Ice cream, and disappointment in lack of...


New Member
Wednesday May 3, 2007 from 5pm to 10 pm, Baskin Robbins' national campaign was advertising that they were selling 2.5 oz scoops of ice cream, for .31 cents each. And that the proceeds from the sales between 5pm & 10 pm (or closing) would benefit the local fire depts. in our area.

So after dinner, I took my daughter and her friend over to the Lusby Baskin Robbins for the deal. What the heck, I mean it was a great price, and a great cause, and the kids like ice cream. Seemed like a win-win situation to me. NOPE.

Apparently, Lusby Baskin Robbins , In lieu of NOT participating in the nation-wide advertised .31 cent scoop promo that was on TV, and in emails (for those who are subscribed to their site for various reasons. I subscribe for my daughters Birthday Club membership. I don't eat ice cream, however...wish I could though..LOL).... wasn't going to even offer to involve the community, nor give parents a break on the price of a scoop of Ice cream for a great cause.

Saw NOTHIING posted on the entrance, nor posted inside the store, that they were not participating in the national campaign. And I was being very observant. The lady in line ahead of us, with 3 or 4 kids began to order her scoop selections, and then asked about the .31 cent scoop promotion. The girl taking her order told her that "the store made some contribution to somewhere" and that "the .31 per scoop price was not available".
The lady with the 3 or 4 kids was livid. And her reaction was the same as mine. "Well, I brought my kids here for Ice cream, and I could've used the break in the price, and still feel good about the donation to the local fire dept." It sure would have been consumer friendly if the business would have
placed either on the entrance door, OR inside the store that they were not participating with the promotion.

I know It's silly to whine about ice cream. But i noticed ALOT of parents that brought kids in there, thinking they were going to get a great deal, treat their kids, AND support their local fire dept. Everyone that I talked to was very dissappointed in this.

So, I REALLY hope that they donated to/supported our local fire departments, who absolutely deserve awesome donations from our community and it's surrounding businesses!!

Because If this store didn't contribute, well, that's not right.
.....The store DID contribute to the headaches of many parents who entered the store, but didn't get the advertised sale....

And yep. I emailed the Public Relations area that promos this stuff for Baskin Robbins.
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I know people with Solomons VFD, think out of curiosity I'll ask them if they received any kind of donation from Baskin Robbins. If they say they made a contribution to the local FDs and didn't that would just be wrong. :tantrum


Well-Known Member
I hope the Waldorf store participated in this promotion, cause my spouse was going up there tonight with the grandson to get some ice cream, if they didnt participate in this offer, when I get home tonight grandson will be fine (16 mo. old.) but she'll be pissed. :lmao:


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
I know people with Solomons VFD, think out of curiosity I'll ask them if they received any kind of donation from Baskin Robbins. If they say they made a contribution to the local FDs and didn't that would just be wrong. :tantrum

I'm really curious about this. Just because of the way the girl answered the question of the lady who was in line, in front of us.
She answered it very much like she didn't give a care.

I am hoping that a very nice contribution from Baskin Robbins WAS indeed made to Solomons VFD, or The Fallen Firefighters.

It sure would have been nice to know that they were not complying with the advertised sale price, though.
I'm sure that it was a heck of a surprise to someone when they ordered ice cream for like 6 kids combined, and were asked to pay a heck of alot more than .31 per 2.5 oz scoop....
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Methodically disorganized
InsanelyBusy said:
And yep. I emailed the Public Relations area that promos this stuff for Baskin Robbins.
And they're going to reply that the fact was specifically noted that "select local stores" would be participating... not all.

Or, at least, they should say that. Instead they'll probably take the blame for not making the exception more bold and conspicuous and reward your huffing and puffing with a free scoop. :yay:


InsanelyBusy said:
I'm really curious about this. Just because of the way the girl answered the question of the lady who was in line, in front of us.
She answered it very much like she didn't give a care.

I am hoping that a very nice contribution from Baskin Robbins WAS indeed made to Solomons VFD, or The Fallen Firefighters.

It sure would have been nice to know that they were not complying with the advertised sale price, though.
I'm sure that it was a heck of a surprise to someone when they ordered ice cream for like 6 kids combined, and were asked to pay a heck of alot more than .31 per 2.5 oz scoop....

I agree with everything you say. Unfortunately, the donation could have been made to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation instead of Solomons FD. The website also said select stores, so each store was probably given the option to do an outright donation or do the promotion, most probably opted to do the outright donation because it would be easier on them which doesn't make sense because this would have been a great way to get business in the store, some parents come in order the .31 scoop for the kids and get themselves the 5.00 or more sundae. As far as the girl not caring, I would take that up with the manager, but I've been in that store before and if it is still the same manager I doubt anything will be done about it.


New Member
I get the feeling you are right.

With such a small community as Lusby...I would have thought that maybe they would have liked to have been more community involved...since people are the lifeblood of their business. ( My bad, again..LOL there I go THINKING!!!!...... )

Blah to corporate mumbo jumbo. I'll be buying ice cream for the girls somewhere else, or maybe investing in a ice cream maker for home. :)

Being that nothing was posted on their entrance, nor inside the business that they weren't participating, I'm not going back there. They've lost my business when it comes to taking the girls out for ice cream.


In My Opinion
hvp05 said:
reward your huffing and puffing with a free scoop. :yay:
back in my Ice Cream slinging days, it was always my policy that any girl that came in and huffed and puffed would indeed get some free cream.


Methodically disorganized
bcp said:
back in my Ice Cream slinging days, it was always my policy that any girl that came in and huffed and puffed would indeed get one whole scoop of free cream.
:fixed: :lol:


InsanelyBusy said:
I get the feeling you are right.

With such a small community as Lusby...I would have thought that maybe they would have liked to have been more community involved...since people are the lifeblood of their business. ( My bad, again..LOL there I go THINKING!!!!...... )

Blah to corporate mumbo jumbo. I'll be buying ice cream for the girls somewhere else, or maybe investing in a ice cream maker for home. :)

Being that nothing was posted on their entrance, nor inside the business that they weren't participating, I'm not going back there. They've lost my business when it comes to taking the girls out for ice cream.

First of all, there is a Rita's in Prince Frederick :drool:

Second, some people just don't understand that volunteer firemen, EMTs and everyone else at a volunteer fire department does just that...volunteer. The least they can do is make a donation to their local department so they can get the proper equipment to get the job done. No one thinks about this when they pick up the phone and dial 911.


New Member
I read somewhere that the Lusby Baskin Robbins gives a lot of $ to local charities and youth organizations. Maybe they didn't participate because they want to give directly to the community, not have the money funneled through the corporate headquarters.

Did they have a sign on the door saying they were participating? Usually a chain store will have a sign advertsing that they are participating. No sign usually means no participation.


Methodically disorganized
greyhound said:
No sign usually means no participation.
I was thinking that as well. "Hey we're not doing this promotion!" is somewhat counterintuitive.


greyhound said:
I read somewhere that the Lusby Baskin Robbins gives a lot of $ to local charities and youth organizations. Maybe they didn't participate because they want to give directly to the community, not have the money funneled through the corporate headquarters.

That's awesome, I just think on a night when they have the opportunity to give to their local fire department they should do it. It makes the customers feel good knowing where the donation goes and it shows appreciation to those volunteers.