[187]Don't forget Pyrrhic [/187]Toxick said:To make Bush (and his ubiquitous cronies) look bad.
The worse Bush looks the better the Democrats look - and the better the Democrats look, the more likely it is they will gain power in 2008, be it Hillary Cliton or JFKerry again, not to mention the House and Senate.
And thats what they want.
As for the assertion or insistance that this is a counterproductive or even suicidal tactic, I invite you (and Tonio) to look up the words Machiavellian.
Perhaps Svengalian would be even better.
How did I not see this coming.dems4me said:I subscribe to Newsweek
truby20 said:Well considering Newsweek is a subsidiary of The Washington Post you should be locking up Post stockholders...I doubt many on this board will disagree with that idea.
Isn't this a criminal case? The slam dunk charge is inciting a riot.vraiblonde said:http://reuters.myway.com/article/20050516/2005-05-16T002959Z_01_N15405868_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-RELIGION-AFGHAN-NEWSWEEK-DC.html
I'm sure that will be a great comfort to the loved ones of those killed.
I'm dissapointed in you Vrai! That comment almost sounds like a liberal consiracy theorist.vraiblonde said:Yes. And do you know what it is? It's Newsweek printing a story that had no basis in fact, which I FIRMLY believe they did in order to incite the Muslims and thwart the war effort.
The Iraqi insurgents are not a big an enemy as our own home-grown news organizations.
But terrorism and war were going on in 2004 and Bush barely had it so I don't think your comment is accurate. More accuratly, no matter what's going on in the world, if the Republicans put up a bad candidate in 08, they won't win. Remember that the largest war this country has been in, a democrat was in office. I'll be relieved if Jeb Bush doesn't run, family dynasties make me nervous, but Mrs. Clinton makes me sick.Tonio said:If terrorism increases, there's no way in hell a Democrat would be elected. The American people trust Republicans more to keep the country safe.
Are you talking about WW2? Because the Democrats acquired their anti-military reputation after Vietnam.Bustem' Down said:Remember that the largest war this country has been in, a democrat was in office.
There are not too many similarities in todays Democrats and the Democrats of the WWII era.Bustem' Down said:Remember that the largest war this country has been in, a democrat was in office.
Perhaps - but remember, that war raged for over 2 years before we were brought into it. We just issued yet another apology for looking the other way while people were being slaughtered. Even Wilson avoided WW1, and RAN ON THE SLOGAN "He kept us out of the War" - and then got into it anyway. How different is that?willie said:There are not too many similarities in todays Democrats and the Democrats of the WWII era.
dems4me said:Well maybe that's were we start to differ in opinions. I subscribe to Newsweek and have always enjoyed reading it and look forward to the Conventional Wisdom part (where they give a thumbs up or down, etc...) They make fun of democrats in the magazine too :shrug:
I agree with you for the most part. I don't see Christianity as "our" religion, even though most Americans are Christian. We're not fighting for Christianity, we're fighting for freedom. One of the reasons I love America is that patriotic Americans come from all faiths. That's something that the Saudis will probably never understand.SamSpade said:Our soldiers put their *lives* on the line over there, and while they're face down on the sands of Saudi, the Muslims are decrying that the crosses around their necks might touch the sacred sands of Arabia. They show zero tolerance for our religion, and continually never even hesitate to demonstrate contempt and violence towards those who espouse Christianity (or heaven forbid, Judaism). We're NOT to practice our religion over there at all - while they're free to spit on ours EVEN WHILE our men are dying for them. Burn a bible, desecrate a cross - heck, blow up a giant Buddha or few Jews - and we're all willing to apologize for our "lack of understanding". And *we're* the ones who are intolerant?
Q With respect, who made you the editor of Newsweek? Do you think it's appropriate for you, at that podium, speaking with the authority of the President of the United States, to tell an American magazine what they should print?
When we are in office soon be sure I don't talk to the press. If it were me at the podium I would have come unglued and that reporter would have something really good to write about when they got out of traction.FromTexas said:We are going to make this worse, because you called us on the carpet continually for our poor reporting and we aren't going to take it anymore! How can you make us responsible for what we write!!!?!?! Don't dare advise us to write good things!!!
Gosh! I guess they would rather pander to the current angst in Pakistan and Afghanistan that the White House was behind the retraction and covering up the story! Doesn't it seem that way? I mean, how dare the White House make a sane suggestion like retract what you can't prove and write about the regulations we do have for our guys handling the Koran!
The media... what a bunch of retards.
Income redistribution...aka "Death Tax", ponder that one.dems4me said:Democrats don't hate... I find them to be very big-hearted and caring-for-everybody kind of people.