Internet love


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I know a guy that spent quite some time in an internet/phone relationship. He was hooked but there were red flags and he didn't see them. She would not send him a pic and her description of herself was vague. In the end they did meet but it resulted in hurt feelings and ill will. Better to do it the old fashioned way. You can be anyone you want in a white box with text in it. Ya gotta pony up when you are in person.


Methodically disorganized
Now whether you can "fall in love" with someone based solely on an imperfect media like the internet I would have to say the answer is no, because true love is much more than just that. But you can form some very strong bonds that have the real potential to turn into that "love connection" on the internet when just words evolve to become the day-to-day reality.
:yeahthat: The Net can allow a great initial connection. The lack of inhibitions can be good - where one's shyness or fear is not as pronounced, or it could be bad - if one's intent is to screw with someone. Bad relationships formed over the Net are not the Net's fault, as it is neutral; the fault lies on the ignorance of some and the general shortcomings of human behavior.

There is so much to love that depends on the physical chemistry. And if the two don't plan to meet eventually, what's the point?


In this day and age people communicate by computer in many in depth ways and I was wondering, is it possible to love someone you have never even met? Is it possible to know someone's mind, thoughts and personality, so well to fall in love?
In the days of yore people could have budding romances based on letters alone, and with the proliferation of cheap photographs that could be sent in the mail, they then knew what they were getting into as far as physical attraction. If it was possible for pen pals to supposedly fall in love throughout history, then with instant messaging, ease of sharing photos and video and instant receipt of letters, why not the same for internet romances?

I know this would be a question that only those this may have happened to could answer because I assume for those that it has never happened to they would probably think it too alien or impossible, but I am curious to hear what y'all say....even the smart ass answers are welcome because most of you guys can be pretty damn funny.

I remember you. You started another thread a while back about a woman you met on the internet but never in person. Whatever happened with that?



I would say, sure anything is possible...but would it be "real" love? I think not, I think and I believe that it's more of the idea of what that love could be like. I don't think you can really know someone just by talking to them over the net. I think you need to meet at some point to see the real person. For all one knows, that person could be a murderer, a child molester anything. To really know someone, you have to know them...which means, meet them. So, to answer your question...anything is possible, but it's not real.

Richard Cranium

New Member
I know a guy that spent quite some time in an internet/phone relationship. He was hooked but there were red flags and he didn't see them. She would not send him a pic and her description of herself was vague. In the end they did meet but it resulted in hurt feelings and ill will. Better to do it the old fashioned way. You can be anyone you want in a white box with text in it. Ya gotta pony up when you are in person.

Too many guys are willing to fall for this crap. You know what I'm talking about.


How you like me now?
I know a guy that spent quite some time in an internet/phone relationship. He was hooked but there were red flags and he didn't see them. She would not send him a pic and her description of herself was vague. In the end they did meet but it resulted in hurt feelings and ill will. Better to do it the old fashioned way. You can be anyone you want in a white box with text in it. Ya gotta pony up when you are in person.

True, I am sure those things happen but that can happen in real life too. How many times do people when the first start dating and getting to know each other build up this persona only to be false and the people involved are disappointed.

Then on the other hand you have success stories of those that met on the internet and are still going strong. I think it could just be the people and the circumstances that will drive it more than how.


Well-Known Member
I know, for me, I could have never fallen in love with Kjo, Vrai, Catt, Otter, Pete, MMDad, Geek, 1bdz (well, that's another story) Kwillia, Migtig, hypv, jazz, Nupe, oldman, wenchy, dukesdad, dutch, socki, miss perky and her sister, the skinny one with the big boobs that moves around a lot, kyle, VV, (especially VV), Elaine, Christy (sweet as can be) Vince, etc., etc, and a bunch of others had it not been for the internet.

Eye lub ewe two!:love:

Novus Collectus

New Member
True, I am sure those things happen but that can happen in real life too. How many times do people when the first start dating and getting to know each other build up this persona only to be false and the people involved are disappointed.

Then on the other hand you have success stories of those that met on the internet and are still going strong. I think it could just be the people and the circumstances that will drive it more than how.
Yeah, I know of a few people that started out chatting on the internet going back to when dial up was the common connection and are still together (married and kids).


Lobster Land
The internet for love, no. The internet for possible connections, yes. The internet for peeps one admires, yes. I consider some forumites as my family because we can and do share parts of our lives, even though I've never met a single one. If you're looking for love you have to get out and actually meet people, IMO.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
In this day and age people communicate by computer in many in depth ways and I was wondering, is it possible to love someone you have never even met?

Yes, for some. Though personally, I have to bang them a few times before I'll even consider making the descision to love them.

:love:See? My Prince Charming of SOMD:lmao:

Good God woman! Are you really THAT desperate?