It's personal, and given that this is a pubic forum, I'll just leave it at that... it was a traumatically abusive night, I was literallly barely alive and the Lord came to me that night and picked me up and kept me alive thruogh the night - without the Lord's help, I wouldn't have made it. I don't talk about it because nonbeilevers think its absurd or something, and to me thats something I know happened and generally I don't put up any past traumas up for discussion. I know what happened and it made a lasting impact on me.
Later that week my older brother (15 mo. older) found a little cartoon book/phamplet in the gutter and showed it to me, it had a similary abusive story in it where the kid died and Jesus took him up in his arms and the boy cried tears of joy instead of being abused here on earth and lived happily ever after with the Lord. I still have that 10 page cartoon book with me to this very day.
To me it was just confirmatino of what I had been feeling from that night where the Lord kept me alive and after that as I got older, I studied my Bible coloring books really hard as there were no bibles around the house and continued to build on my faith from that point on and reading Bible and Bible study books as I got older... I've seen hell at an early age, and clung to the Bible because I learned it offered something Satan doesn't... and that is HOPE. As an adult I still have this unwavering faith, I know what I went through growing up and I know the one and only thing that helped me get out and that was GOD. My friends in real life say I'm a miracle

but I didn't do anything, I just put my trust in the Lord and try to follow his will for me in life.
I can honestly say, I'm entirely endebted to the Lord for every blessing, gift and ever sorrow that I've experienced in life.