Illegal Immigrants Plan Nationwide Boycott


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
No, because people from those cultures have by and large assimilated into and added to the culture of the United States. There is a big difference between the new Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal. They may not even like being here at all. They are here to take advantage of the system and not add to the culture. Obviously, this is a broad stroke and does not apply to all Hispanic immigrants, but it does apply to many. It certainly applies to the ones that fly the American flag upside down or below the Mexican flag and the ones that refuse to learn English.

I'd like to see some stats on how many are here just for the dollars and how many are here for the opportunity?

I'm also not sure about how we resolve our feelings towards the new immigrants. I think if you looked back in time, we've always had some contempt for the new group on the block, especially if there was one group/nationality making up the majority/plurality of the new immigrants. I can't figure out if we are approaching things differently this time around? Is it because there are illegals in the mix?


24/7 Single Dad
dck4shrt said:
I'd like to see some stats on how many are here just for the dollars and how many are here for the opportunity?
Should be easy to get those figures for undocumented, illegal aliens :sarcasm:


Lem Putt
dck4shrt said:
I'd like to see some stats on how many are here just for the dollars and how many are here for the opportunity?

I'm also not sure about how we resolve our feelings towards the new immigrants. I think if you looked back in time, we've always had some contempt for the new group on the block, especially if there was one group/nationality making up the majority/plurality of the new immigrants. I can't figure out if we are approaching things differently this time around? Is it because there are illegals in the mix?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

None of the 175 seasonal laborers who normally work Mike Collins' 500 acres of Vidalia onion fields in southeastern Georgia showed up.

"We need to be going wide open this time of year to get these onions out of the field," he said. "We've got orders to fill. Losing a day in this part of the season causes a tremendous amount of problems."
What this should tell us is that illegal immigrants are holding us hostage and employing them and their supporters puts your business in a precarious position.

What I don't understand is how someone gets away with hiring large numbers of illegals anyway. Do they all have fake IDs? They can't all get paid in cahs because at some point the business owner is going to have to account for that expenditure.

Anyone know how this works on a large scale?


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:

What this should tell us is that illegal immigrants are holding us hostage and employing them and their supporters puts your business in a precarious position.

What I don't understand is how someone gets away with hiring large numbers of illegals anyway. Do they all have fake IDs? They can't all get paid in cahs because at some point the business owner is going to have to account for that expenditure.

Anyone know how this works on a large scale?
"Mike Collins' 500 acres of Vidalia onion fields" should tell them they don't have a job tomorrow. Wait until Wednesday and then hire the ones who are smart enough to come begging back, and tell them they have 3 days to finish five days of work, or else they'll call Emigra.


Well-Known Member

I've sat on my hands long enough!

Can you say coorporate greed, sure you can. It's not about migrant farm workers anymore, or a people that are willing to "do jobs average americans refuse". It's totally about the bottom line. While the botom line makes the coorparte world go around. Using illegals has pushed the boundries of ethics, and what I thought made this country great. Call me simple, call me out-of-touch. Simple is as simple does!

The protest today is a prime example. Employers getting an influx of calls from hispanic workers requesting a day off, and said employers relenting to such requests. Why, because not doing so means losing a cheap work force, and a positive bottom line. How many businesses have you worked for that would honor such a request. Say, your whole office wants the day off to go to DC and protest gas prices, never happen!

Corparte America has invested millions of dollars in lobbying efforts towards capital hill. Pushing the money to get a blanketed amesty for "illegal aliens". Why, well that's obvious, paying lower wages with no fines, and rampant manipulation of the system. Some might say..."well this is capitlization at it finest". Perhaps, but at the expense of selling out, the selling of America...

Another thing, it's just not about hispanics anymore. There is a decline in white collar wages as well. The biggest hit; Computer Sciences, and engineering. Now Coorporate America is seeking these canidates from India, Pakisitan, Korea, and Thailand. Why...well, the same reason American Express has major financial operational sites in India!

It loathes me to see people wave flags from another country, being here illegally, protesting on American soil for rights they don't deserve, when so many Americans have sacrifised their lives that we may prosper.

Enough! We cannot be this blind, someone has to see the light!


Rocky Mountain High!!
Well the ONLY thing i saw in DC (2 blocks from the white house) was the ONE day i decide to walk to Mickey Ds it's CLOSEd because this particular franchise is Mexican owned, and that's ALL that works there. So what did i do? walked a half a block to the Japanese owned restaurant, where there was PLENTY of food :lol: No impact on me. Just a lost days wages and income for the owner, i hope it was worth it to him. Maybe now he'll teach his employees to speak ENGLISH.


crabcake said:
Why don't we just take over Mexico already? :shrug: It's clear most of their people think the government sucks, or they'd stay put and help initiate change vs. risking life and limb to come to the U.S. Let's take it over, get a few companies to go down and create jobs for the people there, and make it easier on us to travel to someplace with clear blue water. :yay:

Maybe we oughta help the illegals overthrow their own government ... then we'd be doing these people a real service vs. handing them healthcare, welfare, and free citizenship here for simply crossing the border. :shrug:
And they got lots of oil. :yay:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
No work today at the new apt complex on Billingsley Rd. The place was a ghost town when I passed it on my way to work.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
I've sat on my hands long enough!

Can you say coorporate greed, sure you can. It's not about migrant farm workers anymore, or a people that are willing to "do jobs average americans refuse". It's totally about the bottom line. While the botom line makes the coorparte world go around. Using illegals has pushed the boundries of ethics, and what I thought made this country great. Call me simple, call me out-of-touch. Simple is as simple does!

The protest today is a prime example. Employers getting an influx of calls from hispanic workers requesting a day off, and said employers relenting to such requests. Why, because not doing so means losing a cheap work force, and a positive bottom line. How many businesses have you worked for that would honor such a request. Say, your whole office wants the day off to go to DC and protest gas prices, never happen!
:yay: It's all about the all-mighty dollar anymore unfortunately. No longer is "Made in America" proudly displayed. It means you'll probably be shortly out of business because your competitor has produced it cheaper somewhere off of American soil. :ohwell:

Corparte America has invested millions of dollars in lobbying efforts towards capital hill. Pushing the money to get a blanketed amesty for "illegal aliens". Why, well that's obvious, paying lower wages with no fines, and rampant manipulation of the system. Some might say..."well this is capitlization at it finest". Perhaps, but at the expense of selling out, the selling of America...
It's been sold out for a long time. Until we reform our laws and make it unattractive to "sell out" it will continue - guaranteed.

Another thing, it's just not about hispanics anymore. There is a decline in white collar wages as well. The biggest hit; Computer Sciences, and engineering. Now Coorporate America is seeking these canidates from India, Pakisitan, Korea, and Thailand. Why...well, the same reason American Express has major financial operational sites in India!
All major corporations do today. Just call any help desk and see who you're connected with: Rajah instead of Joe. As an IT professional, I see more and more jobs going overseas and it quite frankly scares the hell out of me. Our cost of living cannot compete with theirs and they are willing to work for a third of the cost just to have the business and can live much cheaper than we can.

It loathes me to see people wave flags from another country, being here illegally, protesting on American soil for rights they don't deserve, when so many Americans have sacrifised their lives that we may prosper.

Enough! We cannot be this blind, someone has to see the light!
Amen. I couldn't have said it any better. :clap:


24/7 Single Dad
Airgasm said:
Corparte America has invested millions of dollars in lobbying efforts towards capital hill. Pushing the money to get a blanketed amesty for "illegal aliens". Why, well that's obvious, paying lower wages with no fines, and rampant manipulation of the system. Some might say..."well this is capitlization at it finest". Perhaps, but at the expense of selling out, the selling of America...
:confused: If they got amnesty and citizinship, they'd be protected by the minimum wage laws.


Salt Life
I just received this via email. I can't say whether it's true or not, but it's still good reading! :yay:

A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant
An imaginary exercise.
By Tom Tancredo

What would a day without illegal aliens really be like? Let’s try to imagine it.

On May 1, millions of illegal aliens working in meat-processing plants, construction, restaurants, hotels, and other “jobs Americans won’t do” are supposed to stay home from work to show the importance of their labor to our nation’s economy. Doubtless, there will be some inconvenience if that happens, but there is another side to the story that is not being reported.
We are talking about illegal aliens, not mere “immigrants.” If legal immigrants stopped working for a day, we would miss the services of physicians, nurses, computer programmers, writers, actors, musicians, entrepreneurs of all stripes, and some airline pilots…as well as the CEO of Google. That would be more than an inconvenience, but it won’t happen because legal immigrants are not out marching angrily for rights that are already protected by our courts.
But if illegal aliens all took the day off and were truly invisible for one day, there would be some plusses along with the mild inconveniences.
Hospital emergency rooms across the southwest would have about 20-percent fewer patients, and there would be 183,000 fewer people in Colorado without health insurance.
OBGYN wards in Denver would have 24-percent fewer deliveries and Los Angeles’s maternity-ward deliveries would drop by 40 percent and maternity billings to Medi-Cal would drop by 66 percent.
Youth gangs would see their membership drop by 50 percent in many states, and in Phoenix, child-molestation cases would drop by 34 percent and auto theft by 40 percent.
In Durango, Colorado, and the Four Corners area and the surrounding Indian reservations, the methamphetamine epidemic would slow for one day, as the 90 percent of that drug now being brought in from Mexico was held in Albuquerque and Farmington a few hours longer. According to the sheriff of La Plata County, Colorado, meth is now being brought in by ordinary illegal aliens as well as professional drug dealers.
If the “Day-Without-an-Immigrant Boycott” had been held a year earlier on May 8, 2005, and illegal alien Raul Garcia-Gomez had stayed home and did not work or go to a party that day, Denver police officer Donnie Young would still be alive and Garcia-Gomez would not be sitting in a Denver jail awaiting trial.
If the boycott had been held on July 1, 2004, Justin Goodman of Thornton, Colorado, would still be riding his motorcycle and Roberto Martinez-Ruiz would not be in prison for killing him and then fleeing the scene while driving on a suspended license.
If illegal aliens stayed home—in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, and 100 other countries—the Border Patrol would have 3,500 fewer apprehensions (of the 12,000 who try each day).
Colorado taxpayers would save almost $3,000,000 in one day if illegals do not access any public services, because illegal aliens cost the state over $1 billion annually according to the best estimates.
Colorado’s K-12 school classrooms would have 131,000 fewer students if illegal aliens and the children of illegals were to stay home, and Denver high schools’ dropout rate would once again approach the national norm.
Colorado’s jails and prisons would have 10-percent fewer inmates, and Denver and many other towns would not need to build so many new jails to accommodate the overcrowding.
Our highway patrol and county sheriffs would have about far fewer DUI arrests and there would be a dramatic decline in rollovers of vanloads of illegal aliens on I-70 and other highways.
On a Day Without an Illegal Immigrant, thousands of workers and small contractors in the construction industry across Colorado would have their jobs back, the jobs given to illegal workers because they work for lower wages and no benefits. (On the other hand, if labor unions continue signing up illegal workers, no one will be worrying about Joe Six-Pack’s loss. Sorry, Joe, but you forgot to tell your union business agent that your job is as important as his is.) If it fell on a Sunday, Catholic Churches in the southwestern states might have 20-percent fewer parishioners at Mass if all illegals stayed home, but they would be back next Sunday, so the bishop’s job is not in danger. The religious leaders who send people to the marches and rallies will never fear for their jobs, because illegal aliens need their special “human-rights” advocacy and some priests and nuns seem especially devoted to that cause. The fact that most Catholics disagree with the bishops’ radicalism doesn’t seem to affect their dedication to undermining the rule of law. All of this might be a passing colorful episode in the heated national debate over immigration policy if it weren’t for an odd coincidence: The immigration-enforcement agency responsible for locating and deporting illegal aliens is also taking the day off today. Of course, they didn’t call it a boycott. It is just (non)business as usual.

—Tom Tancredo is a Republican congressman from Colorado.


New Member
Airgasm said:
Another thing, it's just not about hispanics anymore. There is a decline in white collar wages as well. The biggest hit; Computer Sciences, and engineering. Now Coorporate America is seeking these canidates from India, Pakisitan, Korea, and Thailand. Why...well, the same reason American Express has major financial operational sites in India!

I hope you don't shop at Wal-Mart or any other big box retailer. If you believe in your argument, then American service jobs that have been outcompeted in the marketplace should be on equal footing with American factory jobs that were long ago shipped overseas.

If we can't compete that's our own fault for letting our education system slip to, at best, even-par with SE Asia. And if we don't step it up, in the long run, we'll lose. Corporations will do what makes sense for them. They don't owe us or our government anything.


Well-Known Member
dck4shrt said:
I hope you don't shop at Wal-Mart or any other big box retailer. If you believe in your argument, then American service jobs that have been outcompeted in the marketplace should be on equal footing with American factory jobs that were long ago shipped overseas.

If we can't compete that's our own fault for letting our education system slip to, at best, even-par with SE Asia. And if we don't step it up, in the long run, we'll lose. Corporations will do what makes sense for them. They don't owe us or our government anything.

My point was not about countries out-pacing americans in the classroom. American companies in the Computer/IT and engineering sectors are specifically targeting canidates from the countries I mentioned. Even to the point of specifying on job listings that only canidates from these countries need apply. Why, because these people will work for lower wages, thus driving down salaries for american technology types.

And no, I don't do Wal-Mart!


2ndAmendment said:
I did not find that to be true outside the areas Americans normally travel in Japan. When I got into the countryside, English signs were few and far between and the people might understand your English but were reluctant to speak English.

I've been to all over the north, and through most of the south, and never found anyone who was reluctant to speak English. In fact I can't remember meeting anyone who was ever rude or didn't want to interact with us. But, if you're dealing with older folks, you can find some that don't understand the language because they weren't required to learn it. It's the same deal in Korea... the older folks won't talk to you, but you have to sweep the kids away with a broom because they'll swarm you in the streets just to try out their English skills on you.


SamSpade said:
I take it my point wasn't lost on you, however. Perhaps it might have been more clear had I selected a country where that wasn't the case? Maybe Russia? France?

There's a difference between offering a guest a drink, and your guest demanding one.

And then insulting you because the drink isn't as good as the one from his country.

After you GAVE it to him.

Your point was not lost, I was just merely pointing out some knowledge that the U.S. Navy gave me by sending my big behind all over this World. And I hate to tell you, but for the most part France and Russia are quickly headed the way of Japan in regards to speaking English. With the US being the big economic dog on the block, you must speak English to do business with us. So most countries either offer English in the schools or require it. I've been to just about everywhere except for the poles, and the only place that I've been to that isn't at least partially bilingual is Puerto Rico (of all places.)


New Member
Airgasm said:
My point was not about countries out-pacing americans in the classroom. American companies in the Computer/IT and engineering sectors are specifically targeting canidates from the countries I mentioned. Even to the point of specifying on job listings that only canidates from these countries need apply. Why, because these people will work for lower wages, thus driving down salaries for american technology types.

And no, I don't do Wal-Mart!

That's life. Companies will do what they have to do in order to improve the bottom line. We either accept lower wages, outcompete our competitors, or become commies.


2ndAmendment said:
Bru is pro illegal, because he doesn't want the cost of his vegetables to go up.

2A doesn't understand that when the cost of anything goes up in our econolmy the price of everything associated with it goes up to some extent. For example, if the cost of produce goes up so to does the cost of food at restaurants, so too does the cost byproducts that are developed from agricultural products. The price of apparel will also be going up without illegals, which means everyone will be feeling that pinch. The cost of cleaning services will go up. so the cost of hotel stays will go up, which means the cost of business travel will go up, which means that businesses will have to compensate for those costs.

It's not just vegetable prices that are impacted by illegal imigrants, it's an across the board economic hit.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
France and Russia are quickly headed the way of Japan in regards to speaking English.

There talk this morning on the radio about immigration issues in France. The French leadership is saying that if they want to come here, they have to learn the language and follow their rules. If they don't like it, they can feel free to leave.

guess we can start eating french fries again? :lmao: