Larry Gude said:
Being an American and a Christian is NOT one in the same then nor now nor ever. Religious freedom, including not worshiping, is in the found documents. How is this dangerous, at all?
As you say, we've grown and become closer to the Founders' concept of religious freedom. There was a time in America when Jews and Catholics regularly had their patriotism questioned because of their religious faith. Early in the last century, some Northern cities had a (comparatively) mild anti-Semitic form of Jim Crow where Jews were locked out of many neighborhoods and public accommodations.
Larry Gude said:
You think they don't know. How is that any different? Regardless of the past and what that may or may not have meant to people of differing or non faith, the fact is that today, like slavery existed then, no one can impose either on you.
Part of this is personal for me -- I'm disturbed by the concept of evangelism, because evangelists want me to conform to what they want, not what I want. Sure, I can tell them to mind their own damn business, but they shouldn't have the desire to change me in the first place.
And part of it for me is national -- I think it's possible that the growth you mentioned could actually be reversed. I worry sometimes that faced with an external threat like terrorism, too many Americans might be willing to give up part of their religious freedom for the sake of security. They might listen to some fearmongering demagogue who seeks power by manipulating their religious beliefs. Of course that might sound paranoid. Maybe I've been reading too much about Christian Dominionism.
Still, I see the all-Catholic town in Florida as partly motivated by insecurity. I suspect many of the participants believe that they will be safe if their neighbors and their local government conform to the same religion. I don't think that will provide security, because people continue to lie, cheat and steal whether or not they belong to a particular religion. It's not about the belief system, it's about the person.