curiouser and curiouser
Might I suggest an MPD? :shrug:Originally posted by Pete
If it wouldn't get me banned
Might I suggest an MPD? :shrug:Originally posted by Pete
If it wouldn't get me banned
It's a huge deal to execute a serviceman, I'd be willing to bet they wouldn't kill him without making a big deal about it and rubbing it in our faces.Originally posted by Dixie
Does anyone remember the soldier that was captured several months ago? He was just some scared looking, really young man, new father said he just wanted to go home? I'm fairly certain he wasn't released but I've never heard anymore about him and can't find anything no matter where I've searched. It's like he dropped from the face of the earth. Anybody out there know anything about him, it's never mentioned anywhere.
Originally posted by Pete
You truly are a effing stool sample of a human being. Being a combatant and dying is significantly different that being captured, paraded around and decapitated before a world wide audience. Is it any different that the others beheaded, no it is not, but where is the moral outcry form the muslim community? The only thing that baffles me more than the absence of their disgust and contempt is yours. You whine like a little biyatch because some Iraqis had to dance around naked with womens underwear on their head but you are ambivalent to this.
If it wouldn't get me banned I would offer to Ken King your ass at the lake of your choosing, to show you what type of ass kicking toughness made this country, instead of the panty waste foo foo jackasses like you who are not happy until we are tamed and dumbed down like a heard of holstiens.
Go ahead you turd, sit around jeering and scoffing while you play your acoustic guitar with flowers in your hair railing about the haves and have nots, and how everything we do is wrong. Might I suggest a plane ticket to France? I would even kick in the first $500 so you can go to your true home, hell I will even buy you a berret to wear on the flight.
And we are just saying that you are a ffaagg.Originally posted by jlabsher
Love you too, Pete. That's what makes this country great, open discussion and free discourse for all, go back and hug a gun dude, you forgot your meds.
I'm just saying there is a lot of hand wringing over a soldier who will most certainly die after being captured, not like it has never happened before dude, talk to your daddy about WWII or Korea or Nam sometime. We can just pray that he is only beheaded, not tortured. Guess what, as long as we stay there, there will be more. Get used to it.
Also, I don't recall whining about the prisoner mistreatment, I do recall saying that the US as a country should be above such things as it was in the past, and it would cause the enemy to treat our prisoners worse. We shall soon see, hope this guy doesn't have a wife & kids.
You don't sound like a sixties peacenik - you sound like one of those Islamic nutties who cheered 9-11. You sound like Howard Dean. You sound like Al Gore. You sound like Michael Moore. You sound like any one of the anti-American screwballs that get off on the terrorists beheading people, hoping it will hurt Bush in November.Originally posted by jlabsher
Hate to sound like a sixties peacenik
The day our country as a whole "gets used to" the execution of our countrymen is the day I'll get the hell out.Originally posted by jlabsher
Get used to it.
You cannot be serious!Originally posted by jlabsher
We can just pray that he is only beheaded, not tortured.
Originally posted by jlabsher
When will you flag wavers get it, if you support the war you cannot show disdain and act appaled by US casualties, you must accept them and gain resolve from them, war isn't pretty or a walk in the park folks, bad things happen to both sides, that is why intelligent people avoid it at all costs.
Originally posted by Nickel
The day our country as a whole "gets used to" the execution of our countrymen is the day I'll get the hell out.
No, just you suck.Originally posted by jlabsher
Guess what, we're already used to it. It isn't the lead story anywhere. By tonight, it won't even be front page. Sucks no?
I don't need to talk to my "daddy" I walked the walk for 21 years and I knew what to expect. "Pray he is only beheaded and not tortured"??? Great defeatest attitude there boy, sure glad you are not in charge of anything important or we would have already rolled over like a dog and exposed our bellies. I find your "he is a Marine he gets what he deserves" crap to be vile.Originally posted by jlabsher
Love you too, Pete. That's what makes this country great, open discussion and free discourse for all, go back and hug a gun dude, you forgot your meds.
I'm just saying there is a lot of hand wringing over a soldier who will most certainly die after being captured, not like it has never happened before dude, talk to your daddy about WWII or Korea or Nam sometime. We can just pray that he is only beheaded, not tortured. Guess what, as long as we stay there, there will be more. Get used to it.
Also, I don't recall whining about the prisoner mistreatment, I do recall saying that the US as a country should be above such things as it was in the past, and it would cause the enemy to treat our prisoners worse. We shall soon see, hope this guy doesn't have a wife & kids.
Originally posted by SamSpade
We DO get it. You see, when we grew up, if a bully picked on us, we punched him in the nose. We didn't run the first time he pushed us down.
That IS what these guys are trying to do. Scare us with atrocity. And the one thing liberals are famous for - running away because it's gotten deadly.
It doesn't make it any less atrocious to kill an unarmed man.
People like you make me sick. You know what, I recall hearing just a few weeks ago that they have found proof that WMD did exist in Iraq, but of course that isn't gonna be the main focus of the nightly news because it would prove that we're there for a legitimate reason. AllOriginally posted by jlabsher
Thanks, I remember being called a traitor and a ### on this board when I was the only one asking WHY we were going to Iraq in the first place. Woo-hoo!
I guess if you don't agree with EVERYTHING Bush says & does, want to kill other people and vehemently despise all other viewpoints you are a traitor and a ###.