I'm wondering...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I did then. Hook, line and sinker.
But not really or you'd have seen EVERYTHING as a miracle. True believers even find miracles in such mundane things as a rain shower when it's been hot and dry.

My aforementioned friend told me the reason my plane didn't crash is because she was praying for me and God looked over me as a special favor to her. I love her, so I resisted the urge to direct her attention to more important things than my routine plane trip. But, to her, my safe landing was a direct result of her prayers. Never mind that there was no reason to believe my plane would go down in the first place.

She also believes that when she stubs her toe, it's because she was thinking impure thoughts and God punished her. And when she doesn't stub her toe, she thinks it's a result of her good behavior and she's being rewarded by God.

She believes. You don't, or you'd have thought it was a miracle every day that your family was happy, safe and intact. You'd have praised God when your car started in the morning.


vraiblonde said:
But not really or you'd have seen EVERYTHING as a miracle. True believers even find miracles in such mundane things as a rain shower when it's been hot and dry.

My aforementioned friend told me the reason my plane didn't crash is because she was praying for me and God looked over me as a special favor to her. I love her, so I resisted the urge to direct her attention to more important things than my routine plane trip. But, to her, my safe landing was a direct result of her prayers. Never mind that there was no reason to believe my plane would go down in the first place.

She also believes that when she stubs her toe, it's because she was thinking impure thoughts and God punished her. And when she doesn't stub her toe, she thinks it's a result of her good behavior and she's being rewarded by God.

She believes. You don't, or you'd have thought it was a miracle every day that your family was happy, safe and intact. You'd have praised God when your car started in the morning.

I'm a Christian and have many Christian friends, we don't all think like this in terms of defining EVERYTHING as personal Miracles left and right. It sounds like it could possible just be a matter of enormous grattitude to God for everything in her life, not miraculous events. The Lord loves praise and as Christians we are to praise Him.
Yes there are miracles that the Lord bestows us after prayer, supplication etc... but the stuff your friend says sounds like it could just be "christmatic" hypersuggestible occurences too. Or she could just be polly-annic.
Life happens, whether it be good or bad... Eitherway, to me it sounds a little overly "chrismatic" -- kind of like when I knew a lady that tried to convince me she broke her arm one night because Satan had her in a dark hole and she couldn't get out and she was wrestling with Satan in the hole and then God intervened and she was thrown back to earth and .. BAM!!!! It was right in the living room floor missing a couch and thereby breaking her arm. :shrug: Its not really up to me to discern whether these miracles are really happening or not or whether they are circumspect for pschoanalysis, etc... I work on my own Christianity as much as I can and know I fall short in too many areas my darned self (being slow to anger one of them)...

I just know what happens in my own life and in my own heart and soul to know that God does exist. Its not based solely on friends trials and tribulations, but alot from my own trials and tribulations in life. Although things don't always go my own way doesn't mean God doesn't exist. God does say No to what people want some times and that's why the scripture says not to lean on our own understandings and that his ways and thoughts are much higher than our ways and thoughts. etc.... come into play. It builds your faith. jmo
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professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
But not really or you'd have seen EVERYTHING as a miracle. True believers even find miracles in such mundane things as a rain shower when it's been hot and dry.

I guess somebody forgot to tell me how to believe. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
Don't feel bad, Mike. The only person to answer my question is an athiest. What does she know? :rolleyes:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
No one has chosen to answer my questions in my 06:49am post... :bubble:

Hello Everyone. :howdy: I'm new here, I didn't expect this to be my first post, but I can't resist jumping in on this one. By the way, you guys have made me laugh out loud several times, I like ya'll.

Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth . . . Don't be scared of me, I'm not a Jesus freak, but I do believe.

Way back in the beginning, the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had a perfect world God gave them everything they needed. One stipulation, don't eat the apple. Eve talked Adam into it and that was the fall of man. Sin.

God made man in his image, we have our own free will. We're not robots. That's not love. Loving God is up to us. He wants more than anything for us to love him, but it's not forced on us. What the value of that?

There is a battle in the world -- Good vs. Evil -- God vs. Satan.

God did everything he could do to keep us from burning in hell -- he sent his Son to take our place.

That's my take on it.


professional daydreamer
bedazzle said:
Hello Everyone. :howdy: I'm new here, I didn't expect this to be my first post, but I can't resist jumping in on this one. By the way, you guys have made me laugh out loud several times, I like ya'll.

Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth . . . Don't be scared of me, I'm not a Jesus freak, but I do believe.

Way back in the beginning, the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had a perfect world God gave them everything they needed. One stipulation, don't eat the apple. Eve talked Adam into it and that was the fall of man. Sin.

God made man in his image, we have our own free will. We're not robots. That's not love. Loving God is up to us. He wants more than anything for us to love him, but it's not forced on us. What the value of that?

There is a battle in the world -- Good vs. Evil -- God vs. Satan.

God did everything he could do to keep us from burning in hell -- he sent his Son to take our place.

That's my take on it.

Thank you for answering our questions. :rolleyes:


New Member
bedazzle said:
Hello Everyone. :howdy: I'm new here, I didn't expect this to be my first post, but I can't resist jumping in on this one. By the way, you guys have made me laugh out loud several times, I like ya'll. Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth . . . Don't be scared of me, I'm not a Jesus freak, but I do believe. Way back in the beginning, the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had a perfect world God gave them everything they needed. One stipulation, don't eat the apple. Eve talked Adam into it and that was the fall of man. Sin. God made man in his image, we have our own free will. We're not robots. That's not love. Loving God is up to us. He wants more than anything for us to love him, but it's not forced on us. What the value of that?
There is a battle in the world -- Good vs. Evil -- God vs. Satan. God did everything he could do to keep us from burning in hell -- he sent his Son to take our place. That's my take on it.
Welcome to the boards!! :howdy: You still didn't answer my questions but thanks and enjoy.

Don't take anything seriously in here and you will have a blast!! :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I guess somebody forgot to tell me how to believe. :shrug:
Me, I don't believe anything - there literally is nothing that I believe in so strongly that I can't change my mind if presented with new information. I suspect you are the same way, which is why I say you don't truly believe with unwavering faith.

No offense to Christians, but here I go:

Think about what it takes to believe and have faith in some invisible entity that no one has ever seen, heard or felt for themselves. Yes, Christians say that they "see", "hear" and "feel" God, but it's decidedly subjective.

I put a red block down on the table and everyone in the free world will unanimously say, "Yep, that's a red block on a table." But ask any 10 Christians at random about God, and you'll get 10 different answers. 2A sees and feels something I don't see and feel. He would see my red block, but I don't see his God.

Now give that invisible man ultimate power and control over the whole entire universe! You have to REALLY have some faith to believe that.


vraiblonde said:
Me, I don't believe anything - there literally is nothing that I believe in so strongly that I can't change my mind if presented with new information. I suspect you are the same way, which is why I say you don't truly believe with unwavering faith.

No offense to Christians, but here I go:

Think about what it takes to believe and have faith in some invisible entity that no one has ever seen, heard or felt for themselves. Yes, Christians say that they "see", "hear" and "feel" God, but it's decidedly subjective.

I put a red block down on the table and everyone in the free world will unanimously say, "Yep, that's a red block on a table." But ask any 10 Christians at random about God, and you'll get 10 different answers. 2A sees and feels something I don't see and feel. He would see my red block, but I don't see his God.

Now give that invisible man ultimate power and control over the whole entire universe! You have to REALLY have some faith to believe that.
God is a red block? :confused:


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Me, I don't believe anything - there literally is nothing that I believe in so strongly that I can't change my mind if presented with new information. I suspect you are the same way, which is why I say you don't truly believe with unwavering faith.

I'm that way now, but I wasn't always. Like most young people, I was brought up to believe. The only thing I didn't know was which faith. It was in investigating those faith's and studying the bible and other literature that I came to the conclucion (rude awakening) that there simply is no god.

What I've been trying to convey to you each time I respond is that I did have that unwavering faith at one time, and during that time nothing special was revealed to me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Why would a being so great and powerful, so loving and caring, so wonderful say to a small fraction of the planet;

"Follow me, preach my teachings, worship me and if you do, when you die I will bring you to "my house" (heaven) the most glorius place you've ever seen. Now, I'm going to put you on this planet, I'm going to create pain, suffering, torture, sickness, some humans will never even hear of me, yet if you do not believe, you cannot get into heaven." Why would a being do this??

Why wouldn't he do this instead;

"Ok humans, I am God!!! I am great, powerful, loving and caring. I created the universe and I can take you out!! I'm going to put you on earth with wonderful living conditions, love, peace and friendship amongst all mankind. I will be visible in the sky to everyone!!! I will walk this planet with you. If you need something, just ask and you shall have it!! And guess what!! I saved the best part for last. You're going to enjoy this AWESOME life here for about 80 years at which time I am going to take you to an even better place....heaven!!!" All I ask for in return is that you worship me, pray to me and love me. Spread my word to your offspring and you will know euphoria!!

"Now humans there is a catch!! I have these 10 rules here. If any of you breaks them, you will go to one of two other places I created. Purgatory or hell!! I will decide based on the severity of your crime. You will experience the horrors and pain of fire for a duration that I will decide!! The choice is yours.

That's MY interpretation of a God. And remember, I'm not argueing that there is no God, only that I require proof.
Okay, I'll take a stab at it:

That's what God DOES do - says "I am all-powerful and will lead you to glory BUT there's a catch..." I don't think it's unreasonable for God to get something in return - following the Commandments - for all you're getting out of the deal.

As far as those who have never heard of God, and therefore can't believe in Him, well...maybe God doesn't want Ubangi tribesmen up in Heaven with him? Maybe He couldn't care less about some Chinese communist coming to hang out? Maybe He only wants who He wants and that's the end of it?



New Member
vraiblonde said:
Me, I don't believe anything - there literally is nothing that I believe in so strongly that I can't change my mind if presented with new information. I suspect you are the same way, which is why I say you don't truly believe with unwavering faith.

No offense to Christians, but here I go:

Think about what it takes to believe and have faith in some invisible entity that no one has ever seen, heard or felt for themselves. Yes, Christians say that they "see", "hear" and "feel" God, but it's decidedly subjective.

I put a red block down on the table and everyone in the free world will unanimously say, "Yep, that's a red block on a table." But ask any 10 Christians at random about God, and you'll get 10 different answers. 2A sees and feels something I don't see and feel. He would see my red block, but I don't see his God.

Now give that invisible man ultimate power and control over the whole entire universe! You have to REALLY have some faith to believe that.
Well, for Christians, we believe that God has been revealed to us in Jesus Christ, who was true God Himself, and so the Apostles did see the miracles He performed and hear the words He said. We trust that the Apostles and other disciples have not deceived us and have passed that information to us through their writings and teachings, which have been handed on to us through the generations, and we trust the people that have been a part of those generations.

Again, I don't see that being any different than trusting the non-religious historical writings that have been passed on to us. It's the same concept, albeit about different topics.


Has a little kid ever asked you something that you don't know the whole answer to so you just make something up? That's what I feel religion is like. The Romans made up Gods as did the ancient Greeks and Native Americans to explain things. (that's how I see it) I also think that the Old Testament, no matter what version you've read, is stories that have been passed down generation after generation until they were finally written down. That sounds like a huge game of grapevine to me, and you know how that game ends up. I also think that when the apostles wrote the New Testament that there was a lot of mushroom eating an hemp smoking going on then. I believe there was a man named Jesus who tried to get people to stop being awful and to be kind, as did Buddha, but I don't believe that Jesus did all the things Matthew, Mark, Luke and all the other dudes said he did in the way he did them. As for our chaotic world, we humans have screwed that up for ourselves. We don't need anything or anyone else to do that for us :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
What I've been trying to convey to you each time I respond is that I did have that unwavering faith at one time, and during that time nothing special was revealed to me.
What were you looking to have happen? I mean, something good must have happened to you in that time that you could attribute to God, right?


Hi everyone. New here.

I don't judge anyone about there religious beliefs. To each his own I guess. I myself, believe.