I'm wondering...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
elaine said:
The reason behind me doing all of that was so I could spread the word. That's what I wanted in return.
It worked! We get to post scripture in response to your posts. You are helping to spread the word.


elaine said:
The reason behind me doing all of that was so I could spread the word. That's what I wanted in return.

Well you still can.... do you realize how many people's lives you touch on these forums? Sometimes we are brought down so that we can be built up. Folks see you and your hardened beliefs on here, maybe this is the Lords way of using you... to testify to soo many of the unbeliver forumites out there...kind of like another analogy... where man is trying to get a bunch of sparrows into the barn before a snow storm but the sparrows were afraid of this man, it was 100 times their size... he then asked the lord to turn himself into a sparrow himself so that other's may follow him into the barn and stay warm and alive through the storm... Kind of like what Jesus is for us hardheaded folks...God came down in that form so that we could better understand and relate - and get this - kind of like you... nonbelievers in here can relate to you a heck of a lot better on Christiantity than me... maybe if one day you were to come back to the Lord's outstretched and loving arms that are waiting for you, it woudl be witness to soo many nonbelievers on the board. In spreading the word of the Lord they'd much easier relate to you - a no -nonsense speak from the hip lady... on this issue as you have been in their shoes - maybe the Lord felt you would be able to reach more people in spreading the word if you were down in the ditches with them for a period of time and understand their thinking, etc..
Things happen for a reason, although we may not know the reasoning... they do. :huggy:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pick on Elaine Day!

elaine said:
No. I've since learned too many things that would make it impossible to ever believe in a god again.
I think that you're not comfortable with your lack of religion. The reason I think this is because you spend a lot of time debunking Christianity and Christians in general. If you were at peace with your decision, you wouldn't feel the need to sneer at people who DO believe - it would be no sweat off your back and you wouldn't spend one second of your life mocking them.

I also think you're looking for people like 2A, Homesick and Railroad to convince you there's a reason to believe. But the fact is that they don't have all the answers you're looking for - God is a matter of faith and no one else can give you faith, you have to develop it for yourself. They can tell you why THEY believe, but they cannot tell you why YOU should believe in a manner that will satisfy you.

You don't have to buy the whole God/Jesus/miracles gig hook line and sinker. You can embrace the spirituality of Christianity and the peace you will find from the introspection and letting go that a Higher Power provides without believing in ghosts and boogeymen. You can believe in your own way and follow your own path to righteousness - not 2A's path, or RR's path, or even my path.



vraiblonde said:
I think that you're not comfortable with your lack of religion. The reason I think this is because you spend a lot of time debunking Christianity and Christians in general. If you were at peace with your decision, you wouldn't feel the need to sneer at people who DO believe - it would be no sweat off your back and you wouldn't spend one second of your life mocking them.

I also think you're looking for people like 2A, Homesick and Railroad to convince you there's a reason to believe. But the fact is that they don't have all the answers you're looking for - God is a matter of faith and no one else can give you faith, you have to develop it for yourself. They can tell you why THEY believe, but they cannot tell you why YOU should believe in a manner that will satisfy you.

You don't have to buy the whole God/Jesus/miracles gig hook line and sinker. You can embrace the spirituality of Christianity and the peace you will find from the introspection and letting go that a Higher Power provides without believing in ghosts and boogeymen. You can believe in your own way and follow your own path to righteousness - not 2A's path, or RR's path, or even my path.


That's actually pretty good, vrailblonde.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I don't expect you or anyone else to believe what I believe. I'm not out to win converts. I'm just stating my emotional experience of most Christian doctrine.
My point is I don't rely on human wisdom for spiritual things, because humans are not wise in a spiritual sense. Things of the spirit are not perceived through human means but through the Spirit. You appear to rely on your own wisdom. I recognize that while being intelligent in science and other things of the world, I am not wise in spirit, so I depend on the wisdom of God's word.

Don't worry. You won't convert me. But I submit that you must be looking for reinforcement of your own ideas or converts or you would not be refuting with your posts what is posted by those that are followers of Christ.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
I think that you're not comfortable with your lack of religion. The reason I think this is because you spend a lot of time debunking Christianity and Christians in general. If you were at peace with your decision, you wouldn't feel the need to sneer at people who DO believe - it would be no sweat off your back and you wouldn't spend one second of your life mocking them.

I also think you're looking for people like 2A, Homesick and Railroad to convince you there's a reason to believe. But the fact is that they don't have all the answers you're looking for - God is a matter of faith and no one else can give you faith, you have to develop it for yourself. They can tell you why THEY believe, but they cannot tell you why YOU should believe in a manner that will satisfy you.

You don't have to buy the whole God/Jesus/miracles gig hook line and sinker. You can embrace the spirituality of Christianity and the peace you will find from the introspection and letting go that a Higher Power provides without believing in ghosts and boogeymen. You can believe in your own way and follow your own path to righteousness - not 2A's path, or RR's path, or even my path.


No, you're wrong. You're right about a lot of things, but you're wrong about this.

I'm not trying to get anyone to convince me of anything. I'm trying to get an explanation for their unwavering faith. That's what I'm trying to understand. I reworded my question numerous times, and still everyone wants to turn it into something that it's not.


elaine said:
No, you're wrong. You're right about a lot of things, but you're wrong about this.

I'm not trying to get anyone to convince me of anything. I'm trying to get an explanation for their unwavering faith. That's what I'm trying to understand. I reworded my question numerous times, and still everyone wants to turn it into something that it's not.

I heard your question several times and did answer it the best I could from my personal experience, the Lord came to me, I don't know why me, but he did and I've grabbed ahold of my faith and never let go.... :shrug:


elaine said:
No, you're wrong. You're right about a lot of things, but you're wrong about this.

I'm not trying to get anyone to convince me of anything. I'm trying to get an explanation for their unwavering faith. That's what I'm trying to understand. I reworded my question numerous times, and still everyone wants to turn it into something that it's not.

It's all about KNOWING God. You just know He's there. Knowing His Love. And I'm convinced of His Love. And elaine, if you truly want His Love, I'm convinced it can be yours. I wish I could give you what I feel and know. I pray that you will experience the Spirit of God in such a powerful way that you...just...know. Lord let it be.


Dondi said:
It's all about KNOWING God. You just know He's there. Knowing His Love. And I'm convinced of His Love. And elaine, if you truly want His Love, I'm convinced it can be yours. I wish I could give you what I feel and know. I pray that you will experience the Spirit of God in such a powerful way that you...just...know. Lord let it be.

You are correct, there's a huge difference in just acknowledging God and knowing of his existance than developing a personal relationship with Jesus.


professional daydreamer
dems4me said:
I heard your question several times and did answer it the best I could from my personal experience, the Lord came to me, I don't know why me, but he did and I've grabbed ahold of my faith and never let go.... :shrug:

and then one night during a particular traumatic events growing up, the Lord took me under his wing.
I don't want to go into much detail, but neither of my parents were religious or churchgoing, etc... but the Lord found me

Okay, tell me...what did that feel like? Did you experience something? How do you know he came to you? Was there a light? Did a feeling of warmth wash over you? Did you get an electrical charge? What was the clincher?


professional daydreamer
Dondi said:
It's all about KNOWING God. You just know He's there. Knowing His Love. And I'm convinced of His Love. And elaine, if you truly want His Love, I'm convinced it can be yours. I wish I could give you what I feel and know. I pray that you will experience the Spirit of God in such a powerful way that you...just...know. Lord let it be.

I don't want it. Why is it so hard for any of you to understand that I just want to know WHY all of you do?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I'm trying to get an explanation for their unwavering faith.
There is no explanation for unwavering faith - it merely is. It's completely and totally subjective and there is absolutely no concrete explanation that would make sense to someone who does not share that faith.

I said before that I am not a person of faith - there is literally nothing I believe that I can't have my mind changed about, given new information. And I don't fully understand those who DO have faith in things that make no sense to me. But I also don't feel the need to pick them apart and try to shake THEIR faith to bolster my own lack.


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
But I submit that you must be looking for reinforcement of your own ideas or converts or you would not be refuting with your posts what is posted by those that are followers of Christ.
It might seem like I'm looking for that. But I respond to those posts because I want to vent. Too many people of all religions act like they are the ones to decide who should receive divine grace. That infuriates me on a very deep level.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
But I also don't feel the need to pick them apart and try to shake THEIR faith to bolster my own lack.

I'm not trying to shake their faith (at least not today), I'm trying to understand why they have it. So stop making assumptions about what I'm doing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Okay, tell me...what did that feel like? Did you experience something? How do you know he came to you? Was there a light? Did a feeling of warmth wash over you? Did you get an electrical charge? What was the clincher?
You make it sound like she peed her pants :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
So stop making assumptions about what I'm doing.
I will if I want :razz:

I already told you that faith is completely subjective. It's like love - why do you love someone? Maybe because they're kind or funny or whatever - but there are millions of people with those same characteristics, and you don't love them. Why love this particular person? And if YOU love them, does that mean EVERYONE should?