Is this how we treat our heroes?


mama to two
No, I think you should take your own advice.

What? I just post my opinions here. You are the one that takes it to a whole new level. Go on with your bad self, but don't think too much of it.

What is your opinion on how our heroes are treated? Or, conversely, how our traitors are treated?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
So, you agree with LB. I have never seen you do that. It would be nice if you would post your own thoughts, instead of mine. :smile:

I am so flattered that you want to preserve my posts. I don't get it, but thank you.

Do you get it now - in the morning? You love to change, edit and even delete your posts. Not typically for spelling or grammatical reasons, either

BTW, advising someone else to seek therapy? :lmao:


New Member
So you provided links for 11 of the 197 so to you all of those who got canned deserved.

Also, if you had bothered to read the links I provided earlier in this thread you would see where the 197 number came from.

And before you accuse someone of getting caught in the minutiae you might want to look at the big picture yourself, but then again, you just over look the facts that you don't like.

I did read the links you provided. You mentioned 197 after I corrected your math. An easy mistake, I get that in YOUR mind you were referring to the article you read, but you had not articulated it up to that point.

So I have given you eleven. You originally posted that 200 officers had been replaced and then provided that 197 had been replaced by the Obama administration. You alluded that the reason for their replacement was to put lesser officers in charge.

My eleven were random. Some of them were from the top of your list that YOU provided. I wasn't cherry picking, but going down the line. So tell me, who are the good officers and exactly how many of the 197 are good officers? Give me a percentage. Give me some sort of facts, as I have given you.


Well-Known Member
I did read the links you provided. You mentioned 197 after I corrected your math. An easy mistake, I get that in YOUR mind you were referring to the article you read, but you had not articulated it up to that point.

So I have given you eleven. You originally posted that 200 officers had been replaced and then provided that 197 had been replaced by the Obama administration. You alluded that the reason for their replacement was to put lesser officers in charge.

My eleven were random. Some of them were from the top of your list that YOU provided. I wasn't cherry picking, but going down the line. So tell me, who are the good officers and exactly how many of the 197 are good officers? Give me a percentage. Give me some sort of facts, as I have given you.

OK sweetheart you asked for it.

Now according to the silly games it's time to start criticizing the sources.

My post wasn't something silly I made up there are many more sites saying basically the same thing I did--I guess they are all as stupid as myself.
But you gotta play the silly insult game.


Well-Known Member

I stopped following after the first three links, but none of those make any case that the officers in question were undeserving of being fired. they just repeat the question "is obama purging the military?"

Pick a handful of the guys you think were fired unjustly and make a case for it, or find articles that do that for you.

Nothing from WSJ? CNN? NYT? Looks like a bunch of Obama bashing right-wing blogger sites. Military leaders are relieved under all presidents. I personally know one who ran his DDG aground. Not everything is a conspiracy to destroy your way of life and America as you think it should be.


New Member
OK sweetheart you asked for it.

Now according to the silly games it's time to start criticizing the sources.

My post wasn't something silly I made up there are many more sites saying basically the same thing I did--I guess they are all as stupid as myself.
But you gotta play the silly insult game.

No, I won't criticize the sources, just your understanding of what they are saying. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, but if you pay just a little bit more attention, you will see how you are wrong. Saying you are talking out of your ass and then proving it because you haven't done your homework is not a silly insult game.

I picked the first four on the investmentwatchblog. I picked them like that because I thought maybe I'm wrong about my earlier research and this was going to prove me wrong. I looked at it objectively. Here is what was found;

The latest two to fall from grace, Navy Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch, director of naval intelligence, and Rear Adm. Bruce Loveless, director of intelligence operations, were stripped of their security clearances last week, effectively ending their careers. They allegedly engaged in “inappropriate conduct” over a Navy contracting scandal related to scheduling port visits in Southeast Asia during the past decade. According to Navy officials, the probe into Singapore-based Glenn Defense Marine Asia is expected to widen — meaning, we’ll likely see other senior officers terminated in the weeks ahead

WASHINGTON — Marine Gen. John R. Allen, the longest-serving leader of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, asked President Barack Obama on Tuesday to accept his retirement from the military because his wife is seriously ill, a move that nullifies his nomination to be supreme allied commander in Europe.

WASHINGTON — An Army major general with the U.S. Africa Command has been relieved of his post in connection with alcohol and sexual misconduct charges, defense officials said.

A U.S. general who oversaw nuclear weapons boozed, fraternized with "hot women" and disrespected his hosts during an official visit to Russia this year, an investigative report shows.
Maj. Gen. Michael Carey led the 20th Air Force responsible for three nuclear wings.
He was relieved of duty in October because of loss of confidence in his leadership, the Air Force said at the time without providing specific details.
But an Air Force Inspector General report released Thursday sheds more light into the case.
It details the events of a July trip to Moscow in which witnesses recalled Carey drinking too much.
During a layover in Switzerland, the report states, he bragged loudly about his position as commander of a nuclear force, saying he "saves the world from war every day."
And the shenanigans continued in Moscow, according to the report.
Alcohol, comments flow
While there, Carey and an unidentified man walked to a nearby hotel to meet "two foreign national women." He returned to his Marriott hotel room in the wee hours of the morning.

The source which YOU provided which said these guys were fired is misleading you and people like you. T/he first General resigned due to health reasons with his wife!!!!!!

I'll say this again. Do your homework. Get beyond the headlines and read the story. When you do, you won't come to these conclusions which are so easily refuted. :lmao:


Not White House Approved
You liberals do know that "inappropriate conduct", "inappropriate behavior" and "lost confidence in his/her ability to lead" are subjective right, so a Commander can be relieved under the banner of anyone of those "conditions" and there is nothing the Commander can do.


New Member
You do know that the Southeast Asia contracting scandal is huge and will probably bring down a few more people who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. As for inappropriate behavior, it happens far more than you would probably believe and is not punished nearly enough. Why someone who flies a star on a flag on his car feels his girlfriend is entitled to ride in a government helicopter for shopping trips when his wife is stateside and is surprised when he gets in trouble for it is beyond me. And that is just one limited example from my own experience.


New Member
You liberals do know that "inappropriate conduct", "inappropriate behavior" and "lost confidence in his/her ability to lead" are subjective right, so a Commander can be relieved under the banner of anyone of those "conditions" and there is nothing the Commander can do.

Okay. Can you tell me which of the military officers I have mentioned which were fired without cause by some commander making up "inappropriate conduct" inappropriate behavior? I'm reading the facts about them and as a former military officer it certainly seems as though they were relieved with cause to me.

I don't know which officers you are referring to who were wrongfully terminated. How many of the 197? All of them, some of them. Please, instead of just regurgitating a headline you read on the internet, give me instances in which you know or believe someone was replaced without cause?


New Member
How can we give a Silver Star to a man and and then take it back?

Can making a critical remark about leadership take away a brave act?

First, I want to say that I don't think he should have had his medal taken away unless there was something learned about the operation he EARNED the medal which proved not to be true. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

Having said that, it doesn't seem he had the medal taken away due to a "remark about leadership". I read the article from the post. (that is where the author in your link got his information)

Now, it seems he broke the rules of engagement with some bombmaker. I think he probably killed said bombmaker which I think he should be given another medal for instead of getting in trouble.

It does appear though that his troubles are stemming from information he revealed during a job interview with the CIA and not from remarks about leadership!


New Member
You liberals do know that "inappropriate conduct", "inappropriate behavior" and "lost confidence in his/her ability to lead" are subjective right, so a Commander can be relieved under the banner of anyone of those "conditions" and there is nothing the Commander can do.

He has given you examples of the 197 being a bullsh*t headline. In one, the guy retired due to health reasons for his wife. Why don't you put up or stfu!


New Member
You dodged a coat hanger didn't you.

Of course that's all you got. Wiki hasn't given you anything else on the 197 so you can't misquote them. You're retarded. Don't be pissed at me because you jumped the gun and didn't know what the ***** you were talking about!


Not White House Approved
Of course that's all you got. Wiki hasn't given you anything else on the 197 so you can't misquote them. You're retarded. Don't be pissed at me because you jumped the gun and didn't know what the ***** you were talking about!

There is a tree out there that is tirelessly producing oxygen for you to breath, you owe it an apology.

I stated that 197 military leaders have been relieved by the current administration, which is a fact, I then stated an opinion that is an awful lot. Now, if you and homeless can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion then you two have the IQ of a house plant.


New Member
I stated that 197 military leaders have been relieved by the current administration, which is a fact, I then stated an opinion that is an awful lot. Now, if you and homeless can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion then you two have the IQ of a house plant.

NO!!! It is not. Out of the 197 that you pointed out, at least one of them retired on his own. He is top of the list that either you or your mpd HJNX provided. If you look at several others on that list it's the same thing. They retired because....oh it was time for them to retire! There are tons more who were fired for good cause, which is not what the message you were trying to convey.

So go ahead, be completely intellectually dishonest and say that you were merely pointing out 197 officers left, and that you had not intention of insinuating this was Obama getting rid of them to put his people in place. Please say that so I can show what a liar you are!