Is Full-Time RVing for you?


Throwing the deuces
"Good Fit". Full time RVing sounds fun to me (thanks to hearing about yours and Vrai's adventures). The thing I hates most about traveling is stopping to eat and use the bathrooms. Not an issue with a RV. I would love to see the country (never been further west than Michigan / Ohio). Husband and I were talking about once I can leave my job in 2025 with a full pension, we just throw caution to the wind and move to Idaho and stake our claim (both of us have lived on the East Coast our whole lives).


Lawful neutral
I’ve decided to downsize my travel trailer in the next year or so. I’m looking into one of those used lance campers that sit on the back of a pick-up truck. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
(never been further west than Michigan / Ohio).

Oh man, it's a whole nother country out there. So beautiful and peaceful. And HUGE. You just kind of stand there with your mouth open. The pics I posted don't convey how it makes you feel to be this tiny little speck in the middle of an enormous mountain range. America the Beautiful, no kidding.


Well-Known Member
Good Fit...I have a question often does it come up that you would need to trade work for a camping spot??? :confused: That seems really random to me :lol:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
"Good Fit". Full time RVing sounds fun to me (thanks to hearing about yours and Vrai's adventures). The thing I hates most about traveling is stopping to eat and use the bathrooms. Not an issue with a RV. I would love to see the country (never been further west than Michigan / Ohio). Husband and I were talking about once I can leave my job in 2025 with a full pension, we just throw caution to the wind and move to Idaho and stake our claim (both of us have lived on the East Coast our whole lives).

On the way to Idaho, stop in the greater Rapid City, SD area. Just before you get to Wall, SD take a left into Badlands National Park. While in that area visit all the way down to Custer State Park and all the way north to Sturgis. Take all the recommended scenic drives. You may change your plans.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Good Fit...I have a question often does it come up that you would need to trade work for a camping spot??? :confused: That seems really random to me :lol:

I've done that 4 different times but haven't done it once I started rolling down the road with Vrai. We talk about doing it but we are probably a couple of years from doing that.

I spent a few weeks helping out 2 different state parks in the 1,000 island region of NY. Both campgrounds were right on the water. I also landed a 3 month deal in Alaska and in Ketchikan I babysat a small campground but there I stayed in a cabin so I just needed to drive up there with my truck. The cabin was pretty sweet and it was a great way to spend 10 weeks.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good Fit...I have a question often does it come up that you would need to trade work for a camping spot??? :confused: That seems really random to me :lol:

You can trade work for a camping spot if you want, or not. It's not just national parks, but RV resorts as well that offer workamping opportunities. They give you a spot and a few bucks, and you give them x-hours per week. They all prefer older workers who are going to be responsible and mature. For a retired couple, this to me is an ideal situation.


Throwing the deuces
On the way to Idaho, stop in the greater Rapid City, SD area. Just before you get to Wall, SD take a left into Badlands National Park. While in that area visit all the way down to Custer State Park and all the way north to Sturgis. Take all the recommended scenic drives. You may change your plans.

We are looking at Northern Idaho (Sandpointe to Coeur d'Alene area) and if we do it, we won't regret it. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We are looking at Northern Idaho (Sandpointe to Coeur d'Alene area) and if we do it, we won't regret it. :lol:

My grandparents on my bio-Dad's side lived in Coeur d'Alene when I was a kid. My memory is that it was pretty nice, but this was 40 years ago.


Well-Known Member
I came out a decent fit. The issue will be if the better half would fall into that category. I think I'll be able to convince her to give it a shot in 2019, when she retires.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I came out a decent fit. The issue will be if the better half would fall into that category. I think I'll be able to convince her to give it a shot in 2019, when she retires.

Rent an RV and go on a few trips. See if it's right for you. There's no law that says you have to go whole hog with it right off the bat.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm on a few Facebook groups for RVers, including a full time group. Lots of post saying how people would love to do it. Then you have the people that have decided to full time travel and are panicking about going from a 2K sqft home into a motorhome. Decluttering isn't for the faint of heart. Many respond to the people on the fence that they wished they had done it sooner.

I always tell people it isn't for everyone.


New Member
I'm on a few Facebook groups for RVers, including a full time group. Lots of post saying how people would love to do it. Then you have the people that have decided to full time travel and are panicking about going from a 2K sqft home into a motorhome. Decluttering isn't for the faint of heart. Many respond to the people on the fence that they wished they had done it sooner.

I always tell people it isn't for everyone.

Too many things I WONT get rid of to do something like that. ( Primarily things that go bang )


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I got "good fit". Foxhound will like this's a far cry from the first we heard of you all doing this. I was like NO WAY. EVER. Like in NEVER. :lol:

*sigh* There are a lot of details that would need to be worked out first, but I really could see myself doing this on at least a part time basis. Maybe one day! :yay: