I Think I Finally Agree With The ACLU




Monaghan wants town to live by Catholic rules

Pizza millionaire would ban sales of birth control and X-rated material in Florida community

NAPLES, Fla. - If Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan has his way, a new town being built in a quiet corner of southwest Florida will be governed by strict Roman Catholic principles, particularly when it comes to sex.

The pizza magnate, raised by nuns in orphanages, is bankrolling the town called Ave Maria with millions of dollars, calling its construction "God's will." Stores won't sell pornographic magazines, pharmacies won't carry condoms or birth control pills, and cable television will carry no X-rated channels, he said in a speech last year to the first annual Boston Catholic Men's Conference.

Most of the locak Florida news channels have been hitting this story up pretty hard lately. The town of Ave Maria will be completely governed by Catholic Church rules, and the ACLU is saying that's unconstitutional. I usually disagree with the ACLU's interpretation of the the meaning of seperation of church and state I can see how if someone moves to the area and isn't Catholic, but still wants to be elected to city office, or own a business, and won't convert, would fall into the concerns of the Founding Fathers and their objection to mandatory membership to the Church of England to get anywhere in life in old England.

It's just ironic that this principal that was set in place because of people being denied the ability to be Roman Catholics would be in conflict with people wanting to live as Roman Catholics.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You're kidding me! Why would someone who didn't want to be Catholic move to a Catholic town? It's not like this is going to be some huge metropolis with great jobs and shopping. And if it turns out that people are coming in droves to live in this town, what does that say about the quality of other towns?

The only reason the ACLU is interested in this is because they've spent the last 20 years defending porn, obscenity, pedophilia and deviant sexual practices. If this town is a success, it makes them look like the smut-merchants they are. There's no other reason for them to care because anyone who would want to live in that town in the first place would be onboard with the laws.

What the ACLU is saying is that if you want to live in a nice community where you don't have to see sex acts and hear obscenities constantly - too bad, you can't.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
desertrat said:
Who does he think he is, David Koresh?
No, we have a Republican president now. Bush isn't going to make trumped up charges so he can send in the stormtroopers to burn them out.
vraiblonde said:
No, we have a Republican president now. Bush isn't going to make trumped up charges so he can send in the stormtroopers to burn them out.
:yay: Not unless they put brocolli on the pizzas.


24/7 Single Dad
:confused: Don't see the problem.
If somebody wants to build a town with their own money, make the rules and regs and populate it with people that agree to the rules, what business is it of mine or anybody elses?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...you build a place that has certina upfront rules and people choose, CHOOSE to BUY into it and thsi is the opposition;

"This is country club Christianity," said Frances Kissling, president of the liberal Washington, D.C.-based Catholics for a Free Choice, which opposes the church's bans on abortion and birth control.

Yeah, and like a country club, they can set their own rules, yes? You can';t make a country club sell porn or provide abortions.

She likened the town's concept to Islamic fundamentalism and teaching intolerance.

I guess I missed the part about the be-headings for not following the rules. What does the ACLU teach if not intolerance to religion and intolerance of limits on behavior?

"This is un-American," Kissling said. "I don't think in a democratic society you can have a legally organized township that will seek to have any kind of public service whatsoever and try to restrict the constitutional rights of citizens."

No one has to move here. it's 5,000 acres and is upfront on what the rules are to join there club.

Why is this offensive to anyone? You don't have to live there!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Why is this offensive to anyone? You don't have to live there!
Oh, it's like the friggin' smoking ban. :rolleyes:

"But what if I WANT to live there??? :jameo:"


I'll tell ya what really strikes me as odd. The Christian Scientologists have been pretty much running Clearwater, FL the same was as the Catholics would be running this new town, PLUS they pay zero taxes so the city's infrastructure is collapsing, yet the ACLU does nothing about Clearwater. Is it because to them the Church of Scientology isn't really a religion?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
I'll tell ya what really strikes me as odd. The Christian Scientologists have been pretty much running Clearwater, FL the same was as the Catholics would be running this new town, PLUS they pay zero taxes so the city's infrastructure is collapsing, yet the ACLU does nothing about Clearwater. Is it because to them the Church of Scientology isn't really a religion?

...to me, that's a bigger issue as I suppose the Scientologists grew to take over a town. If you're already there, too bad. But here, in 2006, to START from scratch, a town with a specific code as to how thngs will be within it's limits, man, towns place limits on all sorts of things; Booze on Sundays. The aforementioned smoking restrictions. Skateboarding. Billboards. Zoning rules.

I'm not seeing this as a civil liberty violation to have to jump in the car and go to the next town to get birth contol pills, condoms, marital aids, whips, chains and Super Lube.


Larry Gude said:
...you build a place that has certina upfront rules and people choose, CHOOSE to BUY into it and thsi is the opposition;

No one has to move here. it's 5,000 acres and is upfront on what the rules are to join there club.

Why is this offensive to anyone? You don't have to live there!

There are a lot of retirement communities down here that restrict who can live there. There's a town-sized one south of Ocala that has it's own post office/zip code, TV station, shopping centers, mall, etc., but at least technically it's a retirement community and not a town. Once you set up a civil government I think the rules change.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't see why some group can't set up their own town with their own laws and rules. If people don't like it, don't live there. What's the big deal and how does that infringe on anyone's civil rights?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Help me here...

Bruzilla said:
There are a lot of retirement communities down here that restrict who can live there. There's a town-sized one south of Ocala that has it's own post office/zip code, TV station, shopping centers, mall, etc., but at least technically it's a retirement community and not a town. Once you set up a civil government I think the rules change.

Monaghan, of Ann Arbor, and Barron Collier will control all commercial real estate in the town and could include provisions in leases that restrict the sale of certain items

I read controlling real estate. I'm not seeing anything to with the governmental structure; mayor or commissioner or town council or whatever.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I mean, WTF...

...the article even says the state doesn't make you sell contraceptives.

How can the ACLU demand a town do so?

Further, will it be incorporated, a municipality, so on and so forth...???

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
I don't see why some group can't set up their own town with their own laws and rules. If people don't like it, don't live there. What's the big deal and how does that infringe on anyone's civil rights?

...I mean, since when is what is or is not on a stores shelves a civil liberty issue, especially when 'remedy' is a hop in the car away???


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh, it's like the friggin' smoking ban. :rolleyes:

"But what if I WANT to live there??? :jameo:"
It's no different than an HOA. Take it or leave it. I bet a lot of those residents will be subscribing to dish TV.


New Member
Communal living with a catholic flava..:confused: Wacolicism?
Don't let this guy turn in to a Koresh.

I think having a nice place to live where your neighbors were your friends is a good idea. In Mayberry, everyone is happy:rolleyes:

I don't know how I feel about having a whole bunch of small places like this pop up all over the US. The US needs to be just that, us. Wouldn't this undermine the overall structure of the nation?? Once you start breaking it down and having lines drawn, will that be the beginning of another civil war?

There is no longer any control..The government doesn't represent EVERYONE(citizen and native) and I think that eventually, there will be anarchy.

Kick out the illegals and the ones who came here to exploit the generosity(or stupidity of governement)!!! Work on what we already have going on here and stop trying to police the planet and save the world!
Call me a rascist, but everywhere I go I see fewer AMERICAN store owners, fewer highschool kids earning their first wages framing houses.. It's sick. Just sick. I don't want to be a melting pot if it means losing my identity in a sea of muddled nationalities.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
I don't know how I feel about having a whole bunch of small places like this pop up all over the US. The US needs to be just that, us. Wouldn't this undermine the overall structure of the nation?? Once you start breaking it down and having lines drawn, will that be the beginning of another civil war?
How is this different than any other town with it's own mayor or burgess and commissioners? There are many counties that don't allow alcohol sales - this is no different.

I, personally, am not into diversity when it comes to lifestyles. In fact, if they made a pitbull-free town, I would move there immediately. :jet:


New Member
The longer I stay here.. The more conservative I become..:jameo:
Normally I would have said, "Sure, let's all live together happily and be peacful and :blah:."


Other than that.... I have nothing nice to say:ohwell:

vraiblonde said:
How is this different than any other town with it's own mayor or burgess and commissioners? There are many counties that don't allow alcohol sales - this is no different.

I, personally, am not into diversity when it comes to lifestyles. In fact, if they made a pitbull-free town, I would move there immediately. :jet:


This Space for Rent
Yes, we wouldn't want to have the option to vote with our feet... to be able to choose different places to live within our country based on our philosophies. That would be almost... like... having federalism. It would cause a complete breakdown if we were all allowed to be.... different. :shudder: