Is this how we treat our heroes?


Not White House Approved
NO!!! It is not. Out of the 197 that you pointed out, at least one of them retired on his own. He is top of the list that either you or your mpd HJNX provided. If you look at several others on that list it's the same thing. They retired because....oh it was time for them to retire! There are tons more who were fired for good cause, which is not what the message you were trying to convey.

So go ahead, be completely intellectually dishonest and say that you were merely pointing out 197 officers left, and that you had not intention of insinuating this was Obama getting rid of them to put his people in place. Please say that so I can show what a liar you are!
Bitch please, your birth certificate is an apology letter from a condom factory.

How ironic, you talk about intellectual dishonesty and you are the poster girl for intellectual dishonesty.

Yes, I pointed out that barry's administration has fired 197 military leaders and that it's barry's intention to purge the military. It's called an opinion a-hole, get use to it, people have them and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.


New Member
Bitch please, your birth certificate is an apology letter from a condom factory.

How ironic, you talk about intellectual dishonesty and you are the poster girl for intellectual dishonesty.

Yes, I pointed out that barry's administration has fired 197 military leaders and that it's barry's intention to purge the military. It's called an opinion a-hole, get use to it, people have them and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

As pointed out, you are talking out of the only decent hole you have. Your opinion is proven to be wrong. That's your problem, you say something and aren't intelligent enough to realize when you should do your homework. You have nothing to base your opinion on except for a headline where you didn't bother to read beyond.

It's typical of you though. You spout off crap and don't have the smarts to do a little bit more reading. This has been shown here time and time again.

You can say I am the poster boy for intellectual dishonesty, but you have no place to show why. More of you spouting off without any facts!


Not White House Approved
As pointed out, you are talking out of the only decent hole you have. Your opinion is proven to be wrong. That's your problem, you say something and aren't intelligent enough to realize when you should do your homework. You have nothing to base your opinion on except for a headline where you didn't bother to read beyond.

It's typical of you though. You spout off crap and don't have the smarts to do a little bit more reading. This has been shown here time and time again.

You can say I am the poster boy for intellectual dishonesty, but you have no place to show why. More of you spouting off without any facts!
You know, you are the reason why shampoo manufactures have to put directions on their product.

I said you are the poster girl for intellectual dishonesty, you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Now, how can an opinion be wrong, because you say it is?

Now piss off mall cop.


New Member
You know, you are the reason why shampoo manufactures have to put directions on their product.

I said you are the poster girl for intellectual dishonesty, you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Now, how can an opinion be wrong, because you say it is?

Now piss off mall cop.

You seriously don't know how an opinion can be wrong? bwaaahhah....You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Like I said, you have no place to back anything you say up. homeland and I both showed you where you are wrong, but you are too much of a simpleton to understand.


Not White House Approved
You seriously don't know how an opinion can be wrong? bwaaahhah....You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Like I said, you have no place to back anything you say up. homeland and I both showed you where you are wrong, but you are too much of a simpleton to understand.

No, I didn't back anything up to YOUR satisfaction, which is ever changing, so I'm not going to play your little game.

The only thing you showed me is that there is a person out there that is dumber then Patrick on SpongeBob.


my war
No, I didn't back anything up to YOUR satisfaction, which is ever changing, so I'm not going to play your little game.

The only thing you showed me is that there is a person out there that is dumber then Patrick on SpongeBob.

What is with your SpongeBob analogies?


New Member
No, I didn't back anything up to YOUR satisfaction, which is ever changing, so I'm not going to play your little game.

The only thing you showed me is that there is a person out there that is dumber then Patrick on SpongeBob.

You didn't back it up at all. Period! Nothing. You didn't name one single person who was fired due to Obama replacing them with his minion.


mama to two
Do you get it now - in the morning? You love to change, edit and even delete your posts. Not typically for spelling or grammatical reasons, either

BTW, advising someone else to seek therapy? :lmao:

A few points. You have changed, edited and deleted some of your posts, as well. Is that against forum rules? Does that make me different than you? Also, what is your reasoning behind quoting my posts? Are you that bored? As far as the 2 posts you have made on this thread, you contributed nothing to do the discussion. You just made yourself look obsessed. What were you saying about therapy? I don't think you get it. :lmao:


Unto dust we shall return

Stanley A. McChrystal

In June 2010, President Obama relieved Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal of duty, after he made critical comments about the president in a Rolling Stone magazine interview. In a Rose Garden announcement, Obama explained his decision to oust the general, "I don't think we can sustain that unity of effort and achieve our objectives in Afghanistan without making this change." Three years later, in an interview with ABC News, McChrystal recalled his firing: "It felt surreal, because my whole career I'd thought that I could be fired for incompetence, or I could be killed, or I could have any number of things happen, but I never thought I could be painted with any brush of disrespect or disloyalty, because I didn't see myself that way. And I still don't," he said.

I missed the part which shows that he was fired due to Obama replacing them with his minion, which was required's question. Can you point it out? Please use a 20 point font (Helvetica being my favorite) so i don't miss it.


Well-Known Member

There was a widespread recognition among military and political officials that McChrystal had crossed a venerated line in criticizing his civilian chain of command. Even though McChrystal issued an apology, many of his staunchest backers said the remarks by him and his staff members in the article -- titled "The Runaway General" -- were grounds for dismissal.
"I say this as someone who admires and respects Stan McChrystal enormously. The country doesn't know how much good he's done. But this is a firing offense," said Eliot A. Cohen, who served as a counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the latter days of the George W. Bush administration.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
A few points. You have changed, edited and deleted some of your posts, as well. Is that against forum rules? Does that make me different than you? Also, what is your reasoning behind quoting my posts? Are you that bored? As far as the 2 posts you have made on this thread, you contributed nothing to do the discussion. You just made yourself look obsessed. What were you saying about therapy? I don't think you get it. :lmao:

You change nearly every post. Within minutes of posting. Sometimes a full half hour later, when you think of a better insult.

Nice try pointing the finger back at me, though. :yay: