Illegal Immigrants Plan Nationwide Boycott


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I've been to all over the north, and through most of the south, and never found anyone who was reluctant to speak English. In fact I can't remember meeting anyone who was ever rude or didn't want to interact with us. But, if you're dealing with older folks, you can find some that don't understand the language because they weren't required to learn it. It's the same deal in Korea... the older folks won't talk to you, but you have to sweep the kids away with a broom because they'll swarm you in the streets just to try out their English skills on you.
I haven't been there for 20 years, so I guess it has changed significantly.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
2A doesn't understand that when the cost of anything goes up in our econolmy the price of everything associated with it goes up to some extent. For example, if the cost of produce goes up so to does the cost of food at restaurants, so too does the cost byproducts that are developed from agricultural products. The price of apparel will also be going up without illegals, which means everyone will be feeling that pinch. The cost of cleaning services will go up. so the cost of hotel stays will go up, which means the cost of business travel will go up, which means that businesses will have to compensate for those costs.

It's not just vegetable prices that are impacted by illegal imigrants, it's an across the board economic hit.
You pompous, self indulgent, jerk. What makes you think you know what I understand or don't understand? I understand economics quite well, thank you. I am willing to pay the price to toss the illegals out of the country.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I think you're living with blinders on. Did you know that there are tens of thousands of Americans living abroad, not because they have to (military/business related) but because they want to? And most all of these people do not renounce their American citizenship. They keep it because they might want to come back some day, and they want the benefits of being an American. Most of the folks live like kings where they are because they can take a retirement or other fixed income that would leave them broke in the US, supplement it with some local money, and live the high life because the local economy is so poor they can get a huge house and servants for less than what a trailer would cost them back home. Yet they have no intention of aclimating themselves to the local country.

American ex-pats are no different than Mexican ex-pats aside from volume. They both act the same way... cherry pickers.
What don't you understand about the word "illegal"? I doubt seriously that very many of the American ex-pats are where they are illegally. That is the crux of the matter. It is not immigration; it is illegal immigration.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
A few points here... First, the much vaunted Asian education system is based on rote memorization. This makes for people who can quickly absorb a lot of information, but who can't use it very creatively, nor adapt the knowledge to cover different situations. That's why the best of the Asians need to come here rather than work in what should be thriving local economies. The US education system is different. We provide less information, but we also teach students how to utlilize their knowledge, and that takes more time than a rote structure.
What public education system are you talking about. None I've seen lately in the U.S.
Bruzilla said:
... the problem we face is that we are raising our kids to expect to live as good as mom and dad do coming out of high school or college. They all want a nice house, cable TV, a nice car, nice clothes, cell phones, etc. ... Our consumerism has led to the demise of domestic manufacturing far more than the education system.
Our public education system has not helped matters nor has our government socialism.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
Your earlier comments:

It sounds to me like you are complaining about legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants all in one swoop. I fully understand what the uproar is about, but the conversation keeps going towards shifts in our culture in the face of Hispanics immigrating to this country, legally or illegally...
Did you miss this?
2ndAmendment said:
No, because people from those cultures have by and large assimilated into and added to the culture of the United States. There is a big difference between the new Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal. They may not even like being here at all. They are here to take advantage of the system and not add to the culture. Obviously, this is a broad stroke and does not apply to all Hispanic immigrants, but it does apply to many. It certainly applies to the ones that fly the American flag upside down or below the Mexican flag and the ones that refuse to learn English.

My complaint about legal Hispanic immigrants is summed up in the National Anthem in Spanish with some changes. It is an insult to the heritage of the United States. It is an insult to all those that fought, lost home, family, and fortune, and died to have something apart, separate, and American.

If you don't see the problem, then there is nothing further to discuss with you. You are as much a part of the problem as the legal immigrants that do not want to be Americans but want to remain Hispanic.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Did you miss this?

My complaint about legal Hispanic immigrants is summed up in the National Anthem in Spanish with some changes. It is an insult to the heritage of the United States. It is an insult to all those that fought, lost home, family, and fortune, and died to have something apart, separate, and American.

If you don't see the problem, then there is nothing further to discuss with you. You are as much a part of the problem as the legal immigrants that do not want to be Americans but want to remain Hispanic.

My point initially was that, legal immigrants of all walks of life hold on to some amount of their previous home for a generation or two. Italians, Irish, etc, were labeled as outsiders and demoralized because of their odd languages, ways of dressing, and cultural intricacies before one day becoming part of the fabric of this country. I think you are trying to do the same thing today with legally immigrating Hispanics by labeling them as part of the problem.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
What don't you understand about the word "illegal"? I doubt seriously that very many of the American ex-pats are where they are illegally. That is the crux of the matter. It is not immigration; it is illegal immigration.
Give up. That little word "illegal" seems to be getting lost in the translation.

Legal immgrants = Welcome to America! :love:

Illegal immigrants = Get the frig out! :smack:

I don't see what's so hard to understand about this.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
My point initially was that, legal immigrants of all walks of life hold on to some amount of their previous home for a generation or two. Italians, Irish, etc, were labeled as outsiders and demoralized because of their odd languages, ways of dressing, and cultural intricacies before one day becoming part of the fabric of this country. I think you are trying to do the same thing today with legally immigrating Hispanics by labeling them as part of the problem.
My family has been here since Massachusetts Bay Colony, so the only ones that should complain about my heritage are American Indians. My family members fought in the Revolutionary war. I am tired of ungrateful people coming here to collect from the system while despising it. If they don't like Americans and don't like our language (I have been told by a Hispanic that is legally here that she does not like English. "All Amercans shoulda speaka Espanish.") and have no intention of trying to fit in but insist of being accommodated. I am finished accommodating.

I am totally against anyone coming here illegally; I don't care if they are Canadian or Swiss.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
My family has been here since Massachusetts Bay Colony, so the only ones that should complain about my heritage are American Indians. My family members fought in the Revolutionary war. I am tired of ungrateful people coming here to collect from the system while despising it. If they don't like Americans and don't like our language (I have been told by a Hispanic that is legally here that she does not like English. "All Amercans shoulda speaka Espanish.") and have no intention of trying to fit in but insist of being accommodated. I am finished accommodating.

I am totally against anyone coming here illegally; I don't care if they are Canadian or Swiss.

Ok, I can agree that accommodating sucks. We shouldn't mollycoddle anyone. If we take that route, I think the chance of the following generations not being happy speaking English, etc is minimized.


vraiblonde said:
What she doesn't seem to realize is that she'd be going with him.

Well, maybe Mexico will save the day after all.

Bienvenidos stoners Americanos!

Maybe this will attract enough people back to Mexico - along with some of our very own Americanos who will sneak across the border and become expatriots to be able to wallow in their grass with impunity.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
The problem is that if we were a nation of only engineers it would be fine. We have people for the entire spectrum. If all of our manufacturing jobs are shipped away, and our service industry is done by illegals what will the 70% of the population do for a living?

What happens when the dollar tanks against the Peso and that shirt that costs $20 now costs $50 or the Ipod costs $1000?

There's an interesting column regarding our manufacturing jobs at

In 1900, 41 percent of the U.S. labor force was employed in agriculture. Now, only two percent of today's labor force works in agricultural jobs. If declining employment is used as a gauge of an industry's health, agriculture is America's sickest industry.

Let's not stop with agriculture. In 1970, the telecommunications industry employed 421,000 workers in good-paying jobs as switchboard operators. Today, the telecommunications industry employs only 78,000 operators. That's a tremendous 80 percent job loss. What happened to all those agriculture and switchboard operator jobs? Were they exported to China and India by rapacious businessmen?

The easy and correct answer is that our agricultural sector has seen massive gains in productivity as a result of advances in farm machinery, innovation and technology. There have also been spectacular advances in telecommunications. In 1970, those 421,000 switchboard operators annually handled 9.8 billion long-distance calls. Now 100 billion long-distance calls a year require only 78,000 switchboard operators. What's more is, the cost of making a long-distance call is a fraction of what it was in 1970. "

If we're measuring how bad it's gotten by where the jobs are - then yeah, manufacturing is in terrible shape. If we're looking at who's actually leading the world in manufacturing - and I don't mean shirts and shoes, but microprocessors and aircraft - yeah, we're still doing it. We just do it with less.