Imams upset


New Member
itsbob said:
Personally I think every gang member should be labeled a terrorist and dealt with accordingly, but apparently nobody in the gov't has the backbone to take that step..

These guys did!

<img src="">

Who wants to start up SOMD Saints with me?


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Maybe if the Muslim world had a Bill Cosby like person to tell them they are all F'd up and that if they would un-F themselves the world would be different today. I fly alot and if I see a person of Arabic appearance I keep an extra eye open. 9/11 did that to me. I don't treat them differently. I am just more vigilant. This is the world we live in. If you are hispanic and you act like a stereotypical idiot then hispanic folks need to unscrew them along with blacks, whites, and so on and so on and so on. If your ethnic backround gets you screwed over then its your duty to un-f the f'd up. I am sorry that Arabic people have been labeled as Hi-jackers and terrorist. This is the world we live in today.

Can't we all just get along?? :)


Super Genius
desertrat said:
Yeah, I think a terrorist type 1 and a terrorist type 2 designation should be used.
Type 1 being a foreigner who is attacking the US anywhere.
Type 2 being a special interest type or a criminal type like a gang member, but still a resident of the US.
Good idea! Kinda like 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree murder.


desertrat said:
Yeah, I think a terrorist type 1 and a terrorist type 2 designation should be used.
Type 1 being a foreigner who is attacking the US anywhere.
Type 2 being a special interest type or a criminal type like a gang member, but still a resident of the US.

Holy crap - that makes some good sense right there.

Someone get this man in touch with Homeland security.


24/7 Single Dad
SouthernMdRocks said:
Oh boo hoo, I say ban them from this country!!
:yeahthat: they obviously acted in a way to alert everyone and draw attention to themselves just to get grounds for a lawsuit.


New Member
SouthernMdRocks said:
""Understandably, the imams felt profiled, humiliated, and discriminated against by their treatment," she said."

Oh boo hoo, I say ban them from this country!!


could someone PLEASE explain why we still grant visas to these a$$holes?!?


itsbob said:
Bottom line.. not all Muslims are terrorists..

But all Muslims are my enemy!

Muslims brought this on themselves. I will always be suspicious of them!
These six were up to no good and they got called on it.

The media are a bunch of panty-wetting liberals. I think honest reporting went out in the 70's, now its all about sensationalizing!!!


Dondi said:
Muslims have very specific times when they are to pray. Now i know the airport isn't a mosque, but if these Muslims were pressed to fulfill their daily obligations, then i wouldn't have any objections to them praying at the terminal, so long as they don't impede in anyone's way nor are disruptive about it.

So if they get up in the middle of a flight at their designated time to fulfill their daily obligations and get in the aisle to pray (or prey), it wouldn't bother you?


desertrat said:
Yeah, I think a terrorist type 1 and a terrorist type 2 designation should be used.
Type 1 being a foreigner who is attacking the US anywhere.
Type 2 being a special interest type or a criminal type like a gang member, but still a resident of the US.

You would also have to remember that the American Patriots who liberated this country from the British Monarchy would be labeled "Terrorists" by today's standards. If they had such a vile word in use back then and labeled the colonist who were standing up for their freedoms 'terrorists', do you think as many of their countrymen would have gotten behind them and supported them in their struggle for liberation?

I guess what I am trying to say (without hijacking this post) is that we can't use the term 'terrorist' indiscriminately, it needs to describe a very narrowly defined action, such as how the muslims use explosives to kill and terrorize the general civilian population in order to achieve some political victory. Everything else is just a criminal act.

If we start labeling these other criminal acts terrorism, then we are on that slippery slope that gets more laws passed to restrict our liberties.


Lovin' being Texican
Pushrod said:
If we start labeling these other criminal acts terrorism, then we are on that slippery slope that gets more laws passed to restrict our liberties.

I guess you're right. Sounds like a great definition of the next Congress. Dems want to label terrorists as criminals then pass more laws restricting my liberties.