Is Charles Co. Racist?


New Member
camily said:
Well, I understand what you are saying, but EVERY dealer I knew/worked with had a "real" job during the day or quit any job they got because it was too "hard" and they didn't want to sweat. They got off of being a "gangsta" and talked a bunch of smack all the time. The only one with any sense was the big man who came and dropped his bags off with the squatter every few days and picked up his change. He had a real job also and was the only one making any real money. He was the original piece of crap though for bringing his buddies into it to "help them out". It really only helped him out. Believe me, one lived in my basement, he had NO ambition and was nothing but a puppet with no skills and he liked it that way. His "cousin" paid his rent at my house and he simply sat there and sold. He had jobs every now and again, but couldn't keep them due to the fact that he simply didn't care to work. End of story. I often wonder what came of them when we got the fuk out. Probably in jail or dead.

Like you said he was a puppet, if he didn't see any thing beyond selling drugs, or trying to get enough money to do something else with his life he was a dumb ass and he is probably in some one else's basement right now doing the same thing, but at the time you contributed, you gave him a safe place the lay his head and hustle. Every street person is not like that, some just do it to get by, make ends meet and survive.


wandering aimlessly
camily said:
Well, I understand what you are saying, but EVERY dealer I knew/worked with had a "real" job during the day or quit any job they got because it was too "hard" and they didn't want to sweat. They got off of being a "gangsta" and talked a bunch of smack all the time. The only one with any sense was the big man who came and dropped his bags off with the squatter every few days and picked up his change. He had a real job also and was the only one making any real money. He was the original piece of crap though for bringing his buddies into it to "help them out". It really only helped him out. Believe me, one lived in my basement, he had NO ambition and was nothing but a puppet with no skills and he liked it that way. His "cousin" paid his rent at my house and he simply sat there and sold. He had jobs every now and again, but couldn't keep them due to the fact that he simply didn't care to work. End of story. I often wonder what came of them when we got the fuk out. Probably in jail or dead.
Drug dealing....the original pyramid scheme.


eclark said:
Like you said he was a puppet, if he didn't see any thing beyond selling drugs, or trying to get enough money to do something else with his life he was a dumb ass and he is probably in some one else's basement right now doing the same thing, but at the time you contributed, you gave him a safe place the lay his head and hustle. Every street person is not like that, some just do it to get by, make ends meet and survive.
Your right, and I gave him a place to stay because it was beneficial for me as well. A vicious cycle. Thank God I am not there anymore. I can't even stand to go back to CRE. Not that it is a bad place, but that is where it all started, and ended for me. I had to move and completely break any and all ties and not look back. You have to realize that you are better than that and you deserve more, that you are worth more and go from there. It is hard to come back but it IS possible.


eclark said:
I know plenty of people with a college education looking for a job.

Me too.

eclark said:
So what do you do? when your out here in the real world and reality sets in, that your not a child and your parents don't have to take care of you, in some cases some people don't have parents or even a parent to take care of them in the first place.

What would I do?

I'll tell you exactly what I DID, when I lived in the "real world" and the reality set in that I wasn't a child, and my parents would no longer support me.

I went out and got me a crappy job.

Cleaning shitty toilets. Getting puked on, and mopping up puke. Cleaning off skanky-ass telephones that smelled like beer and pickles and vomit. Cleaning up blood.

It wasn't a good job. I hated it - the hours sucked, I was around people I didn't like, and it didn't pay all the bills that I needed paid.

So, I went and got a second crappy-ass job.

Delivering pizzas to trailer parks and slums, risking my neck and ruining my car.

There was one point in my life - about two years worth of my early 20's - when I had FOUR jobs at the same time. Weekdays, I did one job, Weeknights, I had another job - weekend days I had a job, and weekend nights I had another job.

NONE of these jobs paid SQUAT. But together I managed to get my bills paid, and I didn't have to sell anything measured in grams.

I spent my off-shifts reading computer books. Every free waking moment, I was learning how to program computers, and how to hook up networks, and how to design websites, and how to write assembly level code.

Then I found a job programming computers. I went to my interview clean-shaven, no visible tatoos, and without a ballcap side-ways on my head, and without my pants hanging around my knees. And I got the job, amazingly enough.

Then I quit two of my other jobs until I got an even better job, and could support myself with a one single job.

It took effort, and it took nearly 10 years - and I had to eat a lot of ####.

But I managed to work my way up from living alone in a crappy rent-controlled tenement to buying a house and supporting a bus full of screaming children.

Nobody gave me a goddam thing. I had to TAKE it.

That's what I'd do.

eclark said:
So What do you do? when your hungry or your little sister or brother or son or daughter is hungry and you've applied to fast food and still don't get hired or your already working 1 fast food job that don't pay the bills, but you still trying to be legit and look for a better job

Try to get a second crappy job, or a third or a fourth. They don't have to be good jobs, but together they will take care of business.

And while you're doing that, you can educate yourself, and look for something better, and when you finally DO get something better, you can quit a job or two.

That's what I'd do.

eclark said:
No body dreams of being a drug dealer despite what people might think.

The "gangsta" lifestyle is not only condoned, it is absolutely GLORIFIED. I think there are plenty of people who become a drug dealer because it's COOL, and gives them plenty of money for bling - not because they're forced into it.

I grew up in Baltimore - and I lived on worse streets than you. I moved down here, and I grew up some more - I wasn't forced into it.


New Member
Toxick said:
Me too.

And while you're doing that, you can educate yourself, and look for something better, and when you finally DO get something better, you can quit a job or two.

That's what I'd do.

Good for you, you should be a motivational speaker maybe you can help the gansta wannabee's. You know teach them to pull up their pants and put their hat on right. :sarcasm:


eclark said:
Good for you, you should be a motivational speaker maybe you can help the gansta wannabee's. You know teach them to pull up their pants and put their hat on right. :sarcasm:

You asked the question "What would you do?"

I told you.

If you don't want to hear an answer, you probably shouldn't ask the question.


New Member
Toxick said:
You asked the question "What would you do?"

I told you.

If you don't want to hear an answer, you probably shouldn't ask the question.

I read your reply big deal, that was how many years ago. Try doing it now, with nothing.


wandering aimlessly
eclark said:
I read your reply big deal, that was how many years ago. Try doing it now, with nothing.
Then, now, same difference. Its all in how hard someone is willing to work to make it happen.


New Member
eclark said:
I read your reply big deal, that was how many years ago. Try doing it now, with nothing.

And further more your not the only one who has been through the struggle. I did it too. Worked 3 jobs when I got off my full time, I went to my part time waitressing and then went home and slept on my fathers floor in a 1 bed room apartment that he his girlfriend, their daughter and me and my son lived in. On the saturdays and sundays that I didn't have to go in to work, I worked out of my fathers apartment doing hair. Guess what when I went to apply for a 1 bed room apartment, they said I didn't make enough annually. So please sir don't think I don't know about the struggle, if I didn't have my fathers floor to sleep on God knows where I would be or what I would have had to done out here to survive. Life is not that easy, my died a little over a year and a 1/2 @ 45 of breast cancer. I have 3 little sisters 13, 11, and 10 my mother didn't owed a house, worked all her life to make ends meet, doing double shifts and the nursing home, wiping #### from the veterans asses and she still died and didn't own a house. But some one has to feed and clothes my little sister's. I do what I can day after day, welfare wouldn't even give my little sister's health insurance. So I've learned that life is not want you make it but, how you handle it and some times I feel like blowing my brain off my shoulders, cause day to day I don't know how I'm going to do it.

Any suggestions?


Set Trippin
eclark said:
And further more your not the only one who has been through the struggle. I did it too. Worked 3 jobs when I got off my full time, I went to my part time waitressing and then went home and slept on my fathers floor in a 1 bed room apartment that he his girlfriend, their daughter and me and my son lived in. On the saturdays and sundays that I didn't have to go in to work, I worked out of my fathers apartment doing hair. Guess what when I went to apply for a 1 bed room apartment, they said I didn't make enough annually. So please sir don't think I don't know about the struggle, if I didn't have my fathers floor to sleep on God knows where I would be or what I would have had to done out here to survive. Life is not that easy, my died a little over a year and a 1/2 @ 45 of breast cancer. I have 3 little sisters 13, 11, and 10 my mother didn't owed a house, worked all her life to make ends meet, doing double shifts and the nursing home, wiping #### from the veterans asses and she still died and didn't own a house. But some one has to feed and clothes my little sister's. I do what I can day after day, welfare wouldn't even give my little sister's health insurance. So I've learned that life is not want you make it but, how you handle it and some times I feel like blowing my brain off my shoulders, cause day to day I don't know how I'm going to do it.

Any suggestions?
Have you thought about writing your mayor?


New Member
camily said:
Hey black person (oh I'm sorry, law abiding citizen) the white people buying and smoking crack are breaking the law as well and we'd say the same thing to them. We are equal opportunity haters.
As far as I can see, the NAACP stands for:
National Association for the Advancement of Crack Peddlers

OMG!!!!! Now that some funny stuff!!! :killingme :killingme


New Member
eclark said:
I voted for Bush, but he is not doing any thing, but killing the law abiding citizens that went to the army for a better life, because unemployment is high and they didn't want to hustle on these streets. The only thing they got is a free grave. :whistle:

We as citizens have a choice to sign up to serve and protect this country..We do not force our Citizens to join the Service like other countries do with their Citizens. ... They went in with the knowledge of there is a huge risk of going to war...

As far as the Drug issue, My father does drugs and I have nothing to do with him I even turn him in myself. I have no respect for him. My father almost got a grave him self a few years back and I told my siblings that the only thing I am give for the funeral was a black garbage bag... So It has nothing to do with color. It has to do with the fact that Drug dealers deserves what is coming to them regardless your color....