I'm wondering...


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Well, you asked what it felt like, and I told you what it felt like for me. What more do you want? :shrug:

:lol: And I appreciate your input, but it still didn't help. :shrug: What can I say?

2A's response was excellent. It's what I was looking for. :yay: Finally.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
There is no "why" with a subjective feeling. What did you feel like when you fell in love with your husband? When your daughter was born?

A long time ago, I felt like God "spoke" to me (this was when I embarked on my spiritual odyssey). Here's the story:

I was always a non-believer, even as a kid. During a particularly troubling period in my adult life, a friend suggested I talk to God and lay my troubles at His feet. So I did, figuring she was doing okay so she must know what she's talking about. I lay in bed and "talked" to God, telling Him all my troubles and woes and asking for guidance. What I "felt" and got back was a sense of "what will be will be". Like everything has a purpose and these troubles I was having were a precursor to growth and later fulfillment. That I must go through these trying times in order to get to my happy destination. But get through them I would, and with flying colors.

I thought about all the troubles in the world and how my pathetic little problems were completely insignificant compared to, say, someone whose little girl was abducted, raped and murdered or some mother in Ethiopia watching her children starve to death.

So how to describe the actual feeling?

It was a sense of resolution, of peace, of sureness, of purpose. That's the best I can do. The only "answer" that came to me was that this, too, shall pass and tomorrow's another day. So it's not like "God" said, here's what you need to do. It was more like, why are you worrying about something so stupid? You should be thankful for all the blessings you have and not spend a lot of time worrying about what you don't have.

Does that help?
:huggy: Wow. And you still say you are an agnostic. :lmao: You have experienced the "peace that surpasses all understanding" which is given by God and don't acknowledge the source. Love you. I know you will "get there".

One thing I would point out is that God is concerned even about the "little things" in our life.
Luke 12:4-9

<sup id="en-NASB-25464">4</sup>"I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do.

<sup id="en-NASB-25465">5</sup>"But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!

<sup id="en-NASB-25466">6</sup>"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God.

<sup id="en-NASB-25467">7</sup>"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

<sup id="en-NASB-25468">8</sup>"And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will confess him also before the angels of God;

<sup id="en-NASB-25469">9</sup>but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.


2ndAmendment said:
:huggy: Wow. And you still say you are an agnostic. :lmao: You have experienced the "peace that surpasses all understanding" which is given by God and don't acknowledge the source. Love you. I know you will "get there".

One thing I would point out is that God is concerned even about the "little things" in our life.

Good point, 2A! God is in the little things. You don't have to look for big miracles and lightning bolts. just doing what God wants us to do (i.e love one another) could be a simple as giving some food to a neighbor in need.


professional daydreamer
2ndAmendment said:
:huggy: Wow. And you still say you are an agnostic. :lmao: You have experienced the "peace that surpasses all understanding"

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. AND ...now that we've finally answered my question...these are the things that I have never felt or experienced. Nothing even remotely similiar.


elaine said:
Thank you. That's what I've been trying to get at. You have something that is somewhat tangible (although I find to be really out there). That's the kind of answer I've been looking for all day. Why is it so hard to answer that question?

Dems, have you experienced something similiar? Do you now see what I'm getting at?

Yes and yes but mine is not as much "out there" as 2As. Although 2A and I are both very much Christian we tend to disagree on the minor points... I personally don't believe that speaking in tongues is the ONLY edification for proof of having received the holy spirit and do not belong to a chrismatic denomination, although we all have spiratual gifts, I'm leary about the speaking in tongues stuff in terms of it being the ONLY edification. As I am other open to other christmatic gifts being proof. As for speaking in tongues for example, some friends of mine invited me to attend their church and at the beginning they all sounded like this... :lalala: except they were saying luu luuu luuussss really loud so that Satan wouldn't hear their prayers in the beginning of the service - all that did was repel me somewhat as it did some others that were there... and sadly the kids just looked at the parents as if they were nuts... I kind of frown on anything that would repel, scare or deter someone from being a Christian such as what I saw that day.
Although 2A and I and others are brothers and sisters in Christ, 2A and I realize it is splitting hairs to disagree about things like that because we will both probably argue untill we are blue in the face. It doesn't make him right or me right, it just means we believe slightly different in the Christian faith, but nonetheless its still within the Christian faith.

I've met 2A in person and he's a wonderful person and we don't argue and debate. But as a testimony to faith... he was upset at losing his wife, but God doesn't close one door without opening another that is more better. Look at the wonderful wife he has in Sharon now.
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professional daydreamer
Dondi said:
Good point, 2A! God is in the little things. You don't have to look for big miracles and lightning bolts. just doing what God wants us to do (i.e love one another) could be a simple as giving some food to a neighbor in need.

You're just getting on my nerves. If you love me you'll stop posting. You make it sound like the only people who do good things are those who go to church on Sunday.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
:huggy: Wow. And you still say you are an agnostic. :lmao: You have experienced the "peace that surpasses all understanding" which is given by God and don't acknowledge the source. Love you. I know you will "get there".

One thing I would point out is that God is concerned even about the "little things" in our life.
I don't say I'm an agnostic - I say I'm an atheist. I don't believe that "God" gave me that wisdom, I believe that it was always there and I just needed to sit down and think about it and put it into perspective.

I haven't felt one single nagging since I decided that there was no God. No subconcious guilt or anything. I would think that if God was upset that I left the fold, He'd pester me about it. But He hasn't, so the only conclusion I can come to is that either there IS no God, or He's feeling okay about where I'm at in my life.

I hope with all my heart that, if there IS a God, He has better things to concern Himself with rather than my ability to pay my rent and my son's dismal grades in school.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
... I personally don't believe that speaking in tongues is the ONLY edification for proof of having received the holy spirit and do not belong to a chrismatic denomination, although we all have spiratual gifts, I'm leary about the speaking in tongues stuff in terms of it being the ONLY edification.
Nor do I. Some people do just as some people you have to handle poisonous snakes to prove your faith. Those are distortions of the Truth; fixation of a verse instead to the whole of scripture.
dems4me said:
I've met 2A in person and he's a wonderful person and we don't argue and debate. But as a testimony to faith... he was upset at losing his wife, but God doesn't close one door without opening another that is more better. Look at the wonderful wife he has in Sharon now.
I am absolutely blessed with Sharon and much more. An interesting twist to God and His ways is that I established a friendship with my ex wife after we were divorced and she introduced Sharon and I.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I don't say I'm an agnostic - I say I'm an atheist. I don't believe that "God" gave me that wisdom, I believe that it was always there and I just needed to sit down and think about it and put it into perspective.

I haven't felt one single nagging since I decided that there was no God. No subconcious guilt or anything. I would think that if God was upset that I left the fold, He'd pester me about it. But He hasn't, so the only conclusion I can come to is that either there IS no God, or He's feeling okay about where I'm at in my life.

I hope with all my heart that, if there IS a God, He has better things to concern Himself with rather than my ability to pay my rent and my son's dismal grades in school.
Consider yourself pestered.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
elaine said:
You're just getting on my nerves. If you love me you'll stop posting. You make it sound like the only people who do good things are those who go to church on Sunday.

That's the nicest send off that I've read from you so far! :lmao:


2ndAmendment said:
Nor do I. Some people do just as some people you have to handle poisonous snakes to prove your faith. Those are distortions of the Truth; fixation of a verse instead to the whole of scripture.I am absolutely blessed with Sharon and much more. An interesting twist to God and His ways is that I established a friendship with my ex wife after we were divorced and she introduced Sharon and I.



elaine said:
You're just getting on my nerves. If you love me you'll stop posting. You make it sound like the only people who do good things are those who go to church on Sunday.

I've meant nothing of the kind. In fact, I haven't even mentioned church. What I have been talking about is loving others unconditionally. this is something that can be done by anyone. In fact, I haven't gone to church in over a year. The reason is that I found that in church I was doing things by compulsion rather than a genuine love for others. I felt I was playing church, not living how what God really wants me to live. I got away from that for a while and am learning how to express love to others in a real manner. I posted earlier that undercurrents of God can be found most religions. I don't condemn anyone. i belib=ve anyone who is truly seeking God, wherever they are, whatever religion they are, will find Him. I'm sorry if I unnerved you, but I truly care for you.


professional daydreamer
Dondi said:
I've meant nothing of the kind. In fact, I haven't even mentioned church. What I have been talking about is loving others unconditionally. this is something that can be done by anyone. In fact, I haven't gone to church in over a year. The reason is that I found that in church I was doing things by compulsion rather than a genuine love for others. I felt I was playing church, not living how what God really wants me to live. I got away from that for a while and am learning how to express love to others in a real manner. I posted earlier that undercurrents of God can be found most religions. I don't condemn anyone. i belib=ve anyone who is truly seeking God, wherever they are, whatever religion they are, will find Him. I'm sorry if I unnerved you, but I truly care for you.

Good for you. Get back to me when you're on the same page as the rest of us.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Consider yourself pestered.
I don't feel pestered - I feel great! Life is good and even though I'm having a personal issue that you already know about, I feel confident that it will be resolved. And if it's not resolved the way I'd like it to be, I feel at peace with whatever does happen. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Good for you. Get back to me when you're on the same page as the rest of us.
See, this is why you don't feel the peace that others feel - BECAUSE YOU'RE MEAN!!! :lol:


elaine said:
Good for you. Get back to me when you're on the same page as the rest of us.

OK, I'll stop posting for now. Maybe I'm trying too hard. But I'm still praying for you. Bye all


Dondi said:
OK, I'll stop posting for now. Maybe I'm trying too hard. But I'm still praying for you. Bye all

don't stop now... you only have 8 more posts before you can get your power points :shrug:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dondi said:
OK, I'll stop posting for now. Maybe I'm trying too hard. But I'm still praying for you. Bye all
Don't listen to her :rolleyes: She's just trying to alienate you so she can say, "See? Christians don't practice what they preach!"

Thwart her evil plan! Post your head off! Tell her that God loves her (that really pisses her off :lol:)