Thought pirate
The burden of proof is on you.
To prove what? That your reply to my post was a rambling, idiotic statement? I think not. Move along.
The burden of proof is on you.
To prove what? That your reply to my post was a rambling, idiotic statement? I think not. Move along.
To prove what? That your reply to my post was a rambling, idiotic statement? .
Not to mention disjointed and incoherent....
Yeah, that's the reason why they can't answer questions or arguments in the post.
I'll let them save face instead of answer questions from someone that doesn't apparently know enough.
Lol, that is rich, YOU didn't even know she was a county clerk and not a town clerk, but you go on with your bad, confused, ignorant, and lying self.
Yeah, that's the reason why they can't answer questions or arguments in the post.
I'll let them save face instead of answer questions from someone that doesn't apparently know enough.
Shhh. Gilligan is asleep![]()
Lol, that is rich, YOU didn't even know she was a county clerk and not a town clerk, but you go on with your bad, confused, ignorant, and lying self.
I was referencing our city which was my town.
And calling people names in interpersonal communication is called abusive and not passive or assertive communication. I took English Interpersonal Communication. It usually means that you don't have any ideas in order to defend your argument so you resort to name calling or whatever. Your argument is weak there so you have to make up for it some way.
I'm glad you were so intelligent to notice that but not intelligent enough to make out cryptic communication or rambling communication in order to converse.
How did she force them by not doing anything? They couldn't go to the next town to get married? You mean someone was forcing themselves to get married in her town of 6,000 people to get married? You mean to tell me it was easier for them to pay a lawyer than to go somewhere else to get married? There are a lot of times I am inconvenienced but I don't fork out thousands of dollars to sue.
And you have to pay for health care or you pay a penalty which is a tax. Who is forcing you to pay?
It is okay if you are at the top enforcing but not okay if you are at the bottom? Health care laws benefit the rich because they are making you pay so they don't feel it when they have to help cover your costs.
There is a couple flying from San Francisco to get married in Kentucky to make a statement. Who is enforcing their beliefs on others? Aren't the thousands of activists calling up and screaming forcing their beliefs on others? Kentucky has home rule which means they don't want outsiders forcing their beliefs on them.
Otherwise, this conversation belongs here in this theocracy thread.
It's in a Religion thread.
My point was that such attitudes are exactly how you get to a theocracy. The conversation about the clerk doesn't really become a conversation about theocracy until you start saying that you get to ignore any interpretation of the law your religion disagrees with. That all interpretations are Gods. That way, as I noted, lies theocracy. You can base your life choices on what you interpret to be Gods way all day long, but once you start making choices for ME based on that, we are going the wrong direction. I've spent enough time in a country where the religion rules, and it's a pretty scary place.
There are two separate issues here.
(1) If Christian morality can't be taught then whose morality can be taught?
(2) The sin of man was that he wanted to become God so instead of the right God being on the throne, your gods are on the throne making morality decisions.
My point was that such attitudes are exactly how you get to a theocracy. The conversation about the clerk doesn't really become a conversation about theocracy until you start saying that you get to ignore any interpretation of the law your religion disagrees with. That all interpretations are Gods. That way, as I noted, lies theocracy. You can base your life choices on what you interpret to be Gods way all day long, but once you start making choices for ME based on that, we are going the wrong direction. I've spent enough time in a country where the religion rules, and it's a pretty scary place.
Of course almost any theology can be taught. But you can't forcibly teach me your morality. Or use your morality to decide what services the state offers, why we have laws and not edicts. In school? why certainly there are schools that teach Christian morality all day long, even here in the Sticks of St Mary's there are what, two or three?
Hmmm, maybe I don't want your God on my throne? Or even my God, of which you know nothing, so just because I reject you saying your God should be in charge of my morality, don't assume that the secular leaders of this nation are my gods. I am in charge of my own morality, thanks. Again, you want to live in a country where God decides, I have a list.
Then whose morality do we teach?
You teach your morality to whoever will freely listen to you, otherwise, if you teach it or try to teach it to everyone, it's a theocracy. Aren't you college educated? Don't you know what theocracy is?
Show me where I said America is a theocracy or should be a theocracy. I never used those words.