Is this Denver or Beijing???


New Member
Just responding to you. Personal? Nah, I haven't dropped a burning bag of dog doo at your door and rung the door bell. When I do that, its personal.


New Member
I am the master of everything. I know so much that it is scary when I encounter mere mortals - so imagine my horror when I moved to St. Marys county. (Then it was at least 50% rednecks)


I am the master of everything. I know so much that it is scary when I encounter mere mortals - so imagine my horror when I moved to St. Marys county. (Then it was at least 50% rednecks)

Oh were you offended by all the Rednecks ... you think St Marys has a lower IQ level as a county ... by all these country folks :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
What do you see as wrong with that Larry? Did I miss something?

It's spraying perfume on mounds of sewage.
It's painting rainbow murals on condemned buildings.
It's planting flowers right on top of the trash.
It's drawing smiley faces in the potholes.

If you want to improve a city's image, you do it by actually hauling the trash, cleaning the sewage and removing rat trap buildings - you do not do it by giving it a quick makeover to make everyone feel happy about it for a week.

If you can't afford to fix the problem, the sensible alternative is to draw attention to it, not gloss over it.

But frankly, I think it's quite funny....


New Member
Oh were you offended by all the Rednecks ... you think St Marys has a lower IQ level as a county ... by all these country folks :eyebrow:

No, actually most here are quite normal honestly, its mostly formites that tend to be polorized extreme right (or a few left). I suppose that makes sense, the polorized ones that think they have something to say want to find somewhere to say it.

However, one thing that did shock me when I moved here was the number of teens with kids, high school graduation rate and moreover the number of high school kids that don't goto college. Every single one of my friends ended up getting a 4 year degree or higher - my best friend got 2 masters. I guess I just grew up in a totally different world, albeit, still part of the USA.


Well-Known Member
And Saint Paul would do the same thing - I guess the Republicans then are doing the right thing by offering freebies to the homelss near their convention?
Maybe I misread your link - I thought it was Catholic Charities that had a center nearby, and has had a center nearby for quite some time, that was keeping it open longer in the hopes of raising awareness of homelessness during the GOP convention (and all of the subsequent media attention that otherwise would not be there).

I may be slow, but that sounds a lot different than free haircuts to make 'em look better. From the city government. Of the same party as the convention. That stops, and is only being done as part of convention preps.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
However, one thing that did shock me when I moved here was the number of teens with kids, high school graduation rate and moreover the number of high school kids that don't goto college. Every single one of my friends ended up getting a 4 year degree or higher - my best friend got 2 masters. I guess I just grew up in a totally different world, albeit, still part of the USA.
Interesting phrasing.... you're "moreover" shocked that people don't go to college as much as your home area than that they have kids as teens?

Then you go on to espouse how many of your friends went to college.

Do you believe a college educated person is inherently a better, more intelligent person than a non-college educated one? (I have two Bachelor's, so I'm not being defensive here - I'm just amused at your apparent ((and unfounded)) conceit)


I bowl overhand

I've never enjoyed politics as much as I am right now and I've enjoyed politics a lot! - Homeless Get Cleaned Up With Free Haircuts For DNC

"And you see how the great plan, yes, is working, you see, you see our people, those, uh, not trapped by the mortgage crisis, yes, are very fine looking people, indeed. Now, we go see the panda's...very nice panda's..."

This is sooo ####ed up!!! :killingme

I guess they are going to have someone lip synch Hillary's speech for her then?

I can't imagine they are going to let that ugly buck toothed witch on the stage to represent the democratic party!

Of course the search for a good looking democrat to do the lip synching, they may have to postpone the convention a couple of months..


I bowl overhand
Serious question - what do think should be done?

Easy peasy..

Make sure your town/ city has the worst welfare programs and homeless programs of ANY other city in the US. Spend about 3 Million a year on advertising, advertising where the cities are that have the BEST welfare systems in the country. 2 years and 6 million dollars later.. NO more homeless!!


Well-Known Member
However, one thing that did shock me when I moved here was the number of teens with kids, high school graduation rate and moreover the number of high school kids that don't goto college. .

St. Mary's fares pretty well according to the numbers. High school graduation rates are higher than the national average AND higher than the state average; median household income MUCH higher than the national average AND higher than the state average; the national average for bachelor's degrees is right around 24-25%. St Mary's is 22.6. Teen birth rate for the county is 29.3/1000 - it's 24.2 for the state.

I just don't see where this is coming from. If there's this huge difference, it may be because you want to see it.


Maybe I misread your link - I thought it was Catholic Charities that had a center nearby, and has had a center nearby for quite some time, that was keeping it open longer in the hopes of raising awareness of homelessness during the GOP convention (and all of the subsequent media attention that otherwise would not be there).

I may be slow, but that sounds a lot different than free haircuts to make 'em look better. From the city government. Of the same party as the convention. That stops, and is only being done as part of convention preps.

What do you think?

Saint Paul is also providing free tickets to activities for the homeless during that week. As far as free haircuts are concerned that was something local businesses did. Maybe Saint Paul will do that also the nearer to the date the the convention begins. My point is both parties are doing it - it is not being financed by the DNC or the RNC but the cities in which the conventions are being held. I think anytime a city volunteers to do something for the homeless it's a decent thing to do regardless of the reason. Yes it's making them look better, yes it's only for the day, yes it's not even putting a bandaide on the problem, yes it's pure selfishness on the part of the city. I've never been homeless - I hope I never will be - but we've all seen the shots from the flooded areas. A bath, haircut, clean clothes, tickets to something that's probably got air conditioning, - feeling normal if only for a few hours....gotta think Jesus would approve.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Maybe I misread your link - I thought it was Catholic Charities that had a center nearby, and has had a center nearby for quite some time, that was keeping it open longer in the hopes of raising awareness of homelessness during the GOP convention (and all of the subsequent media attention that otherwise would not be there).

I may be slow, but that sounds a lot different than free haircuts to make 'em look better. From the city government. Of the same party as the convention. That stops, and is only being done as part of convention preps.

What do you think?

Agree, at the GOP convention in St Paul, there is a homeless shelter across the street from the convention center that provives food, counselors, beds, and showers. The DNC convention center in Denver is the unofficial shelter!!! The question remains, when the DNC convention is over, will they still get free haircuts? Or out of sight, out of mind... :eyebrow:


New Member
St. Mary's fares pretty well according to the numbers. High school graduation rates are higher than the national average AND higher than the state average; median household income MUCH higher than the national average AND higher than the state average; the national average for bachelor's degrees is right around 24-25%. St Mary's is 22.6. Teen birth rate for the county is 29.3/1000 - it's 24.2 for the state.

I just don't see where this is coming from. If there's this huge difference, it may be because you want to see it.

Here are a comparison of the numbers for where I moved from:

Medium family income: 74,056
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 96.4%
BS or higher: 68.6%
Grdaute degree: 36.1%

Lexington Park:
Medium family income: 42,095
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 86.7%
BS or higher: 20.8%
Grdaute degree: 6.7%

So, yeah, compared to where I lived before, it is uneducated.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Here are a comparison of the numbers for where I moved from:

Medium family income: 74,056
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 96.4%
BS or higher: 68.6%
Grdaute degree: 36.1%

Lexington Park:
Medium family income: 42,095
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 86.7%
BS or higher: 20.8%
Grdaute degree: 6.7%

So, yeah, compared to where I lived before, it is uneducated.

You should have mentioned available jobs because based on your statistics, you should go back, or does living where you came from make you look like one of the dummy's??? :coffee:


New Member
You should have mentioned available jobs because based on your statistics, you should go back, or does living where you came from make you look like one of the dummy's??? :coffee:

Anyone who has a professional career has to move from time to time.
Unless you want to do the same thing all your life?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone who has a professional career has to move from time to time.
Unless you want to do the same thing all your life?

So you must be one of the statistics from your home town.

The question, simply put, is: if it's so great where you lived before, and so crappy here, why are you here and not there?

If everyone there is rich and educated, surely your career path would be there and not where people are poor and stupid. Typically people aspire to move up in the world, not down.