I Think I Finally Agree With The ACLU


New Member
FromTexas said:
Yes, we wouldn't want to have the option to vote with our feet... to be able to choose different places to live within our country based on our philosophies. That would be almost... like... having federalism. It would cause a complete breakdown if we were all allowed to be.... different. :shudder:

Ok I'll say something..

Welcome to Vraiville

And not much else.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
You're kidding me! Why would someone who didn't want to be Catholic move to a Catholic town?
The same reason that girl forced her way into The Citidel even though she had no intention of staying there, to make the news and be the first.


Damn double-edged swords!!! It's that freakin' freedom thing again. If we're going to allow people to have the freedom to set up a town and live together under any rules they want to, then we also have to also allow the freedom of the people who want to be the first to upset their apple cart.

I wish Darth Cheney would get Halliburton to speed along that free-will-killing drug they've been working on, which was discussed at length during those closed-door national energy plan meetings.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
If we're going to allow people to have the freedom to set up a town and live together under any rules they want to, then we also have to also allow the freedom of the people who want to be the first to upset their apple cart.
No we don't. There's this little concept called "freedom of association" and it means that you can choose to be around others you are compatible with, without having to put up with some asshat who has no real interest in living in your community, just wants to be a jerk about it.

This town is not hurting anyone, nor are any "rights" being violated. No laws being broken. No crimes being committed. The ACLU is just being their normal antagonistic self, making an issue where there is none.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
There are a lot of retirement communities down here that restrict who can live there. There's a town-sized one south of Ocala that has it's own post office/zip code, TV station, shopping centers, mall, etc., but at least technically it's a retirement community and not a town. Once you set up a civil government I think the rules change.
The First Amendment only limits Congress and the laws the Congress can make. It does not limit states or localities.
Amendment I (1791)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
See. Says nothing about states or other forms of government.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
Yes, we wouldn't want to have the option to vote with our feet... to be able to choose different places to live within our country based on our philosophies. That would be almost... like... having federalism. It would cause a complete breakdown if we were all allowed to be.... different. :shudder:
People that don't study history and the Constitution don't realize that that was the idea. Lines drawn on map called states that came together giving up only a portion of their autonomy for the common protection and regulation of trade between them and beyond that, little else. Boy have the folks in Washington abused that for a long time and we are to blame because we don't stop or can them the next election.

Maryland was a Catholic state especially Southern Maryland. Those that did not like the Catholic flavor moved to Kentucky and elsewhere. Voting with your feet. Going where people believe as you do or founding a new place where your own beliefs prevail. The Mormons did that with Utah. What is different? The ACLU.

I'd like to see every senator and congressman turned out of office over the next 6 years. Start fresh.


Super Genius
And just think...it was a whole lot tougher to "vote with your feet" back then. Back then, it was literal...now we have cars.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
And just think...it was a whole lot tougher to "vote with your feet" back then. Back then, it was literal...now we have cars.
That is why the ACLU wants to make the U.S. homogeneous. Then there will be no place to go. Want an explosion of anarchy? Finally make it impossible to be with people like yourself or at least with people you are comfortable with.

The ACLU wants to impose their morals or like thereof on everyone.


I can see both sides of this issue. Yeah! let people who want to live there live there. My problems arise when they ask the state for $$ for schools, roads, infrastructure. If the FL state constitution allows this fine. But if not then I see problems. Is it right - well as you have all been saying if you don't like find a state that will let you do want you want.

I know if I lived in FL and all of a sudden this town wanted state funds for schools, etc. I would have a hard time giving over my tax dollars.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
alex said:
I know if I lived in FL and all of a sudden this town wanted state funds for schools, etc. I would have a hard time giving over my tax dollars.

I have to give my tax dollars for fascist places like Montgomery County and ghettos like PG County that are completely against my values and how I want to live. I don't see what the difference is.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
alex said:
I can see both sides of this issue. Yeah! let people who want to live there live there. My problems arise when they ask the state for $$ for schools, roads, infrastructure. If the FL state constitution allows this fine. But if not then I see problems. Is it right - well as you have all been saying if you don't like find a state that will let you do want you want.

I know if I lived in FL and all of a sudden this town wanted state funds for schools, etc. I would have a hard time giving over my tax dollars.
Heck, I haven't had any kids in public school for a long time. Even when we were home schooling, I still had to fork over my tax dollars for the public school system no matter how much of a failure I think they are.

Again, the First Amendment ONLY limits the Congress.


vraiblonde said:
No we don't. There's this little concept called "freedom of association" and it means that you can choose to be around others you are compatible with, without having to put up with some asshat who has no real interest in living in your community, just wants to be a jerk about it.

This town is not hurting anyone, nor are any "rights" being violated. No laws being broken. No crimes being committed. The ACLU is just being their normal antagonistic self, making an issue where there is none.

Actually freedom of association means that you can choose to be around anyone you want. If you want to hang out with a bunch of people you hate, you can choose to do that. No one can tell anyone where they can't go or live IRT public property... hence the difference between a closed retirement community (for example) and a town.


2ndAmendment said:
The First Amendment only limits Congress and the laws the Congress can make. It does not limit states or localities.

See. Says nothing about states or other forms of government.

Good point, but I think we've migrated to where we have an unofficial Department of There Ought To Be A Law in DC. Anytime, anywhere, anyone finds something that urks them and says "you know... there ought'a'be a law against that" it seems to immediately get bumped to the Fed level, so maybe we do need a new department.

But I doubt that you can find any state, aside from maybe Utah, that has laws that condone a civil government founded on religious laws... but then there's Clearwater and I still can't figure out how the Hell they're getting away with that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
But I doubt that you can find any state, aside from maybe Utah, that has laws that condone a civil government founded on religious laws... but then there's Clearwater and I still can't figure out how the Hell they're getting away with that.

...but what is a 'religion' and what constitutes one?


Religion is commonly defined as a group of beliefs concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief. It is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system"[1] In the course of the development of religion, it has taken many forms in various cultures and individuals. Occasionally, the word "religion" is used in the more restrictive sense of "organized religion" — that is, an organization of people supporting the exercise of some religion, often taking the form of a legal entity (see religion-supporting organization).

We have a basic set of inalienable rights and they are defined. States can do as this wish within the fairly few confines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. 2a says this over and over and over. Fact is, states regularly violate these few rules anyway.

I would love to make the argument that modern liberalism fits the definition of a religion and a great many towns and even states basically establish this religion.

There is a definable moral code, practices and values, institutions and rituals.
And it is definitely a belief system because so much of it is supernatural and is considered divine and sacred by it's devotees.

Further evidence of this liberal religion is that it recoils in horror when threatened by ideas like a town that would, gasp, have people choosing to live and abide by values, codes and practices that are clearly legal and Constitutional and just as clearly at odds with the established 'faith'.

Why would anyone strenuously object to this unless they felt threatened by it?

It challenges their faiths and beliefs.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
No one can tell anyone where they can't go or live IRT public property...
They can go live wherever they like, but they have to obey the laws of that town. It annoys me to no end when people do stupid things like apply to the Citadel and join the Boy Scouts just because they're pain in the ass crusaders who want to make a problem and try to change something that they have no interest in anyway.

That freak who decided that his daughter was being harmed by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

The loose screws who decide a nativity is causing them mental anguish.

And the judges who rule in favor of these nuts!!! If it were me, I'd be like, "Go the hell home and get a life before I lock you up, ya nut."



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
... States can do as this wish within the fairly few confines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. 2a says this over and over and over. ....
I keep hoping someone is paying attention.