If you..


mv = margaritaville
LordStanley said:
Its like a nicatine fit.... When a man goes through withdrawls, he goes through withdrawls....
I don't withhold anything from a guy that I am with. Maybe that's the problem.


mv_princess said:
I withhold for a while. But once in a relationship why withhold? that's just mean.

One shouldn't have to. The definitions of a "relationship" are broad. If the relationship is a strong emotional one then the physical part should only make it stronger. If the emotional part is weak, then the physical part is only for personal enjoyment (either his or yours). Make any sense?


mv = margaritaville
Wenchy said:
One shouldn't have to. The definitions of a "relationship" are broad. If the relationship is a strong emotional one then the physical part should only make it stronger. If the emotional part is weak, then the physical part is only for personal enjoyment (either his or yours). Make any sense?
Um yeah I think so. All though I have to be honest i went a little off topic.

My biggest problem is when I am just starting the whole dating process, Guys seem to be really needy. They need to talk everyday, they need emails. Why?????

Isn't it a girls job to be the needy one?


aka Mrs. Giant
mv_princess said:
Um yeah I think so. All though I have to be honest i went a little off topic.

My biggest problem is when I am just starting the whole dating process, Guys seem to be really needy. They need to talk everyday, they need emails. Why?????

Isn't it a girls job to be the needy one?

Then those particular guys need to be reassured that you are theirs and theirs alone. Obviously they don't feel secure enough with you out of their sight. Perhaps their security issues stem from something within themselves or past relationships or even a fear that somebody better may take you away, or perhaps they just don't trust you. :huggy:

Perhaps you should lay down the ground rules at the beginning. IE: I am dating you exclusively and as long as we are dating exclusively I expect this from you and you will get that from me. :shrug: or IE: I am just dating you and haven't decided if this is going to develop into something more or not. For right now, let's take things slow and easy and give each the space and time to get to know each other better.


mv = margaritaville
migtig said:
For right now, let's take things slow and easy and give each the space and time to get to know each other better.

Oh I tried that. That just made things worse. They don't seem to understand that by slow and easy means I don't need to talk to you everyday. This just seems to make them feel like they need to contact 500 times a day.

But I have been told I am "too pretty" to date. What does that mean??


mv_princess said:
Oh I tried that. That just made things worse. They don't seem to understand that by slow and easy means I don't need to talk to you everyday. This just seems to make them feel like they need to contact 500 times a day.

I honestly feel for those of you dating nowadays. Text messenging, emails and cell phones have made it all too easy to overload on communication. I would wait for my boyfriend's once a week phone call to the dorm's pay phone (all the way down the hall...:lol:)

mv-princess said:
But I have been told I am "too pretty" to date. What does that mean??

I was told long ago that I was the kind of girl a guy wanted to marry, and not date. I ended up dating older men who had gotten past the "dating" phase and wanted a serious relationship. Going to the high school reunions has been fun :yay: You will see and understand in time. Take what they say as a compliment, because it is.


mv = margaritaville
Wenchy said:
I honestly feel for those of you dating nowadays. Text messenging, emails and cell phones have made it all too easy to overload on communication. I would wait for my boyfriend's once a week phone call to the dorm's pay phone (all the way down the hall...:lol:)

I was told long ago that I was the kind of girl a guy wanted to marry, and not date. I ended up dating older men who had gotten past the "dating" phase and wanted a serious relationship. Going to the high school reunions has been fun :yay: You will see and understand in time. Take what they say as a compliment, because it is.
I feel for myself in the whole dating game. this sucks!!

I still don't understand the whole "too pretty" But I will take your word for it. Guys said they wont even think about talking to me because of this.

Who ever thought dating was a good idea, should be shot.


I'm Rick James #####!
mv_princess said:
I still don't understand the whole "too pretty" But I will take your word for it. Guys said they wont even think about talking to me because of this.

Who ever thought dating was a good idea, should be shot.

"Too pretty" means "I'm not confident enough in myself to date you"

Those are guys still working out internal issues :shrug: try not to sweat it.


aka Mrs. Giant
mv_princess said:
Oh I tried that. That just made things worse. They don't seem to understand that by slow and easy means I don't need to talk to you everyday. This just seems to make them feel like they need to contact 500 times a day.

But I have been told I am "too pretty" to date. What does that mean??
Boys are stupid. You have to tell them that slow and easy means no phone calls/texts while you are at work. You only want phone calls at x time on x days, you want to date only on Saturdays and Wednesdays (or whatever). You have to set the rules.

I dunno about too pretty. I think you are too cute. :wink: Seriously though, perhaps it means that they are afraid of approaching you for fear you are out of their league and they might get shot down. :shrug:


mv = margaritaville
migtig said:
Boys are stupid. You have to tell them that slow and easy means no phone calls/texts while you are at work. You only want phone calls at x time on x days, you want to date only on Saturdays and Wednesdays (or whatever). You have to set the rules.
I will have to try this out. I am not sure they can handle rules but its worth a shot
migtig said:
I dunno about too pretty. I think you are too cute. :wink: Seriously though, perhaps it means that they are afraid of approaching you for fear you are out of their league and they might get shot down. :shrug:
I guess it's a league thing. But you would think that if I started talking to them that would mean I WAS interested. And that should mean league is no big deal.