I just don't get it


onebdzee said:
Your absolutely right about the "package deal", and in the long term aspect of it they will be "dating" the kids. However, if any women has any sense to her at all, as I do, she will not subject her kids to someone that she is dating until she knows for sure that he is going to "stick around". So, at first he won't be "dating her kids".
My Ex had 5 kids when I married her. :huggy:
The kids were great. Nice package deal.
But after the 50th full moon she turned into a What , Why and Wherebeotch. :killingme


vraiblonde said:
What I don't get is how women are having a hard time finding a guy in an area where the men outnumber the women like 3 to 1. :ohwell:
That's because 3 out of 4 dentists surveyed picked women who know the difference between "your" and "you're". ...And have four children or less...

vraiblonde said:
When I was single, I never ever had a hard time meeting guys. My problem was which guy to pick. My girlfriends were always like, "Where do you find these fantastic guys???" And I'm reasonably attractive but never the prettiest woman in a room.
I saw your recently posted pic, and I've seen you out and about. You're a good looking woman. Deal with it.

vraiblonde said:
So I do not understand how any woman, even if she's not particularly attractive, can have a hard time meeting guys down there. It's like a friggin' buffet.

Even THEY left town for greener pastures.
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itsbob said:
Yeah right! Do you have the Harley Curtains in your living room too?
'Harley Curtains'? Is that another name for 'Meat Drapes'?


'Only women that create kaos where ever they go are remembered'

Let me help you with that...

'The only memorable women are those who create widespread chaos.'


I bowl overhand
tikipirate said:
'Harley Curtains'? Is that another name for 'Meat Drapes'?
nope, they actuall sell Harley Curtains, and Harley Shower Curtains, and Harley mailboxes, and ashtrays, dishes, glasses and clothes.. and probably furniture too, but I haven't seen any of that yet. From what I understand, Harley makes more money from their non-riding accessories (like curtains) then they do from their bikes.


This is fun right?
itsbob said:
nope, they actuall sell Harley Curtains, and Harley Shower Curtains, and Harley mailboxes, and ashtrays, dishes, glasses and clothes.. and probably furniture too, but I haven't seen any of that yet. From what I understand, Harley makes more money from their non-riding accessories (like curtains) then they do from their bikes.

Sounds like people who dress up in the Cowboy boots, Hats, wranglers and Shirts and cant ride a dang horse lol

Heck we even know someone who has the Horse Trailer and Truck just so he can show up at the Horse events, and cant ride :howdy:


This is fun right?
slotted said:
Who would want to wear stranglers?

whats the name of the bar up in Waldorf near where Ames used to be???? you'd see them all the time dressed up in the Cowboy Outfits lol