Internet love


It's a Jeep thang!
I fell in love with a girl from the internet. she sent me so many pictures, I was hooked. She was from Abell, Md. Then after the 3rd letter from me, my heart began to swell, full of deep love. But it turns out, she was actually from Russia (or was it Nigeria?), and after 4 months of $1,000 here, $1,000 there, she disappeared and I lost my love forever.

Yes it can happen, but one has to be real careful. As with the karma on here, people hide easily behind the safety of their keyboard.

Congrats to Richard C. and nicole, I hope the children are healthly after you get married....You guys make a wonderful couple...

Novus Collectus

New Member
I fell in love with a girl from the internet. she sent me so many pictures, I was hooked. She was from Abell, Md. Then after the 3rd letter from me, my heart began to swell, full of deep love. But it turns out, she was actually from Russia (or was it Nigeria?), and after 4 months of $1,000 here, $1,000 there, she disappeared and I lost my love forever.

Yes it can happen, but one has to be real careful. As with the karma on here, people hide easily behind the safety of their keyboard.

Congrats to Richard C. and nicole, I hope the children are healthly after you get married....You guys make a wonderful couple...
Yes, it is always good to be able to check or to know other people that know they are who they are before committing time, money or emotional attachment.
With webcams, digital cameras and phone calls there are other ways for them to verify who they are these days. I have a few friends I have only met on the internet at this point which I know for sure are who they say they are in these ways.
Pretty hard for the majority of people to fake a caller ID number for instance.

One quick way to weed out the scam artists right off the bat is to tell them just how broke I am. Never fails.


It's a Jeep thang!
I fell in love with a girl from the internet. she sent me so many pictures, I was hooked. She was from Abell, Md. Then after the 3rd letter from me, my heart began to swell, full of deep love. But it turns out, she was actually from Russia (or was it Nigeria?), and after 4 months of $1,000 here, $1,000 there, she disappeared and I lost my love forever.

Yes it can happen, but one has to be real careful. As with the karma on here, people hide easily behind the safety of their keyboard.

Congrats to Richard C. and nicole, I hope the children are healthly after you get married....You guys make a wonderful couple...

Opps I forgot to put this in there: :sarcasm:

I did not really send any money if anybody seriously thought that.


bite me
Opps I forgot to put this in there: :sarcasm:

I did not really send any money if anybody seriously thought that.

No, I fell over when I saw that Richard and Nicole were a couple. I met her, and we talk back and forth alot since she adopted two ferrets from us.

Very stunning young woman. Very sweet. She is such a good person. So I guess I am very happy for her. I have not had a chance to speak to her as she is in VA with her family. Wow that is nice to hear.


How you like me now?
No, I fell over when I saw that Richard and Nicole were a couple. I met her, and we talk back and forth alot since she adopted two ferrets from us.

Very stunning young woman. Very sweet. She is such a good person. So I guess I am very happy for her. I have not had a chance to speak to her as she is in VA with her family. Wow that is nice to hear.

:lmao:Boy the things you learn about yourself. Yeah the wedding is next week but I am not sure if he is going to show...

Come on guys, give me a break already. How did this start?


If it was possible for pen pals to supposedly fall in love throughout history, then with instant messaging, ease of sharing photos and video and instant receipt of letters, why not the same for internet romances?

met my wife through Yahoo Personals ( back when they were free ) in 2000 dated for 5 yrs, been married for 2 now .............

back in 1998 met an English Girl through an old web site ( WebChat Broadcasting Service ) and chatted on there and IQC ( I had a 5 digit # at one point ) for a yr she came over for a visit and went back home to finish her degree ( Maths ) ...... we still talk at least once a month ....


PREMO Member
I know, for me, I could have never fallen in love with Kjo, Vrai, Catt, Otter, Pete, MMDad, Geek, 1bdz (well, that's another story) Kwillia, Migtig, hypv, jazz, Nupe, oldman, wenchy, dukesdad, dutch, socki, miss perky and her sister, the skinny one with the big boobs that moves around a lot, kyle, VV, (especially VV), Elaine, Christy (sweet as can be) Vince, etc., etc, and a bunch of others had it not been for the internet.



I think so. you can get a chance to really listen and get to know the person if everyone involved is being upfront. It also gives you the chance to talk about things that in person you may not have the courage to bring up in a one on one environment.

one thing I noticed, it is too easy to get "Intimate" to fast ..............


how do you mean?

it is easy to say things / talking about sexual or otherwise that you would not say / discuss across the dinner table with someone you have only know a couple weeks ......... because there is this disconnect with a screen between two people ...........


off the shelf
it is easy to say things / talking about sexual or otherwise that you would not say / discuss across the dinner table with someone you have only know a couple weeks ......... because there is this disconnect with a screen between two people ...........

I have to say that this is the case some of the depends on the person/people

I personally don't say anything on the internet that I wouldn't say at the dinner table(or where ever else it is), even after knowing someone for a short amount of time....I'm an "outgoing" person like that


I have to say that this is the case some of the depends on the person/people

I personally don't say anything on the internet that I wouldn't say at the dinner table(or where ever else it is), even after knowing someone for a short amount of time....I'm an "outgoing" person like that

Are you horney?


In this day and age people communicate by computer in many in depth ways and I was wondering, is it possible to love someone you have never even met? Is it possible to know someone's mind, thoughts and personality, so well to fall in love?

Absolutely, Positively Not! Now meeting via the internet may be a slightly different story, even though I have serious doubts about the length of time and depth a relationship like that can reach.