I make men pass tests to date me: ‘Just stop the bulls–t’


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I got berated for walking the lady to her car more than once .

See? Now you know not to have another date with her. :yay:

Wow you have no ideal what goes on when you are on a 1st date nowadays .

Sure I do - same thing that always went on. I wouldn't date a lout, so what they do and what some women put up with is their problem. Just because other guys are dicks doesn't mean you have to be.

But if she says no a second time, that means she doesn't like you and is chewing her arm off. A first refusal is politeness; a second refusal is "OMG get out of my life NOW!! I would rather be raped and murdered than have to listen to you any longer! Help! Help! Somebody help me!!"


Well-Known Member
And isn't that an efficient way to weed out women you don't want to see again? Otherwise you might go on several more dates before that unpleasant personality trait showed itself.

Ya'll raised by wolves I swear.
I'm just saying that their are sh!theads on BOTH sides of the genitalia isle. If you have an issue with some men not acting a certain way, maybe you should ask some of the wiminz who act like sh!theads.


Well-Known Member
See? Now you know not to have another date with her. :yay:

Sure I do - same thing that always went on. I wouldn't date a lout, so what they do and what some women put up with is their problem. Just because other guys are dicks doesn't mean you have to be.

But if she says no a second time, that means she doesn't like you and is chewing her arm off. A first refusal is politeness; a second refusal is "OMG get out of my life NOW!! I would rather be raped and murdered than have to listen to you any longer! Help! Help! Somebody help me!!"
Nope you don't have a clue, it would be nice for it to be the way you think it is.


Well-Known Member
Nobody said there wasn't. But you feel free to get inappropriately defensive. It's highly entertaining. :snacks:
Nope you don't have a clue, it would be nice for it to be the way you think it is.
I agree with @phreddyp : I, man, offer, the lady (unless she’s intoxicated) declines, I leave. I’m a simple straightforward man, and expect people to mean what they say on the first try. I don’t like to play games and guess “did she really want me to or not?”. That kind of guessing games can land one in jail.

Sorry, @vraiblonde , I don’t get your claim “first refusal is politeness “. And not second-guessing a lady does not mean one wouldn’t open doors or be otherwise gentlemany to her.

I also agree with @vraiblonde : this kind of tests works both ways, and a man who fails this mindf@ck should consider himself lucky not to be entangled in this lady’s mess.

I had to go through a lot of girls who wanted to play games and caused me much unnecessary aggravation, before I found my straight-talking, honest and beautiful Mrs. That’s why we are partners, and not game adversaries in our marriage.
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Well-Known Member
General musing on modern dating:
Yes, it’s traditional that a man picks up the tab. Carry over from early Industrial Age, when a man already established in his career would be courting a lady who still lives with her parents and not expected to ever work.

Nowadays, when it’s dating between two more or less peers. A lady, unless she’s a total gold-digger, would have her own career, and possibly make more money.

It’s a nice gesture for a man to pick up the tab, but should it really be “expected”? Is there a reciprocal action “expected” from the lady?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

Here's how it's supposed to go:

Man: Shall I wait with you?
Woman: You don't have to.....
Man: Nah, I don't want to be reading about your murder in the papers tomorrow. I'll just hang tight until your ride gets here.
Woman: Thank you.

I'm guessing you mens don't walk a lady to her door, or at least wait to make sure she got inside safely, either?
I’m not sure how ubering to a date would work, may as well have your mom drive you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry, @vraiblonde , I don’t get your claim “first refusal is politeness “.

Because if it's something that will inconvenience him, saying "no, that's okay..." is a way to give him an out. I feel like he shouldn't have even asked, he just should have told the Uber driver to hang on a few minutes until her Uber got there. That he did ask makes me think he wanted to get out of there anyway and if she'd asked him to wait with her he'd have been pissed and told all his buddies she's too needy and whiny. So this way he gets to tell them she's a game player and dishonest. She wasn't going to see him again no matter what, just because he asked instead of doing it.

But there you go. If it were me in this situation, I wouldn't go on a second date with the guy. First dates are great weeders if everyone does it right. These two weeded each other, next victim!