Is this Denver or Beijing???


New Member
Exept major aerospace fields don't exsist in every town.

Don't be sore because I showed you some numbers you didn't like. I stated its seemed less educated when I moved here, I showed numbers to back up my claim....



Well-Known Member
Here are a comparison of the numbers for where I moved from:

Medium family income: 74,056
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 96.4%
BS or higher: 68.6%
Grdaute degree: 36.1%

Lexington Park:
Medium family income: 42,095
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 86.7%
BS or higher: 20.8%
Grdaute degree: 6.7%

So, yeah, compared to where I lived before, it is uneducated.

You should see *national* statistics then. And for all your smugness on the subject - an awful lot of "us" aren't 'from' here either.

Truth is, this area is either in keeping with the national average or in some areas, above it. If you're so superior to the locals, maybe it ought to occur to you that THIS is the face of America - not the place YOU came from. As I said, the national average for BS degrees is about 25%. If you came from a place that's 68%, it's an outlier.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Anyone who has a professional career has to move from time to time.
Unless you want to do the same thing all your life?

I have a professional career, lived and traveled all over the world, make great money, work for a multi billion dollar firm, have a great home, cars, SUV, boat, family, education, but in hindsight don't see a need to throw it in the faces of people you assume have less.

Normally when someone brags about their stuff, it subliminally means you have less... :coffee:


New Member
I have a professional career, lived and traveled all over the world, make great money, work for a multi billion dollar firm, have a great home, cars, SUV, boat, family, education, but in hindsight don't see a need to throw it in the faces of people you assume have less.

Normally when someone brags about their stuff, it subliminally means you have less... :coffee:

I wasn't bragging, I simply was stating that I was suprised when I first moved to this area. Middle schooler's smoking as they walk to school, a large number of uneducated compared to where I was before and a distinct 'class' breakdown here that I didn't see before. This area, IMO, has three distinct classes: The professional, many who are not from here, the low/no income white (the rednecks, if I may say that) and the working class black. You can see they live in different areas of the county, hang out with different folk and shop at different places. Certainly I had never seen the type of people I have seen in Walmart here - and I don't just mean the race - but how they behave toward each other.

That said, you are right, if I don't like the area, I should move. Its on my to-do list someday down the road.


NOT Politically Correct!!
I wasn't bragging, I simply was stating that I was suprised when I first moved to this area. Middle schooler's smoking as they walk to school, a large number of uneducated compared to where I was before and a distinct 'class' breakdown here that I didn't see before. This area, IMO, has three distinct classes: The professional, many who are not from here, the low/no income white (the rednecks, if I may say that) and the working class black. You can see they live in different areas of the county, hang out with different folk and shop at different places. Certainly I had never seen the type of people I have seen in Walmart here - and I don't just mean the race - but how they behave toward each other.

That said, you are right, if I don't like the area, I should move. Its on my to-do list someday down the road.

Everything you described above can also be said when I lived in NYC for 17 years except with 100 more catagories... knock knock, when you move to a smaller, quieter place with less people, it's just more distinctive to the eye, but believe me it's everywhere!!! :coffee:


New Member
Maybe I just spent many a year in a really nice town. But that doesn't change my data. And I have been to areas with low income groups before, rural, that don't treat people like they do here in Walmart and such.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Maybe I just spent many a year in a really nice town. But that doesn't change my data. And I have been to areas with low income groups before, rural, that don't treat people like they do here in Walmart and such.

Shop at Target then like I do!!! :howdy:


New Member
Yeah, but some things Target just doesn't have. Otherwise, we do.
But baby stuff here, walmart clearly has more. We try and go early morning saturday before the rif-raff gets there if we need to go. And I am not kidding - I have seen people behave pretty poor in there. Two ladies got in a fight about who was in line first. !!


NOT Politically Correct!!
Yeah, but some things Target just doesn't have. Otherwise, we do.
But baby stuff here, walmart clearly has more. We try and go early morning saturday before the rif-raff gets there if we need to go. And I am not kidding - I have seen people behave pretty poor in there. Two ladies got in a fight about who was in line first. !!

Well during the day I can be all up and down Great Mills Road, but after dark I avoid it like the plague, it's all about timing and if those are the hot issues, you'll be fine...


Well-Known Member
Here are a comparison of the numbers for where I moved from:

Medium family income: 74,056
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 96.4%
BS or higher: 68.6%
Grdaute degree: 36.1%

Lexington Park:
Medium family income: 42,095
(population 25 and older)
High school grad: 86.7%
BS or higher: 20.8%
Grdaute degree: 6.7%

So, yeah, compared to where I lived before, it is uneducated.
Lexington Park is not representative of the county. As a matter of fact, I would suggest the data of LP itself is skewed away from the county as a whole. In case you hadn't noticed, this is a county-based culture, not a town/city based culture. To compare apples to apples, recompute your data for Wherever You Came Here From County vs. St. Mary's County. I suspect you'll be surprised at the similarities.

Also, you never answered my questions regarding your perception of education.


New Member
believe a college educated person is inherently a better, more intelligent person than a non-college educated one? (I have two Bachelor's, so I'm not being defensive here - I'm just amused at your apparent ((and unfounded)) conceit)

Sorry, I missed that question, but I'll get it now.

More inteligent? Sometimes, but not not always. Wiser? Sure seems that way - income is directly linked to education so those who drop out of school or stop at high school certainly are not doing themselves a favor for the future. So my answer would be that I was wiser than many, yes, as education is important to your future.


Super Genius
Sorry, I missed that question, but I'll get it now.

More inteligent? Sometimes, but not not always. Wiser? Sure seems that way - income is directly linked to education so those who drop out of school or stop at high school certainly are not doing themselves a favor for the future. So my answer would be that I was wiser than many, yes, as education is important to your future.

...if you think that income is related to wisdom...


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I missed that question, but I'll get it now.

More inteligent? Sometimes, but not not always. Wiser? Sure seems that way - income is directly linked to education so those who drop out of school or stop at high school certainly are not doing themselves a favor for the future. So my answer would be that I was wiser than many, yes, as education is important to your future.
Income is loosely linked to education - that's true. Don't tell that to a teacher with a Master's who calls out a union electrician or plumber at significantly higher hourly income, or the school counselor who wishes they could get paid as well as the teacher! :lol: But, overall, in the grand scheme of things, I agree.

However, it's interesting you link wiser ("seems that way - income is directly linked to education") with income.

If your kid really just loved being a truck driver and hated being an architect, would he/she be wiser to be a truck driver at half the pay as the architect; or, take the pay and hate their professional life?

I don't see the justification for your conclusion, but it's clear you do. That makes a statement to your priorities in life. An interesting one.


New Member
If your kid really just loved being a truck driver and hated being an architect, would he/she be wiser to be a truck driver at half the pay as the architect; or, take the pay and hate their professional life?

How many kids choose not to finish high school or go to college because they really want to be a truck driver? Few...

Seriously, kids that don't finish high school, I am sure that's what they are thinking. Or is it more likely they are just taking the easy road and being lazy?


Well-Known Member
How many kids choose not to finish high school or go to college because they really want to be a truck driver? Few...

Seriously, kids that don't finish high school, I am sure that's what they are thinking. Or is it more likely they are just taking the easy road and being lazy?
I was merely making the point that it is unwise to equate wisdom with income. I work with very highly paid people, many of whom are complete idiots in how they live their lives. I've also worked with people who are monetarily poor, and have fullfilling, happy lives and personal relationships. They have enough, not to excess. I consider them far wiser than those unhappy, fat-walleted people who can afford their alimony, child support, and visits to their kids who live as far away as possible from them. Intentionally.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I sometimes...

How many kids choose not to finish high school or go to college because they really want to be a truck driver? Few...

Seriously, kids that don't finish high school, I am sure that's what they are thinking. Or is it more likely they are just taking the easy road and being lazy?

...feel like you are a Soviet agent trying to fit in, unsure of the culture.

You didn't have armies of kids at your high school who thought school was a stupid waste of time and just wanted to get on with their lives, be it mechanic, hairstylist, truck driver or what have you?


New Member
...feel like you are a Soviet agent trying to fit in, unsure of the culture.

You didn't have armies of kids at your high school who thought school was a stupid waste of time and just wanted to get on with their lives, be it mechanic, hairstylist, truck driver or what have you?

That is exactly why most kids don't finish high school or go further - they are lazy, don't apply themselves, or don't care. You can say its not so but I know different.