead guilty and is in jail



How the son doing this would have anything to do with her being a principle?

Oh Im sure. Even with child protective services. CPS treated our family so bad and gave the woodford family all this special treatment. We had nothing to do with all the abuse that was going on. We learned about it days after it had happened. Now why do you think that is? I see alot of cover up going. I always felt that way. But unless you have proof, what do you do? His parents claim they never knew the abuse was happening. Ha!!! What ever.


Well-Known Member
I don't know her. Do you?

Because she bailed her son out when he got in trouble makes her a bad principle?

First off, its P-R-I-N-C-I-P-A-L (in BF style). Secondly, it makes her a bad principal because it is her job to care about the welfare of children. :rolleyes:


I am so very blessed
I don't know her. Do you?

Because she bailed her son out when he got in trouble makes her a bad principle?
It doesn't make her a bad principal, necessarily, but it does make you question her ability to adequately oversee children placed in her care when she apparently can't see severe issues within her own family dynamics and within her own home.


I don't know her. Do you?

Because she bailed her son out when he got in trouble makes her a bad principle?
Oh, I dont know if she is or not. I meant due to her being a principle, she has connections with the courts and child protective services.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't make her a bad principal, necessarily, but it does make you question her ability to adequately oversee children placed in her care when she apparently can't see severe issues within her own family dynamics and within her own home.

That is what I was trying to say but it just didnt come out that way :lol:

thanks BG :flowers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I meant due to her being a principle, she has connections with the courts and child protective services.

That's pretty far-fetched. A principal is practically a nobody - they wouldn't have any kind of pull with the judicial system. Maybe she has a friend in the system that went to bat for her kid? But it's unlikely that she got preferential treatment just because she's a principal.


It doesn't make her a bad principal, necessarily, but it does make you question her ability to adequately oversee children placed in her care when she apparently can't see severe issues within her own family dynamics and within her own home.


The fact remains, that whole family knows what happened in that home, and someone covered for them, and Ryan got out of trouble once again. I feel we can all agree on that. I mean look at his criminal record on the maryland judiciary case search. Everytime his parents get him a lawyer and he always gets off on his crimes.


That's pretty far-fetched. A principal is practically a nobody - they wouldn't have any kind of pull with the judicial system. Maybe she has a friend in the system that went to bat for her kid? But it's unlikely that she got preferential treatment just because she's a principal.
There is no excuse for child abuse. Where did Ryan learn to abuse? Wheather she had connections or not still doesnt change what he did under her roof where they all lived in the home together. I you cannot tell me that she didnt see bruising on him. If this was your grandchild, and he lived under your roof, I think you would know what was going on. She and the father claimed they never knew.


Goes to show every one


The fact remains, that whole family knows what happened in that home, and someone covered for them, and Ryan got out of trouble once again. I feel we can all agree on that. I mean look at his criminal record on the maryland judiciary case search. Everytime his parents get him a lawyer and he always gets off on his crimes.
Depending on the family; meaning there employment, money and involvement in the Counties; too many of these "High upstanding" members of the community get away with too much...wonder why.


Yep. He couldnt even hold his own head up yet. The color of his eyes had not even changed to his permanent eye color. He hadnt even had all of his new born shots and doc visits. He is my nephew. Ive seen him once last month. He just lays there and looks around.

If he's your nephew doesn't that mean that Ryan is your brother or brother-in-law? Also, I assume that means you're related to Ms. Woodford?


If he's your nephew doesn't that mean that Ryan is your brother or brother-in-law? Also, I assume that means you're related to Ms. Woodford?
No, my niece married Ryan. What I said was baby Jayden is my nephew, and I have only seen him once which was last month.


Well-Known Member

The fact remains, that whole family knows what happened in that home, and someone covered for them, and Ryan got out of trouble once again. I feel we can all agree on that. I mean look at his criminal record on the maryland judiciary case search. Everytime his parents get him a lawyer and he always gets off on his crimes.

What happened? Did he abuse the child more than the one occasion?


No, my niece married Ryan. What I said was baby Jayden is my nephew, and I have only seen him once which was last month.

So if your niece married Ryan do you fault her at all for leaving the baby with an abusive father? You indicate that the family knew the abuse was happening but you blame Ms. Woodford for bailing her kid out of jail. Just curious...


So if your niece married Ryan do you fault her at all for leaving the baby with an abusive father? You indicate that the family knew the abuse was happening but you blame Ms. Woodford for bailing her kid out of jail. Just curious...
She wont talk to me. Im furious with her also. Even though my niece is an adult, her mind has always been a few years behind if that makes any sense. She is very easily persuaded and controlled. When this all went down, she was not allowed to talk to any of us becuase Kathy told her it was only going to cause more problems. She does everything Kathy tells her. Im not kidding. She just started talking to her own mother a few months ago. Our family doesnt come from money. The woodfords are well off and money talks, bs walks. I just don't understand how and why people think the way they do.


Yeah, okay.
What happened? Did he abuse the child more than the one occasion?

How would she know, she has only seen the baby, which was last month.

She said Ryan's mother should have seen the bruising on the baby and know there was abuse going on, but I'm not sure who she knows there was abusing if she never saw the baby before.