Is God a vegetarian?


Harley Rider
I've had the "bible tells you to eat meat" tale fed to me every Thanksgiving by my Southern Baptist family.
Southern Baptists shouldn't say WTF:lmao:
vegmom said:
The Bible neither commands nor forbids eating meat. The Bible (OT) does forbid eating unclean animals of any sort, so I can see many veggies viewing what is in the grocery store today as unclean.
But is God vegetarian? As others have stated - that question is a bit redundant since God has no need for food (although I personally believe he makes an exception for chocolate).
You are correct vegmom. God could care less if we eat meat or not. Even the OT laws of clean & unclean foods are also gone. (Mark 7 v 18,19)(Acts 10 v 9)(Romans 14) & (1 Timothy 4 v 3-5). We can learn from the OT, however, in that some of the foods that were called unclean are REALLY not good for us, so we shouldn't eat them but God will allow it if we want to.


New Member

The reason I and many others are vegetarians is because we don't agree with modern factory farming methods and their disaterous effects on our health, economy, and environment- not to mention it's downright cruel to raise animals like that.


This I accept and agree with. This statement is quite fair.

Now, VegMom, I would like to know your point of view of someone going out into the woods and hunting a steroid free deer as a source of food for their family is.

Going out in to the woods and killing a deer for "sport" means killing and letting it lay there and not intending to put in the belly, that's sport hunting.

The reason I said, "Is God a Vegetarian", was simple. No one ever says, Jesus' Little Creatures, It's always "God's Little Creatures". We know Jesus ate meat, that's a given. However, God is the one clearly stating go forth and eat the deer.

The point I am making to people is, why do others always have to make the argument, "It's a sin to kill God's little creatures", when God straight up said it's all good? As I said before, those people are simply hiding behind a "name" (God), to make others fear what they believe personally, they are not presenting the honest facts when they do this, and that is what makes them look quite uneducated in the public eye.

For example, has anyone here been following the letters to the editor in the Maryland Independent about the dude, Steve Brennan, who writes the same letter every year about this time, you sorta come to expect a new letter from him every September or October, ? It's a shame that fella had to make an a$$ of himself in front of all the readers for making comments with no facts to back him up, basically this guy is just babbling, might have had too much wine and not enough bread that day and got bored. And, I assure you there were a lot of people on that mans side until they said they finished reading the whole letter, then they started to worry about the poor guy. Yes, these were non-church-goers and fully religious folks as well.


Bookseller Lady
You are correct vegmom. God could care less if we eat meat or not. Even the OT laws of clean & unclean foods are also gone. (Mark 7 v 18,19)(Acts 10 v 9)(Romans 14) & (1 Timothy 4 v 3-5). We can learn from the OT, however, in that some of the foods that were called unclean are REALLY not good for us, so we shouldn't eat them but God will allow it if we want to.

I take the OT dietary laws as a "guide to keep yourself from becoming horribly sick from eating this stuff".

I doubt a BLT would have appealed to me any more in Biblical times than it does now.


:diva: Whether God eats meat or even eats food does seem answered in the 2nd post,

but according to the Bible - God made mankind (male and female) and the animals to only eat vegetables link HERE.

God is not a hypocrite and since He created mankind as vegetarian than God is a vegetarian too.

It was only because of sin and sinning that the people and the animals started to eat meat and God permits eating meat in the same way that He permits people to sin today - we each reap what we sow.

Jesus gave others meat to eat but He did not eat the meats Himself.

1 Corinthians 10
25Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 26for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."[c]

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Mr. Ferarri

1 Corinthians 10: 25
Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 26for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."[c]
:whistle: That is one of those imfamous Bible text that are taken out of context.

See it correctly in 1 Corinthians 10:15-33 link HERE.

The people asked the Apostle Paul about eating foods offered to idols and the King James version does not even say "meats" or animal "flesh" but only food sacrificed to devils which means vegetables too.

Camily is mis-using the NIV Bible to say "meat market" but the KJV does not say meat at all.



:whistle: That is one of those imfamous Bible text that are taken out of context.

See it correctly in 1 Corinthians 10:15-33 link HERE.

The people asked the Apostle Paul about eating foods offered to idols and the King James version does not even say "meats" or animal "flesh" but only food sacrificed to devils which means vegetables too.

Camily is mis-using the NIV Bible to say "meat market" but the KJV does not say meat at all.


Verse 25 (KJV) says "whatsoever is sold", which would include meat. Why do you quibble over semantics?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Mr. Ferarri

Verse 25 (KJV) says "whatsoever is sold", which would include meat. Why do you quibble over semantics?
:whistle: I take the scriptures to the maximum and not superficially.

When one wants to be right then one needs to be completely right and not settle for a shallow faith.

A similar Bible text is in Romans 14:1-4 link HERE, that many people misunderstand in justifying the eating of animals.

But what it is saying is that we that are weak in faith eat only vegetables in order to become stronger in faith.

Having full faith then one can move a mountain but the mountains do not move for me so my faith needs strengthened.

Those that claim their meat eating as faith are not moving any mountains and we do have some mountains that need to be moved.

If one does not dig into the Bible to find the truths then those will live in mediocrecy.

I want more than that, and I recommend it to others, and that is why I "quibble over semantics".:diva:


:whistle: I take the scriptures to the maximum and not superficially.

When one wants to be right then one needs to be completely right and not settle for a shallow faith.

A similar Bible text is in Romans 14:1-4 link HERE, that many people misunderstand in justifying the eating of animals.

But what it is saying is that we that are weak in faith eat only vegetables in order to become stronger in faith.

Having full faith then one can move a mountain but the mountains do not move for me so my faith needs strengthened.

Those that claim their meat eating as faith are not moving any mountains and we do have some mountains that need to be moved.

If one does not dig into the Bible to find the truths then those will live in mediocrecy.

I want more than that, and I recommend it to others, and that is why I "quibble over semantics".:diva:

You conveniently left out a very important verse in this chapter (verse 6). This verse makes the point I tried to make earlier, which is, what we eat has nothing to do with our salvation.

He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks... Romans 14:6

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
You conveniently left out a very important verse in this chapter (verse 6). This verse makes the point I tried to make earlier, which is, what we eat has nothing to do with our salvation.
:whistle: That does trouble me that you and Christians are so wrongfully hung up on that mystical salvation after death and it is incredibly shallow and lacking any substance.

Christ did not come here to bring salvation after death but salvation from sin here and now.

The reason Christ came is best told in Luke 5:31-32 link HERE.

He came to call sinners to repentance and not to a mystical after-life.

The salvation is already done and paid in full for everyone already to get saved after death.

The real problem is that people need saved now in the present from this world's debaucheries and from the ignorance.

People need saved now from greed and from lust and from violence and not after death.


:whistle: That does trouble me that you and Christians are so wrongfully hung up on that mystical salvation after death and it is incredibly shallow and lacking any substance.

Christ did not come here to bring salvation after death but salvation from sin here and now.

The reason Christ came is best told in Luke 5:31-32 link HERE.

He came to call sinners to repentance and not to a mystical after-life.

The salvation is already done and paid in full for everyone already to get saved after death.

The real problem is that people need saved now in the present from this world's debaucheries and from the ignorance.

People need saved now from greed and from lust and from violence and not after death.
