Is it wrong?



StarCat said:
You mean, if i can make it through this, i can make it through anything? I'm not use to being treated like this. Maybe thats why i dont have many friends, because people are mean? Well, i hope it is over soon, or i will have to go look for a church forum to join, maybe when i find a church, they will have one. Those people are usually pretty nice. Thanks again :smile:

good grief... don't join a church forum just because you are afraid of people not liking you anywhere else. That's like living in a glass bubble. I'm not used to being treated the way I am on here either, but luckily I have friends outside of the forums and it evens out. If you do however want to share you faith, they have a relgious section on these forums. :smile:


New Member
Try again later

I dont think i can win tonight. Now i have bad Karma telling me i am mean, and that the people here are not mean, so since i have gotten so much bad Karma, for being upset at so many people yelling at me all day, i think i will go ahead and get off here, and maybe try again later. When i come back, i will do my best to make sure I dont offend anyone, and i am deeply sorry for all the people i have offended thus far, with my outrageous opinions, thoughts, and feelings. I'm really not an a-hole, just wasnt prepared for this. All i was trying to do was make some friends, so we would have people to do things with, and maybe they would have kids for my kids to play with. I didnt expect for things to go the way they did. Hope you all have a terrific night!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
StarCat said:
I dont think i can win tonight. Now i have bad Karma telling me i am mean, and that the people here are not mean, so since i have gotten so much bad Karma, for being upset at so many people yelling at me all day, i think i will go ahead and get off here, and maybe try again later. When i come back, i will do my best to make sure I dont offend anyone, and i am deeply sorry for all the people i have offended thus far, with my outrageous opinions, thoughts, and feelings. I'm really not an a-hole, just wasnt prepared for this. All i was trying to do was make some friends, so we would have people to do things with, and maybe they would have kids for my kids to play with. I didnt expect for things to go the way they did. Hope you all have a terrific night!
You ain't seen nothing yet lil missy. I just reread this thread and I see nothing mean directed towards you. I see people commenting on what you chose to share but that is all. No one sought you out, you opened yourself up for it. Many others were only laughing at some comments made (and a couple of them are damn funny).

If this type of banter bothers you then I suggest that you invest in some kevlar body armor to protect that thin-skin or just watch what you chose to share. Think of this place as the zoo, they put those "Don't feed the animal" signs up for a reason.


New Member
elaine said:
You guys understood that? :confused:

I thought morallyright used too much pronouns....used "he" and "him" to mean both the contruction worker and her son. So it was a bit :confused: It took too much effort to figure it out.
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New Member
First thing, Ken, you should reread this because i know there were a few mean things said.

Well, i guess my problem is that i only read part of the first page of this before i posted, so i didnt have a chance to get to the spot where people were telling MorallyRight, that they shouldnt post things like this, the spot i just read, after i went through and read the whole thing. If i had read it all, i obviously would have kept my mouth shut. So anyway not knowing that, like a dummy, i go and put some stupid thing i did at 18 on here, for everyone to laugh at and call me crazy and so on and so forth. No matter how long the posts are, from now on, i will read them all the way through to make sure i dont sound like an idiot again when i post something. Today, i was being lazy. Well, goodnight.


Well-Known Member
StarCat said:
First thing, Ken, you should reread this because i know there were a few mean things said.

Well, i guess my problem is that i only read part of the first page of this before i posted, so i didnt have a chance to get to the spot where people were telling MorallyRight, that they shouldnt post things like this, the spot i just read, after i went through and read the whole thing. If i had read it all, i obviously would have kept my mouth shut. So anyway not knowing that, like a dummy, i go and put some stupid thing i did at 18 on here, for everyone to laugh at and call me crazy and so on and so forth. No matter how long the posts are, from now on, i will read them all the way through to make sure i dont sound like an idiot again when i post something. Today, i was being lazy. Well, goodnight.

Stop..wait!! Don't let them run you off!


New Member
i'm still here, i will just be careful not to post much more than "haha thats funny" "I agree" "welcome" and a select few other short sentances that wont get me yacked at. And if those make people mad, then i will just ignore them, and talk to the people who have shown enough intelligence to be nice to me, since im new, and not sure yet what is and isnt acceptable. This is kinda addictive, ive tried to stop looking at these posts, but i cant help it. Maybe i should turn my computer off, or move it out of this room.


New Member
StarCat said:
i'm still here, i will just be careful not to post much more than "haha thats funny" "I agree" "welcome" and a select few other short sentances that wont get me yacked at. And if those make people mad, then i will just ignore them, and talk to the people who have shown enough intelligence to be nice to me, since im new, and not sure yet what is and isnt acceptable. This is kinda addictive, ive tried to stop looking at these posts, but i cant help it. Maybe i should turn my computer off, or move it out of this room.
Star, you have it all wrong. My advice is you just watch for a couple weeks and learn how the boards work. No one on here is mean. Sure we pick on someone silly enough to put their personal lives on a public internet board but they're not mean. Now they will show you mean if you challenge them!! Just sit back & observe. It's posts like the one above they jump all over.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Star, you have it all wrong. My advice is you just watch for a couple weeks and learn how the boards work. No one on here is mean. Sure we pick on someone silly enough to put their personal lives on a public internet board but they're not mean. Now they will show you mean if you challenge them!! Just sit back & observe. It's posts like the one above they jump all over.
What's up, ####face?