I know I'm black, but Obama? Come on ...!!!


It'll make ya feel good..
I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.

Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.

Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:

...you should be running for office with that kind of mindset. I;ll take you over McCain, right now.

FYI: "Living" document is what Dems, and many judges, think the constitution is. That they are free to re-interpret it as they see fit or necessary. Conservatives think the constitution says what it says, that it is a static document that also has the genius built into it that you CAN change it whenever it you like...as long as the amendment process is followed. Dems do NOT like the amendment process. It requires that the people, as a whole, agree with their latest interpretation.

It's important to note the distinction between the two.


NOT Politically Correct!!
I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.

Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:

Wow man, takes a lot of personal integrity to write something like that and in hindsight, I don't think (actually I KNOW) It's not NObama's color, it's his rhetoric lies with his smoke and mirrors campaign that I find disturbing.

I would vote for any well qualified black person if I thought they would do right by us all and fit the best profile as our nations leader for all main stream America's who believe in hard work, education, and ethics verse the promise of a free ride on the backs of the average working family. There are many black people who have touched my life and are great leaders, but I cannot see the logic of voting for someone based on race alone which most blacks will do with little understanding of the policies and inexperience of the candidate they are about to pull the lever for???

Here's my short list:

- Former Mayor of DC Marion Barry (crack head:dork:)
- Former Mayor of NYC David N. Dinkins (idiot!!!)
- Current Mayor of DC Adrian Fenty's (love this guy, would have voted for him if I were a DC resident!!!)
- Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin (Idiot, try's more to fix the blame verse the problems)
- Former LT Governor of MD Micheal Steel... :dude: (would vote for)
- Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice... :dude: (would vote for)
- Former Secretary of State Collen Powell... :dude: (would vote for)
- Jessy Jackson (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)
- Al Sharpton (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)

Theres more but you get the point, my bottom line is that NObama isn't even remotely qualified to run this country, this would be "Change" for the worse, and I also consider him a closet racist also!!!


It'll make ya feel good..
Wow man, takes a lot of personal integrity to write something like that and in hindsight, I don't think (actually I KNOW) It's not NObama's color, it's his rhetoric lies with his smoke and mirrors campaign that I find disturbing.

Here's my short list:

- Former Mayor of DC Marion Barry (crack head:dork:)
- Former Mayor of NYC David N. Dinkins (idiot!!!)
- Current Mayor of DC Adrian Fenty's (love this guy, would have voted for him if I were a DC resident!!!)
- Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin (Idiot, try's more to fix the blame verse the problems)
- Former LT Governor of MD Micheal Steel... :dude: (would vote for)
- Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice... :dude: (would vote for)
- Former Secretary of State Collen Powell... :dude: (would vote for)
- Jessy Jackson (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)
- Al Sharpton (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)


Thanks Chern!!

I completely agree with you. This dude, is a bad dude. I want my black folk to vote for someone who would turn out to be a great leader, or at least someone with as-like-minded goals and standards as possible. But this guy is just a flat out bad guy. Too bad most of the blacks I talk to ARE voting for him, for all the wrong reasons, and look at me like I have three eyes, when I say something to the contrary. Sellout and Uncle Tom come to mind. ( Imma pretty big dude, so you know they don't say that to my face, it would be ugly, but there is no doubt it's said behind my back. It's ok, I am used to it. Been a cop for 13 years. You couldn't imagine what I have been called by black and white people alike. LOL ) Anywho... I wish I could run for office myself, but I got wayyyyyy toooo many skeletons in my closet. LOL

I hope that Maryland get's with the program. Cause when I bumped into Michael Steele at the Bowie WaWa not too long after his loss, I shook his hand and told him, " I am sorry you didn't win, LT. Gov, but don't go away. You, J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, Lynn Swann, Condi, Powell, we need you guys. Don't let us down." You know what he said to me? Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere". Great, hopefully we haven't seen the end of him, and others like him, and hopefully the blacks in this state will, like me, stand up for what's right and do the right thing.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Wow man, takes a lot of personal integrity to write something like that and in hindsight, I don't think (actually I KNOW) It's not NObama's color, it's his rhetoric lies with his smoke and mirrors campaign that I find disturbing.

Here's my short list:

- Former Mayor of DC Marion Barry (crack head:dork:)
- Former Mayor of NYC David N. Dinkins (idiot!!!)
- Current Mayor of DC Adrian Fenty's (love this guy, would have voted for him if I were a DC resident!!!)
- Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin (Idiot, try's more to fix the blame verse the problems)
- Former LT Governor of MD Micheal Steel... :dude: (would vote for)
- Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice... :dude: (would vote for)
- Former Secretary of State Collen Powell... :dude: (would vote for)
- Jessy Jackson (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)
- Al Sharpton (racist, white collar extortionist!!!)


Thanks Chern!!

I completely agree with you. This dude, is a bad dude. I want my black folk to vote for someone who would turn out to be a great leader, or at least someone with as-like-minded goals and standards as possible. But this guy is just a flat out bad guy. Too bad most of the blacks I talk to ARE voting for him, for all the wrong reasons, and look at me like I have three eyes, when I say something to the contrary. Sellout and Uncle Tom come to mind. ( Imma pretty big dude, so you know they don't say that to my face, it would be ugly, but there is no doubt it's said behind my back. It's ok, I am used to it. Been a cop for 13 years. You couldn't imagine what I have been called by black and white people alike. LOL ) Anywho... I wish I could run for office myself, but I got wayyyyyy toooo many skeletons in my closet. LOL

I hope that Maryland get's with the program. Cause when I bumped into Michael Steele at the Bowie WaWa not too long after his loss, I shook his hand and told him, " I am sorry you didn't win, LT. Gov, but don't go away. You, J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, Lynn Swann, Condi, Powell, we need you guys. Don't let us down." You know what he said to me? Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere". Great, hopefully we haven't seen the end of him, and others like him, and hopefully the blacks in this state will, like me, stand up for what's right and do the right thing.

Actually my Dream Ticket would be Steele as McCains VP choice, may force some blacks and others to actually research their choice in candidates.


NOT Politically Correct!!
I'd go for Condi Rice over Oblama and McCain. :yay:

Actaully I would too!!! :buddies:

Now we are left with voting for the lesser of two evils...

Have to add one more name, Actor Bill Cosby (I love this man in every way shape and form!!!)
Last edited:


It'll make ya feel good..
Actually my Dream Ticket would be Steele as McCains VP choice, may force some blacks and others to actually research their choice in candidates.

You know what? I would like to see either J.C., Steele ( definately ) Alan Keyes for VP for McCain. It would balance out his left leaning ideology, as well as give him a large pause in the black community as to who they should be voting for. I tell you what, McCain should hire me as his " Minority Consultant ", na, not PC enough.... how about "Urban Campaign Reformist?" LOL Yeah, I like that! I'll get his A$$ elected.

On a serious note: McCain CAN win this, he just needs to do something he wouldn't normally do, lean a little to the right. Now I would agree with Mitt Romney or Watts, or Steele, or he is in danger of not getting my vote. Of course I wouldn't vote at all in that case, but OBAMA HUSSEIN will never get my vote. :buttkick:


NOT Politically Correct!!
You know what? I would like to see either J.C., Steele ( definately ) Alan Keyes for VP for McCain. It would balance out his left leaning ideology, as well as give him a large pause in the black community as to who they should be voting for. I tell you what, McCain should hire me as his " Minority Consultant ", na, not PC enough.... how about "Urban Campaign Reformist?" LOL Yeah, I like that! I'll get his A$$ elected.

On a serious note: McCain CAN win this, he just needs to do something he wouldn't normally do, lean a little to the right. Now I would agree with Mitt Romney or Watts, or Steele, or he is in danger of not getting my vote. Of course I wouldn't vote at all in that case, but OBAMA HUSSEIN will never get my vote. :buttkick:

Oh and just in case people think Hispanics will blindly vote for NObama you're wrong, I'm Hispanic and my Hispanic family from Florida up to Maine hate NObama and his rhetoric and he will not be getting our votes either!!! :buttkick:


I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.

Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:


thought you were moving....:coffee:


It'll make ya feel good..
great post Tomhawk :yahoo:

Thank you so much sanchezf, I wasn't feeling too good this morning when I woke up. When I went to the news on the net, I felt even worse. So I decided, maybe, if one black person, just one, reads this and votes or at the very least questions the way things are, then it was really worth pouring everything into the post.

Why does Jesse Jackson only show up when there is a TV camera around?

Why does everyone hate Bill Cosby for speaking nothing but the TRUTH!?

What has Al Sharpton done for YOU and YOUR family, not just lately, but EVER?

Why is there a conspiracy for just about EVERYTHING?! Jail, voting, Affirmative Action, etc, etc... Can't it just be that maybe you are an idiot and didn't have the grades to get into the school, keep your mouth shut to keep from going to jail, or register ahead of time to make sure you CAN vote? Of course not, it's never your fault fellow african americans, it's whitey and the MAN trying to hold you down.... Gimmie a break. I am so sick of hearing that, hey, do me a favor, can you introduce me to " The Man ?" so that way, I can kill him, and we can finally go about living good, moral and decent lives? ? LMAO :killingme


It'll make ya feel good..

thought you were moving....:coffee:

Hey Dude, how ya been? I have moved, but I stay up to date on everything, and still own my house in MD. Southern MD just kind of grew on me over the years, so I can't turn my back on the folks who are still there. Couldn't live with myself. Besides, the taxes there are still killing me. :howdy:


Hey Dude, how ya been? I have moved, but I stay up to date on everything, and still own my house in MD. Southern MD just kind of grew on me over the years, so I can't turn my back on the folks who are still there. Couldn't live with myself. Besides, the taxes there are still killing me. :howdy:


take care, and keep in touch.....


New Member
I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.
Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:

I like the way ya think!!!! It's a shame that more white, black, red, yellow, purple, green whatever people don't understand this!!!!

Just common sense but alot of people are not born with that one.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
So why does everyone assume that black people are only voting for Obama because he is black? Why don't people question white people when they vote for Mccain?? or when they voted for Bush or Kerry in 2004. There are millions of white people who voted for Obama, do you think they did because he is black??? Most people vote based on their political beliefs.

I know this might come to a shock to a lot of people on this board, but everyone in American doesn't think like you.


It'll make ya feel good..
So why does everyone assume that black people are only voting for Obama because he is black? Why don't people question white people when they vote for Mccain?? or when they voted for Bush or Kerry in 2004. There are millions of white people who voted for Obama, do you think they did because he is black??? Most people vote based on their political beliefs.

I know this might come to a shock to a lot of people on this board, but everyone in American doesn't think like you.

Holy God's of WAR, Hear my prayer: did this clown just say what I thought he said?

Look here, clown boy, I happen to be black. I FEEL COMPELLED TO VOTE FOR HIM BECAUSE HE IS BLACK! ( but I won't ) My entire family, they will, my friends ( the liberal ones ) will, the moron's at the ACLU, and Move.ORGINAL, they will too. I don't give two rat turds as to the reason WHY they are voting for him, if you read my letter above, you would know that. I just have a problem that people would vote for this CLOWN at all, regardless of color! Now, get back on your bike, and go for a ride.....