Is this Denver or Beijing???


NOT Politically Correct!!
That is exactly why most kids don't finish high school or go further - they are lazy, don't apply themselves, or don't care. You can say its not so but I know different.

It's either a result of not giving a sh*t, pampering verse parenting!!!


New Member
No, its a result of working hard and achieving versus kids in school that don't give a dam and don't do their homework. If anything, parents whose kids go on to higher education deserve credit and respect.

Why should I respect those kids that didn't work hard?
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Well-Known Member
That is exactly why most kids don't finish high school or go further - they are lazy, don't apply themselves, or don't care. You can say its not so but I know different.
You know so from your super-education, and the wisdom your high income brings, right?



Well-Known Member
No, its a result of working hard and achieving versus kids in school that don't give a dam and don't do their homework. If anything, parents whose kids go on to higher education deserve credit and respect.

Why should I respect those kids that didn't work hard?
:shakingheadindisbeliefatthe idiocy:

You sure assume a lot. Is that what passes for intelligence/wisdom?


I bowl overhand
Here are a comparison of the numbers for where I moved from:

Medium family income: 74,056
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 96.4%
BS or higher: 68.6%
Grdaute degree: 36.1%

Lexington Park:
Medium family income: 42,095
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 86.7%
BS or higher: 20.8%
Grdaute degree: 6.7%

So, yeah, compared to where I lived before, it is uneducated.

Sounds like State College.

And if it's so great there, don't let the gate hit you in the ass on the way out.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I wasn't bragging, I simply was stating that I was suprised when I first moved to this area. Middle schooler's smoking as they walk to school, a large number of uneducated compared to where I was before and a distinct 'class' breakdown here that I didn't see before. This area, IMO, has three distinct classes: The professional, many who are not from here, the low/no income white (the rednecks, if I may say that) and the working class black. You can see they live in different areas of the county, hang out with different folk and shop at different places. Certainly I had never seen the type of people I have seen in Walmart here - and I don't just mean the race - but how they behave toward each other.

That said, you are right, if I don't like the area, I should move. Its on my to-do list someday down the road.

I guess you'd belong in the NO CLASS class, huh?



NOT Politically Correct!!
No, its a result of working hard and achieving versus kids in school that don't give a dam and don't do their homework. If anything, parents whose kids go on to higher education deserve credit and respect.

Why should I respect those kids that didn't work hard?

What is the age of your kid(s) (around), if they are babies or toddlers, you have some time left before you can intelligently talk about the subject...:coffee:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That is exactly why most kids don't finish high school or go further - they are lazy, don't apply themselves, or don't care. You can say its not so but I know different.

...snobbery is duly noted. Some of the hardest working people I know never set foot on a college campus and started that way as young people. Some of the laziest people I know, and worst character, have college degrees.

I never said all kids who quit HS or don't go to college are hard working and apply themselves. So, maybe you could get a refund on some of the schoolin' you got? Your reading comprehension, consistently, sucks.