I'm wondering...



Mikeinsmd said:
Bad example....., molecules and atoms etc. can haphazzardly come together to form a lifeform that evolves into man who builds the computer....Plastic pieces cannot.

who created the molecules and atoms?

By your theory, who's to say that molecules and atoms didn't also create a huge almighty God before it happhazzardly formed people?


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
The earth was created over billions of years, with little atoms bonding together through trial and error until something stuck and life could be formed. I don't believe there was an intelligent design - I believe humans as we know them are only temporary (relatively speaking) until something else evolves to take their place and they become extinct. We see little accidents of nature all the time, just not huge ones that took a billion years to solidify.
As I see it, evolution does not rule out the existence of a Supreme Being. It's completely silent on the issue, as it should be. The idea that God designed evolution and atomic structure, acting as a cosmic watchmaker, has some appeal for me.

But that's not the same as "intelligent design," which I see as a Trojan horse for teaching Christian creationism in science classes. Now, creation stories from different religions can and should be discussed in comparative religion classes and philosophy classes. But that's not what intelligent design advocates want. They want it taught as scientific fact in science classes, displacing evolution which they (mistakenly) regard as anti-Christian. Intelligent design is not scientific--it starts with a preconceived premise and tries to prove it, rather than looking at available evidence and fashioning a hypothesis to fit the evidence. It's completely ass-backwards from traditional science.

I don't believe that the existence of a Supreme Being or Beings can ever be proven or disproven using scientific methods. I don't understand why anyone would want to do so. Doesn't that go against the whole idea of faith?


New Member
dems4me said:
who created the molecules and atoms? By your theory, who's to say that molecules and atoms didn't also create a huge almighty God before it happhazzardly formed people?
Good question!! I'm impressed!!

I don't think the molecules and atoms would skip over us lowly mortals and create the God first though.... :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, usually the simple grows into the complex, not the other way around.
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vraiblonde said:
Dems, usually the simple grow into the complex, not the other way around.

Yes, and God seems very complex to me more so much more than an atom or molecule... not just me but to a lot of people, if it was something simple there woudln't be this thread, or so many other religious beliefs or nonbeliefs... :shrug: God is God and people recreate... eggs and sperm... not spending billions of years trying to get the right atoms and molecules in the right exact order... also, how do you explain DNA... I thought the DNA paths explained away all the myths about people being created out of thin air :shrug: For the longest time people couldn't figure out where people came from, etc... but there was "something" that created us... that "something" later came to be the black box which ruled out that people could never have been created out of thin air and then even Darwin's theory of a mystery black box that made people into people came out to be called DNA which prooved the opposite if I recall correctly. :shrug:
If everything was all happhazardly being created wouldn't there be people part lizard and part human walking around, part bird and part human, part dog and part gorrilla?
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vraiblonde said:
Dems, usually the simple grows into the complex, not the other way around.

here Vria, this link below may help... -- "How can simplicity become complexity? Where did all that matter and energy come from? What caused its release? How did this explosion of everything (from nothing) order itself? Where did the chemical elements come from? Where did the mathematical laws and physical properties come from? Where did the information code in DNA come from? Where did the language convention that interprets DNA come from? How do we explain the design, complexity and fine-tuning inherent in spiral galaxies, solar systems and stars? How did life come from a rock? How did a bird come from a lizard? Why don't we see birds come from lizards today? Why are there no transitional fossils at all? Why have we never observed beneficial mutations? Explain the random development of the human eye, reproductive system, digestive tract and brain? What about the subconscious mind? What about love, morality, ethics and emotions?"


Although not 100% my beliefs as it appears to be Christian Science, it may help answer your questions froma scientific view or something :shrug: :huggy:
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New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Bad example....., molecules and atoms etc. can haphazzardly come together to form a lifeform that evolves into man who builds the computer....Plastic pieces cannot.

How do you know that this can happen?


Asperger's Poster Child
dems4me said:
Why are there no transitional fossils at all?

Feathered dinosaur fossil finds to date, together with cladistic analysis, provide convincing evidence that birds are in fact descendents of dinosaurs. They also suggest that many theropods may have had feathers, not just those that are especially similar to birds. In particular the smaller theropod species may all have had feathers, and possibly even the larger theropods (for instance T. rex) may have had feathers in their early stages of development after hatching. Large adult theropods are unlikely to have had feathers, however, as the need for insulation would be less important, since inertial heat retention would likely be sufficient to manage heat.


Tonio said:

that doesn't really proove anything to me, even if I was to believe it... petrodactyls (sp?) were birds too and they were dinosaurs and supposedly flew... what's the big deal if they think they MAY have had feathers :shrug: "may have had feathers in their early stages of development after hatching. Large adult theropods are unlikely to have had feathers" I don't think there's any way to conclusively proove whether they did or didn't have feathers... heck... alot of people don't even believe there were dinosaurs...(sounds like a good poll/survey :wink:)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Where did all that matter and energy come from?

What caused its release?
See above

How did this explosion of everything (from nothing) order itself?
It evolved over billions of years. What we see as the universe today is not what it was 10,000 years ago.

Where did the chemical elements come from?
Chemical elements

Where did the mathematical laws and physical properties come from?
Those are inventions of man to descibe various actions and reactions of the atoms that make up our world

Where did the information code in DNA come from?
DNA wasn't invented - it was always there and was only semi-recently discovered and the ability to "read" it was invented.

Where did the language convention that interprets DNA come from?
Not sure what you mean by this. All language was invented by man, whether it be computer code, verbal communication or DNA interpretation.

How do we explain the design, complexity and fine-tuning inherent in spiral galaxies, solar systems and stars?
They evolved over time. See the answer to "explosion of everything".

How did life come from a rock?
I was unaware that life did come from a rock. Cite your source, please.

How did a bird come from a lizard?
I thought the theory was that lizards came from birds. But "evolution" would be the answer.

Why don't we see birds come from lizards today?
Live a million years and maybe you will.

Why are there no transitional fossils at all?
There are plenty of transitional fossils on record.

Why have we never observed beneficial mutations?
Are you crazy? What do you call our natural immunities? People used to die of the common cold and now they don't. What do you call giraffes, who mutated in order to feed from the tops of trees where the other animals couldn't reach? What about black people developing dark pigmented skin to keep them from frying in the African sun?

Explain the random development of the human eye, reproductive system, digestive tract and brain?
Evolved over billions of years until it became what works and what we recognize today. And it will continue to evolve - if you suddenly woke up a million years in the future, humans would be dramatically different than they are today.

What about the subconscious mind?
What about it?

What about love, morality, ethics and emotions?
Those are mergings of physiological and psychological traits. Your brain fires neurons and chemicals in response to certain stimuli, and your history (the "nurture" part of the "nature vs. nurture") tells you to recognize those biological instances as "love" or "hate" or whatever. What causes an emotional response in you will not cause an emotional response in everyone - you were taught to respond that way.

Morality and ethics are taught, not intrinsic. And I give you any number of criminals to support that statement.
Honestly, Dems - didn't you take a single science or biology class in high school???


my, my, bored mommy - you have all the answers don't you? :cheers:
I still like to think that since the beginning of time people have made up stories to substitue as answers when there where none.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rdonthehd said:
I still like to think that since the beginning of time people have made up stories to substitue as answers when there where none.
I agree with you. :cheers:


Asperger's Poster Child
dems4me said:
that doesn't really proove anything to me, even if I was to believe it..
My point isn't about the scientific merits of evolution. My point is, you seem to imply that the evolutionary hypothesis is incompatible with Christianity. I don't see why they shouldn't be compatible, unless you interpret Genesis literally. As far as I can tell, the central teaching of Christianity (Jesus' redemption of humankind) has nothing to do with whether plants and animals were created in six days or evolved over billions of years.