Is It Acceptable


All Up In Your Grill
I know. I know. :doh: She called to tell me she got a 99.7% on her final project for one of her classes... when I get home I'll have to call her a tard and tell her to try harder next time. That'll put things back in order. :clap:

I do the same thing! :lol: They say they got a 95 and I'll say "What happened to the 100?" When they say they got a 100, I ask "What - no extra credit?" :killingme


This thread is awesome
And to think I napped through this WHOLE thing today

I hope no one in this thread dies in a fire.
Me too except for the gays.

I have to take that credit, slick. He's been hanging out with me, and I break the hard words down into cheers, so they're easy for him to remember.

CONS-TIT-U-TION :starcat:

Seriously, Mig. I don't see how this is any different than any of the many topics that are deemed offensive. It's all based on what subject falls where on your offense-O-meter. If you are not comfortable with it or do not approve of it then you remove yourself from the conversation and don't bother reading it. I do that now whenever goes on about her body functions or when goes on and on about blowing people or when goes on and on about how holier thou is than the rest and I'll do it when starts talking about her pregnancy body fluids and such.

You've been around her so long I can't begin to understand why you are taking it so personally and not just walking away...
I have a serious issue with and I wanted a valued opinion.... I didn't want to be insulted or put down in anyway b/c I need to wear pantyliners :frown:

nicka please.

rut row.

The only other person I know that says this and gets away with it is my black friend that lives in the neighborhood. He says it all the time, but then again he uses the N word all the time too when talking to his friends or family.

Well, I am part black, so I'm allowed to say it.

And besides, Z06 or whatever he calls himself on here - well his real name is Nick A.


It's really nice outside.
It really is, I went for a walk today after my nap... it was a little too hot for this pregnant wilting flower though. I made sure to drink plenty of water

I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, but I don't understand why you don't understand that the ones making fun of his religion don't care. They know what buttons they are pushing and push them just the same. Until Beta speaks up and says, "Hey, bucko... you've pushed the wrong button" the line is not going to be drawn. It's human nature... you can't draw the line for others.
You're smart n stuff :huggy:

I'm not gay and I don't want people to get a false impression of me. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people started callign you gay.
I love the gays!

I say we put it out there. Start calling people gay and see how they react.
:nono: We don't make fun of gays here.

So it's okay to insult others based on their religious beliefs? :confused:
Yes, this has already been established

What you consider to be offensive and an insult may not be what I consider to be offensive or an insult... multiply that by humanity. We are back to who's definition are you going to use. It is undefinable because each person's level of tolerence on any given subject is different from the next. Period.

If an insult is flung in the woods and I didn't consider it to be an insult... was it heard as an insult?
I take it back, you spelled t-o-l-e-r-a-n-c-e wrong, you big dummy.

I resent your patriarchal attitude. If womyn wear panties, then so do men. And I will not tolerate your sexist brutality one more second.

I demand an apology.
They're called manties get it right :rolleyes:

Good point. But ignoring and downplaying religious based slurs and insults tends to lead to genocide for Muslims, Christians, Tutsis and Jews alike. A look at the world's not so distant history proves that.

Does that mean that we have to kill Beta and CLe :bawl:

So there you have it, I'm caught up.

And to think before I took a nap I thought this thread was BOOOORING :lmao:

I love this forum.


They're out to get us
Does that mean that we have to kill Beta and CLe :bawl:
:cds: I think you just stole KVJ's crown as queen of multi quote. Holy crap! :faint:

Screw that!

If you all are going to lynch Beta and I, I am going to convert to Baptist since I don't drink. :yay:
:lmao: guess I'm screwed since you already know I drink :ohwell:

maybe i can just go Mormon and be the sect that gets a bunch of wives! :banana:
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Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
:cds: I think you just stole KVJ's crown as queen of multi quote. Holy crap! :faint:

:lmao: guess I'm screwed since you already know I drink :ohwell:

maybe i can just go Mormon and be the sect that gets a bunch of wives!

Your people have no sense of humor :ohwell: :lol: