I'm not a religious person, but damn, Olympics.....


Power with Control

Gonna do one with Mohammed in drag too? Of course not you cowardly bastards. Screw off with mocking someone else's beliefs. And the one wearing blue is Jesus.


Well-Known Member
The French have long despised Christendom.
**Butchering of the Huguenots
**Butchering Priests & Nuns during the Revolution
and let's not neglect:

"... on this day, the 10th of November, in 1793, that the revolutionary French Convention proclaimed the investiture of a goddess of reason. She was the central figure for a new state sponsored cult designed to replace Catholic Christianity. The deity’s image was installed on the high altar of the once (and future) Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

For some reason I am intrigued with this moment and have marked it at this blog several times over the past few years as it has rolled around.

And here we are again…

The goddess and the cult were the brainchild of among others Pierre Gaspard Chaumette, Antoine-Francois Momoro, & Jacques Hebert. Herbet had been a journalist before being swept up in the revolution, becoming one of its early leaders. Momoro had been a bookseller before the revolution. He is noted for among other things the motto “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite!” Chaumette was also one of the leaders of the French Revolution and the first president of the Commune. He was also a chief architect of the Reign of Terror, and like many others sooner rather than later would find his own neck cut by madam Guillotine.

All churches were turned into temples of "Reason"

This barbaric opening of the olympics should provoke the wrath of God again on this pagan nation which has done so much damage to His faithful....Let the Muslims begin their bloody purge (again)...there is no Charles Martel to save them.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

The French have long despised Christendom.
**Butchering of the Huguenots
**Butchering Priests & Nuns during the Revolution
and let's not neglect:

Yeah. Those French. French here is another word for Bolshevik, the same ones that did the Holodomor. One just have to ask themselves, who is it, what group is it, that really hates Jesus Christ and those that follow him, and you'll find the answer. And it is not the French.


Well-Known Member
I saw this here and wondered what it was about, since I pay so little attention to the Olympics.
I looked it up on a search engine and was stunned.
Stunned that something so outrageous a part of opening ceremonies and 3 drag queens actually carried the Olympic flag.

I obviously will not be watching the Olympics. I don't even care who wins.
IMO they should all walk out , but of course they have all worked hard to get there and want their opportunity to win.

The world is in rough shape when this is what they come up with to start the Olympics.


Well-Known Member
Disclosure coming soon..?

Is this why certain countries wanted Israel banned from the Olympics?

Blacked out horrific photos


What did Trump say about wanting hostages returned recently.




Well-Known Member
I think - with the exception of the 96 Olympics - I haven’t watched them since the Miracle on Ice (and being only about 50 miles from Lake Placid at the time - wished I’d gone).

It just no longer has the East-West vibe it had. The free world vs. communism. The amateurs of the West against the trained-since-birth paid athletes of the East.

Just dull now.


Well-Known Member

Gonna do one with Mohammed in drag too? Of course not you cowardly bastards. Screw off with mocking someone else's beliefs. And the one wearing blue is Jesus.

So next time the Moose Limbs (aka the "Religion of Peace") wants to visit destruction on France, I'm gonna point and laugh. Loud and long.


Well-Known Member
Disclosure coming soon..?

Is this why certain countries wanted Israel banned from the Olympics?

Blacked out horrific photos

View attachment 178499

What did Trump say about wanting hostages returned recently.

View attachment 178500

I hope it's not true, because every single country on earth will turn against them (and hopefully the New York kikes as well) en masse.

That's a horrible thing to even accuse Israel of unless they have irrefutable evidence, and lots of it.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, the mere accusation is enough.