If you..


New Member
mv_princess said:
Dating questions. Most people on here are married. So I want to know what I should be looking out for, and what has kept them together.

Dating at your age and my age are vastly different. I am not looking to get married (for a second time), just some kind of understanding and commitment to working life out.
You should be looking for someone who is happy with who they are and stop asking questions :lol:


aka Mrs. Giant
mv_princess said:
I guess it's a league thing. But you would think that if I started talking to them that would mean I WAS interested. And that should mean league is no big deal.
Boys are stupid. :shrug:


Active Member
Since he has just finished his medical school and I was still going my main question to him was since I was going to put off my education be help us establish his career, practice etc. and once he was up and running then I would return to finish my school. My question to him was how much of a sacrifice he is willing to give me when I start back? How much of a compromise is he willing to give during our marrige, Since I ain't the average indian/pakistani girls. I grew up speaking my mind to hell and back how much of that is he willing to take, I am not into traditions, how much can he stand, As for religion, I am moderate if that was ok with him or is he going to change me into the ninja head gear wearing wife. If we ever are to get divorced how the spilt should be and who gets the kids etc.


punjabigyrl said:
Since he has just finished his medical school and I was still going my main question to him was since I was going to put off my education be help us establish his career, practice etc. and once he was up and running then I would return to finish my school. My question to him was how much of a sacrifice he is willing to give me when I start back? How much of a compromise is he willing to give during our marrige, Since I ain't the average indian/pakistani girls. I grew up speaking my mind to hell and back how much of that is he willing to take, I am not into traditions, how much can he stand, As for religion, I am moderate if that was ok with him or is he going to change me into the ninja head gear wearing wife. If we ever are to get divorced how the spilt should be and who gets the kids etc.

Is your last name "Shah"?
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punjabigyrl said:
Unfortunately NOOOOO.

How is all of this working out for you?

Are you getting the support you need now?

Is there a prenuptial contract?

Are there children?

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
mv_princess said:
I will have to try this out. I am not sure they can handle rules but its worth a shot

I guess it's a league thing. But you would think that if I started talking to them that would mean I WAS interested. And that should mean league is no big deal.
smartest thing you can do is bang all the guys you want now and just toss them away and worry about love later after you have YOUR career, YOUR house, YOUR car, and YOUR money saved up. Oh and lets not forget YOUR lawyer to draw up the prenup, this way if/when he fools around on you he knows what he is going to lose ahead of time.


Active Member
I worked out better than I thought. I graduated college. Have 2 kids. No prenup because we talked before the I do. I also started my own investments(rentals) with his support. Now that my loan is almost paid...I want to go full force on the realestate investment.


The Jackoholic said:
smartest thing you can do is bang all the guys you want now and just toss them away and worry about love later after you have YOUR career, YOUR house, YOUR car, and YOUR money saved up. Oh and lets not forget YOUR lawyer to draw up the prenup, this way if/when he fools around on you he knows what he is going to lose ahead of time.

Wow, have we met?


I know nothing
mv_princess said:
Oh I tried that. That just made things worse. They don't seem to understand that by slow and easy means I don't need to talk to you everyday. This just seems to make them feel like they need to contact 500 times a day.

But I have been told I am "too pretty" to date. What does that mean??

Next time, from the start of the "relationship" tell them that all you want is to talk once a week and hump twice a week. Nothing more.

Im also willing to say that I dont think its the guys who have the issues.

-You want a relationship with a guy, but dont want to converse with them Daily.
-You want to take things slow... Well Just how slow?
-How do you show your intrested in someone??? Talking to them once a week, really dosent show much intrest.
-Are you afraid of commitment?
-Are you afraid of getting attached
-Are you afraid of loosing your Freedoms.
-Are you afraid that you have this life plan and getting serious with a guy will ruin that....
-I think you are confusing being needy by someone that just wants to get to know you.
-Its like you put it out there for them, but they cant have it. Just look. No touch. Stay behind the red rope......

This for me hits home... I dated a girl who swore up and down that I was smothering her.... No matter what I did, it was wrong..... She wanted to get close to me, but only on her terms... Ok so I should stand by, to stand by right??? I dont think so.

So I stopped calling her, went out on a couple dates. bumped into her while I was out on one..... Next thing I know. She's calling me....lets go out? Come over for dinner. Can you stay the night??? :blahblah:

Well, my tactic worked.... We are married now :lmao:

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
You really should start by re-reading your Dr. Seuss books. I think he can tell you more about relationships than all the advice you have recieved here.

Sometimes the basics are best.

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
Bird Dog said:
You really should start by re-reading your Dr. Seuss books. I think he can tell you more about relationships than all the advice you have recieved here.

Sometimes the basics are best.

or just talk to Drs. Steve and Christy, they will set you straight.:lmao:


mv = margaritaville
Bird Dog said:
You really should start by re-reading your Dr. Seuss books. I think he can tell you more about relationships than all the advice you have recieved here.

Sometimes the basics are best.
interesting. But I am not sure how I am going to get relationship advice from

"One fish
Two Fish
Red fish
Blue Fish."


mv_princess said:
interesting. But I am not sure how I am going to get relationship advice from

"One fish
Two Fish
Red fish
Blue Fish."
I dunno but the fish thing would be a turn off for me :shrug: