Interesting people I've never met...

As I go about living here in SoMD, I have noticed a few people that peak my interest. I find myself wondering what their story is. Two stick out in my mind and maybe someone out there knows who I am talking about and can give some insight.

The first is/was an older gentleman who would walk along Rt 235 everyday. Mostly I would see him walking between Hollywood VFD and Sandgates rd, but he only had one arm and always carried a long stick. For the longest time I would see him almost everyday; rain, shine, or snow. I have not seen him for sometime now and wonder what has happened to him.

The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.


My Sweetest Boy
Bean Machine said:
As I go about living here in SoMD, I have noticed a few people that peak my interest. I find myself wondering what their story is. Two stick out in my mind and maybe someone out there knows who I am talking about and can give some insight.

The first is/was an older gentleman who would walk along Rt 235 everyday. Mostly I would see him walking between Hollywood VFD and Sandgates rd, but he only had one arm and always carried a long stick. For the longest time I would see him almost everyday; rain, shine, or snow. I have not seen him for sometime now and wonder what has happened to him.

The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.

I don't know about the fellow at the grave but that other guy is Aps


Watch it
Bean Machine said:
The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.

Awww, that is so sweet. Poor man. You should chat with him. He may have an amazing story to share. Well, I'm not sure how you'd start that chat if you weren't visiting the cemetary yourself. Nevermind. :lmao:


New Member
Bean Machine said:
As I go about living here in SoMD, I have noticed a few people that peak my interest. I find myself wondering what their story is. Two stick out in my mind and maybe someone out there knows who I am talking about and can give some insight.

The first is/was an older gentleman who would walk along Rt 235 everyday. Mostly I would see him walking between Hollywood VFD and Sandgates rd, but he only had one arm and always carried a long stick. For the longest time I would see him almost everyday; rain, shine, or snow. I have not seen him for sometime now and wonder what has happened to him.

The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.

Sounds like you are stalking old dudes. I will warn Mainman.


aka Mrs. Giant
Bean Machine said:
The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.
Mr. Connolly goes and visits his departed wife every single day, no matter what. He lives up in Hollywood and is a retired butcher, though sometimes he will still package up a deer or something for somebody, he doesn't do it like he did. He does indeed have family (children and grandchildren), but he just feels he needs to go and talk to her I guess, since they shared so much together. He's an all around great guy, imho. Perhaps, you should stop one day and talk to him. I think he would welcome your company.


New Member
migtig said:
Mr. Connolly goes and visits his departed wife every single day, no matter what. He lives up in Hollywood and is a retired butcher, though sometimes he will still package up a deer or something for somebody, he doesn't do it like he did. He does indeed have family (children and grandchildren), but he just feels he needs to go and talk to her I guess, since they shared so much together. He's an all around great guy, imho. Perhaps, you should stop one day and talk to him. I think he would welcome your company.

What a sweet story....:huggy: for Mr. Connolly......


All Up In Your Grill
Bean Machine said:
As I go about living here in SoMD, I have noticed a few people that peak my interest. I find myself wondering what their story is. Two stick out in my mind and maybe someone out there knows who I am talking about and can give some insight.

The first is/was an older gentleman who would walk along Rt 235 everyday. Mostly I would see him walking between Hollywood VFD and Sandgates rd, but he only had one arm and always carried a long stick. For the longest time I would see him almost everyday; rain, shine, or snow. I have not seen him for sometime now and wonder what has happened to him.

The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.

Stick around here. There's quite a few interesting people. :crazy:

cattitude said:
I don't know about the fellow at the grave but that other guy is Aps.

I was thinking it was pete. :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
nachomama said:
He's interesting in a wierd old man kinda way. :shrug:
:drama: I prefer uniquely experienced man to weird old man TYVM

Speaking of unique experiences, ask me about the time I got chained to the transvite in the Honolulu jail next time I see you.
I wonder about the guy I see pushing the lawn mower up and down along Rt 4 and along 235 in that area. He's not mowing, it looks like he is using it as a shopping cart ala Nomo.


Thats how them b*tch's R
His name is Yogi. He's a war veteran. Very nice guy but very hard to understand him when he talks. He pushes the lawnmower because he can tie his bags to it and it's easier to push than a shopping cart.


The guy with the lawnmower seems to go somewhere everyday. McKay's, Burchmart, and I have even seen him as far as Wildewood. I think he lives off of Old Leonardtown-Hollywood Road.

There is another man that I see daily, and he gives me the creeps. He is usually by the church on Leonardtown-Hollywood Road. Sometimes laying in the grass, sometimes walking, and my daughter said he tried to get in her car when she was stopped there to make a turn.
desertrat said:
I wonder about the guy I see pushing the lawn mower up and down along Rt 4 and along 235 in that area. He's not mowing, it looks like he is using it as a shopping cart ala Nomo.

maybe the lawnmower guy is the reason the other guy only had one arm...