Is this how we treat our heroes?

Because unlike the civilian world where morons are elected the military promotes only those who have truly been vetted and proven they are capable of being a leader.

Wow! Which military was that? The one I served in often promoted soldiers who turned out to be somewhat less than acceptable leaders.


New Member
200 removed is a lot, but the quality of those removed is also a factor. He has removed many of he best.
And promoted from the rest.

You mean like these fine officers?

Army General Charged with Sodomy

Air Force Major Charged with Child Pornography

Another one of those Military commanders you are saying were so great!

Really, the list goes on. It would appear that you were just talking out of your ass as usual.


Who do you think are pulling the military strings? Barry's been firing military leaders left and right and who do you think barry's minions are putting in those billets, followers of barry who will do his bidding.

Who signed off on the ending of the don't tell don't ask policy, who enforced the idiotic ROE, eff'ing liberal leadership pf the DoD.

The alleged comments were directed at military leadership and their poor strategy. You don't need Obama to intervene for military leadership/commanders to get really offended by this and go for the jugular.


Because unlike the civilian world where morons are elected the military promotes only those who have truly been vetted and proven they are capable of being a leader.

If you served in any branch you know this just isn't true.


Well-Known Member
You mean like these fine officers?

Army General Charged with Sodomy

Air Force Major Charged with Child Pornography

Another one of those Military commanders you are saying were so great!

Really, the list goes on. It would appear that you were just talking out of your ass as usual.

I bet you got a nut looking for that didn't you?

If I talked out of my ass your ear would be right up to it. so we know that isn't true don't we.


New Member
I bet you got a nut looking for that didn't you?

If I talked out of my ass your ear would be right up to it. so we know that isn't true don't we.

I understand the reason that is your response. You called for the other guy to do some research. I did and YOU don't like what the research showed.

Instead of talking out of your ass, prove me wrong. You can't. The articles aren't out there. You run your mouth without having any facts as you so often do!


In a flyover state
As the Special Forces soldiers wore Afghan Army uniforms, the Taliban concluded that there were virtually no Americans on their southern flank. The fighting there was intense.

Isn't that against the Laws of Armed Conflict to start with?


Promotions (enlisted), in the new military, have a lot to do with the color of your skin.

Not in the Air Force it doesn't. They used a weighted system of career field testing, military knowledge testing, performance reports ratings, and physical fitness scores. It's fair for everyone. No preference can be, nor is, given.


Not White House Approved
Wow! Which military was that? The one I served in often promoted soldiers who turned out to be somewhat less than acceptable leaders.
Guess the Army did things differently or you didn't like your leaders because they made you dumb ass work and won't let you be a slacker.

I'm USN Ret. and even though there were a few leaders that weren't the greatest they were few and far between compared to the civilian work force. After being retired and working in the civilian work force for 10+ years I tell you that most of the leaders in the civilian work force wouldn't make it in the military, most of them couldn't lead a circle jerk. All they crave is that title but don't want the responsibility that goes along with it, they think an idea is a plan and lack effective comminication skills.

You mean like these fine officers?

Army General Charged with Sodomy

Air Force Major Charged with Child Pornography

Another one of those Military commanders you are saying were so great!

Really, the list goes on. It would appear that you were just talking out of your ass as usual.

So charging someone with something automatically means they are guilty, obviously you don't know how easy it is to charge someone with something in the military and in the military, you are automatically guilty until proven innocent, hence the reason people get removed from command positions. I was charged with sexual harassment when I was instructor because I flunked a female student, I was instantly removed from the classroom until the investigation was finished. Everyone knew she was lying and that she was dumber then Patrick on Sponge-bob, this happened right after Tailhook and if you were in the USN during that time you would know the climate then.

Also, you provided a link for three officers, what about the other 194 that were relieved of command, were they all "charged" with some crime? I wasn't say that all of them were innocent (if I did please show me where I said that), I said that there have been an awful lot of commanders relieve the past six years.
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After being retired and working in the civilian work force for 10+ years I tell you that most of the leaders in the civilian work force wouldn't make it in the military, most of them couldn't lead a circle jerk.

It's a good thing we have you around to provide circle jerk training, chief!


Well-Known Member
This post has been fun. In post 1o LB challenged me--as he often does a lot in here to myself and others with more of his BS questions.
I have a bellyful of his silly games so I refused to cooperate.
In post 15 I cut him off, and he claims a win.
Then he sends in his alter ego MPD to try sarcasm
I explained my reasons for not playing his game
Then in 20 and 21 he takes a few cheap shots that add nothing to the thread. As usual
The we get Homeland--another flunky of his to actually look something up and display it like it's a great breakthrough.
But he is sorely dissappointed that I ignore his "great discovery". and cries like a bitch
Then in comes the MPD again asking someone to do more searching for him.
Then in 35 he comes back with the insults.

Just typical gamesmanship by the forum liberals.
People who have been paying attention have done a great job here
and as usual LB. , his MPD or flunky. (only Vrai knows which) and Homeland
Showed their azz and proved nothing.

Yep: It's time for more insults---It's all they got.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Really? Can you cite any sources for this claim? I've just never heard that particular racial bias leveled against the military.

In the late 80s/early 90s the navy had a program for minorities to go to college. They'd find candidates at boot camp then ship them off on scholarship to 4 years of college. I was at a command that had almost half of the O-1s & O-2s were minorities. I never heard of any Caucasian getting the same offer.


mama to two
In the late 80s/early 90s the navy had a program for minorities to go to college. They'd find candidates at boot camp then ship them off on scholarship to 4 years of college. I was at a command that had almost half of the O-1s & O-2s were minorities. I never heard of any Caucasian getting the same offer.

Affirmative action knows no bounds. Obama loves it!

Just a thought that I have brought up here before. I never understood why Obama has such a huge chip on his shoulder. He made it to the highest office in our country. Why does he think he needs to change anything? It was working. Just wanted to throw that out there. I know the answer.

Also, it is sad that we have a CiC that has absolutely no idea what it means to be in the military, much less, know how to lead from the most powerful position in the world. His heart is not in the right place. It is all about agenda that is in direct conflict with America's core foundation, and beliefs. Not to mention that Obama would have never made it through boot camp.

America was built on incredible bravery, sorrow, and perseverance. Why does Obama want to add more people to the list that contribute nothing. I know, a tad off topic, but I will use my soap box when I can. :lol:
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