Is this Denver or Beijing???

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I've never enjoyed politics as much as I am right now and I've enjoyed politics a lot! - Homeless Get Cleaned Up With Free Haircuts For DNC

The City of Denver has been working to make sure everything is in tip-top shape for all the visitors coming to town for the Democratic National Convention, and now a local salon is helping in that effort.

It seems to be a first -- don't move the homeless, clean them up. That was the work of one salon and the recipients didn't even seem to care if the Democrats were coming to town. Sly's Salon at 17th and Grant was offering free haircuts to the homeless Monday.

"And you see how the great plan, yes, is working, you see, you see our people, those, uh, not trapped by the mortgage crisis, yes, are very fine looking people, indeed. Now, we go see the panda's...very nice panda's..."

This is sooo ####ed up!!! :killingme



I've never enjoyed politics as much as I am right now and I've enjoyed politics a lot! - Homeless Get Cleaned Up With Free Haircuts For DNC

"And you see how the great plan, yes, is working, you see, you see our people, those, uh, not trapped by the mortgage crisis, yes, are very fine looking people, indeed. Now, we go see the panda's...very nice panda's..."

This is sooo ####ed up!!! :killingme

What do you see as wrong with that Larry? Did I miss something?


New Member
Larry: Both sides do the same thing... and if you check out factual information about both candidates adds you will find they both lie and stretch the truth. Both parties care about getting in office, and that's about it...

Larry, what exactly are you an expert at, anyway?
If you think Republican stands for honesty more than the other side, you clearly are not an expert at politics. What's your job anyway? Maybe you should work harder at that and not politics.


It's like sweeping dirt under the rug: don't fix the problem, just cover it up.

I knew that would be your point and if the city really cared about it's homeless this would be an ongoing thing but on the other hand - I don't see anything wrong with offering the homeless a chance to feel clean - get off the streets for a while - you know like those fortunate enough or sane enough to have a home - DNC isn't doing it - Denver is. The same way Saint Paul will when the Republicans come to town.

Serious question - what do think should be done?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't see anything wrong with offering the homeless a chance to feel clean - get off the streets for a while -

If the Denver City Council was honestly being altruistic, they would have offered the services before, and not just because the convention is coming to town.

And if they were REALLY being honest, they would simply say that there's nothing you can do about homeless people because they're either crazy and refuse treatment, they're addicted to drugs, or they genuinely like being bums. Instead, the Democrats always make the homeless issue out to be the Republicans' fault, and that's ridiculous.

I don't have a problem with Denver wanting to clean up their city and show it off to the nation. But it's the height of hypocrisy for the Democrats to use the homeless as a political football, then hide them when the spotlight is on their own doorstep.


If the Denver City Council was honestly being altruistic, they would have offered the services before, and not just because the convention is coming to town.

And if they were REALLY being honest, they would simply say that there's nothing you can do about homeless people because they're either crazy and refuse treatment, they're addicted to drugs, or they genuinely like being bums. Instead, the Democrats always make the homeless issue out to be the Republicans' fault, and that's ridiculous.

I don't have a problem with Denver wanting to clean up their city and show it off to the nation. But it's the height of hypocrisy for the Democrats to use the homeless as a political football, then hide them when the spotlight is on their own doorstep.

And Saint Paul would do the same thing - I guess the Republicans then are doing the right thing by offering freebies to the homelss near their convention?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
At the very least they should throw in a good delousing too, sheesh what cheapskates...

If they really wanted to keep them out of the way, they'd buy a bunch of cases of Everclear, stick them all at the city dump where no cameras will go, and let them have a week long party.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
This guy was spotted nearby the convention center.


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Larry Gude

Strung Out

And Saint Paul would do the same thing - I guess the Republicans then are doing the right thing by offering freebies to the homelss near their convention?

...we're putting up a bunch of signs that week all over town;

"Free Stuff in Denver"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am...

Larry: Both sides do the same thing... and if you check out factual information about both candidates adds you will find they both lie and stretch the truth. Both parties care about getting in office, and that's about it...

Larry, what exactly are you an expert at, anyway?
If you think Republican stands for honesty more than the other side, you clearly are not an expert at politics. What's your job anyway? Maybe you should work harder at that and not politics.

...not an expert at anything. My hobby is to test the limits of human excuse making. See, what I do is make a point about A and then see how far people will go to change the subject to B.
Some people try the old "they do it, too". Some resort to personal attacks. Some question the questioner. Only the really good ones do all three.

My job is growing flowers. So, I am familiar enough with fertilizer of all kinds.


New Member
...not an expert at anything. My hobby is to test the limits of human excuse making. See, what I do is make a point about A and then see how far people will go to change the subject to B.
Some people try the old "they do it, too". Some resort to personal attacks. Some question the questioner. Only the really good ones do all three.

My job is growing flowers. So, I am familiar enough with fertilizer of all kinds.

Fertilizer? So, basically, you deal in B.S., eh?
I see you spewing BS here on the boards all the time.
Why didn't you get a better job and stretch your education a bit further?

I think I did all three there... :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Fertilizer? So, basically, you deal in B.S., eh?
I see you spewing BS here on the boards all the time.
Why didn't you get a better job and stretch your education a bit further?

I think I did all three there... :killingme

...would I enter into such a futile endeavour as deigning to reach the heights that you've mastered? I haven't changed the subject and/or attacked the messenger or said they all do it since I was in 3rd grade. I just don't think I'm up to that intense a challenge. As I say, we already have you. Is there really room for another?

I'm sorry Obama starting to flame out is such a personal pain for you. Actually, no I'm not.


New Member
...would I enter into such a futile endeavour as deigning to reach the heights that you've mastered? I haven't changed the subject and/or attacked the messenger or said they all do it since I was in 3rd grade. I just don't think I'm up to that intense a challenge. As I say, we already have you. Is there really room for another?

I'm sorry Obama starting to flame out is such a personal pain for you. Actually, no I'm not.

Apparantly Mr. Inteligent hasn't paid attention, I have said many times before I don't plan to vite for either and, in fact, I was a registered republican at one time.

I don't care how bad Obama flames out.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am...

Apparantly Mr. Inteligent hasn't paid attention, I have said many times before I don't plan to vite for either and, in fact, I was a registered republican at one time.

I don't care how bad Obama flames out.

...feeling tortured. That doesn't explain why this is so personal to you.