I know I'm black, but Obama? Come on ...!!!


New Member
I feel I must give you a weather warning report of a storm brewing somewhere in FL which should reach your vicinity soon.
Otherwise...Right on !


Ron - The Right Miller!
I salute you!

I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

My hat is off to you, my friend. As a Republican for 30 years and a proud American who just happens to be black, it's been lonely out there at times. Glad to know I have a few colleagues in the struggle (grin)!


Ron - The Right Miller!
Truer Words Were Never Spoken

Steele's defeat by icky white pasty guy Ben Cardin proved to me that blacks vote party, not skin color. There's a recent thread where I was telling The Right Miller this.

So I probably agree with Moe - blacks aren't voting for Obama because he's black, they're voting for him because he's a Democrat. White guilters - THEY are voting for him because he's black. Makes them feel all cool and hip. "SEE?? I'm not a racist! I'm voting for the black guy!"



Well-Known Member

Let's try some political satire.
How do we get the rumor going that Bush has found a way to run for a third term....let's see how many Dems go running to the nearest camera...print up tee-shirts and hold rallies.

It would be a hoot to watch the most ill-informed people on earth go spastic.


New Member
oh no, my head is spinning now. Ive always considered myself a democrat I guess. The living document thing...well...humans as a species are constantly evolving and changing as the 'world' does...so in THEORY big IN THEORY- why would it be such a bad thing to amend and evolve the founding principles as the nation changes?
well..before I found this post I set out to do some research.For myself, Obama was a no question vote...then I had a dream on night that woke me up...the USA is a machine...it needs its maintenance, it falters and stumbles sometimes...but for the most part, it runs well, its productive, and it makes progress. In this dream...basically Obama got elected, did well for the first couple of years (tho he revolutionized the nation in a to be determined way), then he was assasinated and thus began the new civil war. In moments of national weakness in our fighting amongst ourselves (i had also watched a doc on the LA riots the night before)...but the ties he made with certain foreign countries opened the doors for infilitrators. be it terrorists, sneaky people getting in and choking us out economically...

anyways..so after this dream, which was such a scary alternate reality, I decided to really research the candidates...then Hil dropped out..so Im not even going to waste my time there...
my head just spins. Im still for evolution (to put it simply) and changes...but when the black side of my family starts to slowly convert over and say they arent sure if the world is ready yet (again to put it simply) it really starts to make me wonder...but McCain just seems soo...i dunno...he just looks decietfull...but rules work, and laws and why throw a cog in a working machine?
I have this festering feeling of dread about the next 10 years I just cant shake...I think we are really going to be in for some tough times as a nation.:ohwell:


New Member
Just out of curiousity, does anyone else think DC Mayor Fenty would be an awesome president one day? I really admire his 'not let chit slide' attitude. He may get a little overzealous at times(think social services chopping block), but I think time and experience will curb the knee jerk reactions to clean house...and that would be change we could really use.


Well-Known Member

If you want to get a stronger foundation and be less uncertain...

go with the principles that our founders studied and built this nation.
Our "modern behavior" is NO different than what is painted on the walls of Pompeii or in the tombs of Egypt.

NO evolution in human behavior: NONE.
So,...since that is the case, we must be guided by the "immutable" laws that Jefferson pondered in 1776. To keep trying to mutate those principles & laws...look at the result: Divorce, abandonment, chaos in the classroom, abortion, drug abuse,...and general confusion.

Human morals change, the natural laws of the Universe do not. Always look at the outcome of altering the principles...that WORKED for hundreds of years. The majority of those changes are NOT better--they just add to the confusion.

So when a candidate promises fundamental change: that could be good. King Hezekiah fundamentally got Israel back on its feet by reviving the laws that founded it.--and the nation prospered.

OR...we could look at the "Change" in Iran in 1978...in Russia in 1917...in Germany in 1932...in Nicaragua in 1979--I seriously doubt those people who supported "Change" actually enjoyed the change they brought.


New Member
AHHHHHHH! who's gonna create the "head exploding" smilie for me? I will have to look into these ancient laws and principles too...Soooo much to learn so little time before the election. I must admit I slept much better at night when 'I just knew' I would be voting Obama...now that I start to research- it appears that...there are 10 sides to everything, and all the sides are open to interpretation and arguement and confusion.
For those of you still convicted in your choice...how do you stay there? Just not let any other option in? Feel it in your gut?
Has anyone been in my shoes and then found a way to stand rock solid and sure in your decision? HOW?
omgawsh...I cant even go back to being politically ignorant...after realizing all thats at stake now, it just seems morally irresponsible!


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I am black. I am a Southern Maryland resident also. I am also very conservative. I remember asking my mother when I turned 18, " mom, you are more familiar with this, what party should I register with?" " Son, you should register with the Democrats, cause they are more for blacks and minorities". Well, as much as I love my mother, I later found out, through life's trials and tribulations, that she was wrong.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and allow me to defend myself before you tear my head off. The Republican Party, to me, was a strange and confounding thing. Some of the questions I had about this political system of ours was, " Why are there only TWO parties? Why does one support minorities and the right to choose, while the other wants to hold blacks down and insure that rich people continue to get rich?" So finally pulled my squad car into a public library and researched the subject. Up until then, I just voted the way that the rest of my family voted, that was, until my SGT, who was a hard-core Reagan supporter explained some things to me. Here is what I found out, personally about the Republican Party:

1) They stand for Rights and Freedom. ( Both parties do, but here's the difference ) The 'Pubs feel that the Constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT. The words written on that paper, are sacred and the rules and rights they grant, are inherent to each and every CITIZEN of the United States of America. The Democratic Party thinks that they Constitution is outdated and needs to constantly be modified and updated, sort of like the software on my Ipod. WRONG...

My Opinion: I like the rights and liberties that the Constitution gives me. I don't have to talk, if I don't want to. I have a right to own a gun ( as long as I am not a felon ) I don't have to implicate myself in a crime, and I have a right to vote, these things weren't given to us by men, these RIGHTS were granted to us by GOD, only recorded by men. I'll explain it to you like this, Moses didn't write the ten commandments, he just brought them down the mountain. God wrote the ten commandments, and was even nice enough to wrte them in stone for us." You can't let a man take away ( or modify ) what God Himself has granted. It's just not right.

2) After the slaves were freed ( Lincoln didn't free them on purpose, contrary to what we were taught. He just needed more soldiers, but I'm not mad, in the end, my ancestors were freed, and that's that ) they could finally hold public office. A combined total of 17 BLACK MEN were elected to congress and the senate, all of which belonged to.... that's right folks, the Republican Party. (Fact)

My Opinion: If the 'Pubs were that bad, and really had it "IN" for us, why the H E double hockey sticks would newly freed black men, run and get elected on their ticket? No brainer here folks.

3) In a day and age when the numbers of black men who are dead or in jail are skyrocketing, the Republican Party preaches self respect, responsibility and contribution to society. Standing up for yourself and others, and holding yourself to a higher moral and ethical standard. Now, how.. in ... the.... hell..... could.... that.... be.... a... bad... thing.... for ..... black... men... such.... as.... myself... and.....others? Hell, that's a good point for ALL men, not just black! So where is that a bad thing?

My Opinion: Getting an education and supporting your family. Becoming a contributing member to society. Hey, all people aren't PROMISED a good life, you are just promised a CRACK at MAKING a good life for yourself. But no one is going to HAND anything to you. The Constitution has never promised that, and hopefully, never will. It's up to you to get up off your duff, and get to it.

Now, enough of my party speech, but I could go on and on as to why I think I like being conservative and not liberal. I think you guys get the point.

Obama? I don't like the guy. Am I proud that a Black man has made it as far as he has, you bet your bottom dollar I am. I am very, extremely proud. But I don't agree with a damn word that comes out of the man's mouth. Nothing. And for that, in my eyes, he is a danger to America. He is going to derail and alter, change and set askew, everything that our founding fathers, our ancestors and our God, has set in motion. ( I don't like McCain either, but the lesser of two evils? Yup ) I can't turn this country, I won't, turn this country over to a man, who wants to take away our right to defend ourselves, who wants to take 50% of what my kids will make, and GIVE it away, who will give the enemies of our great country, rights they do not have, in a country they want to destroy, who will watch this country go bankrupt by killing hope of using energy reserves, while his millions in the bank collect hefty interest. I cannot forsake all that I have fought for, on foreign lands, and here at home, to perish in a puff of smoke, just because I elected a president based on the color of his skin.
By doing that, by voting for this man, who does, look like me, I will have commited the greatest sin of all, turning my back on what I love the most, the red, white and blue.

Vote John McCain in November. He ain't perfect, but he's all we've got. :diva:

:buddies:You rock!!


NOT Politically Correct!!
Those of us still convicted in our choice is because we are doing the research on NObama, you should try it and see what your wonderboy NObama is really about. You have 5 months, get started...:coffee:

Here's your double talking flip flopping candidate in action!!!

AHHHHHHH! who's gonna create the "head exploding" smilie for me? I will have to look into these ancient laws and principles too...Soooo much to learn so little time before the election. I must admit I slept much better at night when 'I just knew' I would be voting Obama...now that I start to research- it appears that...there are 10 sides to everything, and all the sides are open to interpretation and arguement and confusion.
For those of you still convicted in your choice...how do you stay there? Just not let any other option in? Feel it in your gut?
Has anyone been in my shoes and then found a way to stand rock solid and sure in your decision? HOW?
omgawsh...I cant even go back to being politically ignorant...after realizing all thats at stake now, it just seems morally irresponsible!


24/7 Single Dad
I have this festering feeling of dread about the next 10 years I just cant shake...I think we are really going to be in for some tough times as a nation.:ohwell:

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new
constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor
at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall
of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist
as a permanent form of government.'

'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters
discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public

'From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates
who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the
result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose
fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.'

'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the
beginning of history, has been about 200 years'

'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the
following sequence:

1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage'


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Based on both your posting history, I bet if polled, most here (all races) would consider you two embarrassments to your race.

Oh and great post TH!! :high5:



Ask me if I care what a bunch of people on the Internet (who have never met me) feel about me........

NO really, Go ahead, ask me........:lmao:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
AHHHHHHH! who's gonna create the "head exploding" smilie for me? I will have to look into these ancient laws and principles too...Soooo much to learn so little time before the election. I must admit I slept much better at night when 'I just knew' I would be voting Obama...now that I start to research- it appears that...there are 10 sides to everything, and all the sides are open to interpretation and arguement and confusion.
For those of you still convicted in your choice...how do you stay there? Just not let any other option in? Feel it in your gut?
Has anyone been in my shoes and then found a way to stand rock solid and sure in your decision? HOW?
omgawsh...I cant even go back to being politically ignorant...after realizing all thats at stake now, it just seems morally irresponsible!


I think the last statement you made actually answers both of your first 2 questions! That you now know this about yourself - will help you make (and trust) those choices and stand solid. Always consider the source of the information you read and check out. Read viewpoints from both "sides" of an issue and you'll know which side you identify with.


Very interesting post, Tomahawk. Your views are insightful and though I can't say I agree with many of them they are certainly a breath of fresh air.

However, in response to the claim that most black people are voting for Obama because he is black, I will go back a couple pages to agree with vraiblonde that blacks tend to vote party, not race, and that there is usually a reason that they vote for that party.

Also, don't assume that liberals are the only people to play to a common racial base to secure votes. During the congressional campaigns, both we, my grandmother, and several of my relatives (registered black voters, btw) received automated Michael Steele campaign phone calls advising us that the Republican party was the true way for black voters, and they, as black voters, should support him because he represented the ideals of black voters support the black politician, and break their ties with the original party of slavery (Democrats). Steele is not as free from race pandering as some of you think he is.
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