Is It Acceptable


I resent your patriarchal attitude. If womyn wear panties, then so do men. And I will not tolerate your sexist brutality one more second.

I demand an apology.

:roflmao: Demand? who do you think you are? The owner and moderator of this board? :killingme

Demand :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good point. But ignoring and downplaying religious based slurs and insults tends to lead to genocide for Muslims, Christians, Tutsis and Jews alike. A look at the world's not so distant history proves that. :shrug:

It's a problem that has snowballed over the years. We bend to every whiner that takes offense at something that they personally don't like. waaaaaaa!

This nation needs to pull up it's big girl panties and stop catering to everyone's little whims.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the media amplifies the whiners words until something is done.

grrr, vroom vroom, for the umpteenth time I 'm not gay.

As gay as that sounds, you sure you don't play butt darts?
Good point. But ignoring and downplaying religious based slurs and insults tends to lead to genocide for Muslims, Christians, Tutsis and Jews alike. A look at the world's not so distant history proves that. :shrug:
Nice notion, but let's do delve back into the very distant history on up which proves that because tolerence is personal... someone will always find something intolerable.

Everybody sing... :dance: "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)" ...:getdown: