Is America heading for theocracy?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Then whose morality do we teach?

That's THE question. Any religion is, at least in part, a system of governance and any civilization needs some level of rules and governance, as such, that is a great question.

My answer is found in our founding documents; the individual right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness rooted in the Declaration of Independence backed up by our religious and speech freedoms in the Constitution.

Some people force the issue by going to that little courthouse from 100's of miles away just to make her give them a license. It's not the locals.... in this case... it's the radicals.... and in that case.... well I would have told them to go back where they came from and get their licenses there.


Where are you getting that from? Some people might have come from other places, especially after the controversy heated up. But all eight of the plaintiffs in the suit filed against Mrs. Davis (asking that she be enjoined from enforcing her no marriage license policy) were residents of Rowan County.


And that goes back to my point with my "Who are we". If you mean you as an individual, you teach yours, as noted, to whomever wants to listen, but not at work, nor do you use a gov't or elected position to teach others by deciding what service they may be provided. If you mean we as a society, well, that's a bit tricky because society is larger than your morality, and imposing yours on others, well, that's theocracy.

No. We're a republic and you get one vote but your vote doesn't count towards the election because the electoral college decides who wins and the three branches of government decide, dictate and impose morality on you which is not a theocracy. I said nothing of the sort that we were a theocracy and you are reading in an interpretation into my words that isn't there.


That's THE question. Any religion is, at least in part, a system of governance and any civilization needs some level of rules and governance, as such, that is a great question.

My answer is found in our founding documents; the individual right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness rooted in the Declaration of Independence backed up by our religious and speech freedoms in the Constitution.

The founding documents are no longer the law of the land. Your rights have been taken away. The rights that were once inalienable have been taken away by the Patriot Act. You're following someone else's morals now.
I still say if I were in Ms. Davis's position, I would be jailed as well. Some people force the issue by going to that little courthouse from 100's of miles away just to make her give them a license. It's not the locals.... in this case... it's the radicals.... and in that case.... well I would have told them to go back where they came from and get their licenses there.


Like Kim Davis, George Wallace, Fred Koch, and Robert Byrd (to name a few), you would be on the side of American history that opposed American civil rights. Rosa Parks was an American radical along with Martin Luther King, Susan B. Anthony, Mary Bethune, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem (also to name a few).
The founding documents are no longer the law of the land. Your rights have been taken away. The rights that were once inalienable have been taken away by the Patriot Act. You're following someone else's morals now.

That's a pretty fatalistic view of American democracy! Nothing left to do but pray and await the rapture?


That's a pretty fatalistic view of American democracy! Nothing left to do but pray and await the rapture?

It is not fatalistic but if people don't want to believe in God then what they've done is not supplied evidence to keep the documents of the founding fathers. If they don't believe in God then they have to prove how they can stand up for inalienable rights given by God.

No one knows when the rapture is supposed to take place but we're supposed to watch.

I'm living my life as if Jesus could come back at any moment but I am planning my life as if Jesus won't come back in my lifetime so I'm planning for what is best for storing up treasures in eternity.

I started writing an outline for a book. I have 20 pages for a book but I thought that wasn't long enough to submit to Amazon for an E-book even though others do it.

I'm loving my neighbors.

I'm going to work every day and I'm planning for the future.

I'm planning to fix a flat screen television that broke instead of just recycle it. I watched videos on the internet and discussed it with some electronic hobbyists on what is best in fixing a television. These new televisions have boards that you can swap out with a new one so that is what I plan on doing.

I'm writing Bible studies, I'm studying the Bible and I'm trying to answer questions.

And I'm concerned that more people should enter eternity which is the main reason why I bother with all of you.