Is this strange...or what?


Set Trippin
lovinmaryland said:
I actually sell life insurance :howdy:

I had mentioned in a earlier post if she wants a policy that the children would be the only beneficiary, then what you have with your current company is sufficient. There is no need for her to take out another policy that she controls.

If you have any other questions and don't want to call USAA pm me :howdy:
I need some life insurance...


Look my ass glows!
oldnavy said:
Got a call last night from the Ex. Had her on speaker so LOML heard the entire conversation and is now not very happy. Seems that my Ex wants to take out a life insurance policy...ON ME!!! I was so stunned by her saying that that I did not have a very good reply...Like "hell no". So now wifey is a little pissed.
Now that I have had time to think more about is very odd, but really...why should I care? She will be the one paying for it, not me. Only thing I have to do is get a physical (no cost to me...they come to my house) and sign some papers. I can see where this is uncomfortable for my wife, but then again I say has no impact on us...other than her being pissed.
Whatcha reckon?

Will she pay for the premiums out of the alimony $ you send her...
Do you live a "risky" lifestyle-motorcycle, smoke (sorry vrai), bad genes, etc..
Maybe she's thinking you won't live very long!


Well-Known Member
getbent said:
Isn't one better than the other (whole or term) or does it depend on your needs?
Whole Life is better. It is a permanent plan, that the rate is locked in, it earns dividends, and cash value.

Term is just that, a set rate for a term period.

I suggest Whole Life, but it is a lot more expensive than term.

But any life insurance is better than none at all :huggy:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
We should all get policies on eachother and then every time someone bites it we can have a forumite party!!!! :lmao:


flomaster said:
Okay, burned a brain cell during lunch on this. If the ex wants the policy and the benefits are going to the kiddies only, then I am all for it. Sounds like based on the wifey's ill feelings that the ex didn't spell it out that way.

Heck, if my ex was any kind of human being and not the toad licking, evil wench, douche bag that she is, I would split the cost for my oldest daughter. But of course because she is the toad licking, evil wench, douche bag that she is we don't.

You know what? That kind of attitude sucks. It takes two to tango and one or both of you went out of rhythm. Now you call her those names.

My DH called his ex names like that, and then started calling me names when I made sure she got the money she was entitled to. You men can really suck at times. I knew the priority was to get her money in a timely manner (that she was entitled to)

The day the alimony stopped I sent her flowers, and put in notice at my job. (she got married)

You have the children to take care of, and some children need financial care until the day they die. That's where life insurance comes in, and so what if the ex-wife gets a portion? She probably deserves/needs it.

Having negative feelings like that spill over into everyday life. Get over it.

sockgirl77 said:
She needs to get off of her ass and get a job. Your kids are not little and do not require her being at home. That is ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous. You don't know her half of the story, and as a matter of fact, all we know is that he has been ordered to pay.

Chasey_Lane said:
Why? Not everyone needs or wants to work.

Thank you.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Chasey_Lane said:
Why? Not everyone needs or wants to work.

All I can say is someone took the chlorine out of the gene pool at that point. There's no reason that a court should order you to pay someone's way, so that they can sit on their ass and watch day-time television, if they're fully capable of supporting themselves.

Helping someone that can't work is compassionate. Helping someone that won't work is a crime against nature.

If she can work, but refuses: Hell no. If she can't work: Wifey can get over it.


Chain729 said:
All I can say is someone took the chlorine out of the gene pool at that point. There's no reason that a court should order you to pay someone's way, so that they can sit on their ass and watch day-time television, if they're fully capable of supporting themselves.

Helping someone that can't work is compassionate. Helping someone that won't work is a crime against nature.

If she can work, but refuses: Hell no. If she can't work: Wifey can get over it.

Again, the full story is not known.

Military guy, and the "wifey" might have moved all around with the kids and worked to supplement the income.

She could be disabled in some way, we don't know. Even if she isn't disabled, let me tell a little story.

My mom connected with her high school boyfriend 4 years ago. He had been married to a stay at home "wife" (they never had kids together) and he liked it that way. He wanted her at home.

When he reconnected with my mom and told her he wanted a divorce, she took him for half of everything. My mom had a fit. I just laughed. There are two retirement plans there (military and commercial airline pilot) I believe after 20 years of being home for her husband, and helping raise his kids she deserves that, if not more (she got half of everything, including the pension and retirement) She may have been an every other weekend mom, but that doesn't matter. She was a pilot's wife and was there for him whenever he had a "layover" at home. 20 years, 10 years?

Get a prenup if you think you won't make the marriage last. Better yet, never have kids and never get married. If you do, stop your whining when reality bites you in the ass.

Every story is different.


Well-Known Member
Wenchy said:
Again, the full story is not known.

Military guy, and the "wifey" might have moved all around with the kids and worked to supplement the income.

She could be disabled in some way, we don't know. Even if she isn't disabled, let me tell a little story.

My mom connected with her high school boyfriend 4 years ago. He had been married to a stay at home "wife" (they never had kids together) and he liked it that way. He wanted her at home.

When he reconnected with my mom and told her he wanted a divorce, she took him for half of everything. My mom had a fit. I just laughed. There are two retirement plans there (military and commercial airline pilot) I believe after 20 years of being home for her husband, and helping raise his kids she deserves that, if not more (she got half of everything, including the pension and retirement) She may have been an every other weekend mom, but that doesn't matter. She was a pilot's wife and was there for him whenever he had a "layover" at home. 20 years, 10 years?

Get a prenup if you think you won't make the marriage last. Better yet, never have kids and never get married. If you do, stop your whining when reality bites you in the ass.

Every story is different.
She is no longer married and should not be living on someone else.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
sockgirl77 said:
She is no longer married and should not be living on someone else.

She does have a valid point though, that I didn't think about. In the situation that she described, that woman would be screwed because of her marriage to him. They agreed that the woman wouldn't work while they were married. Looking at the age, she'll be working til she's dead, unless she remarries, because it's impossible at that point- no matter how hard you work- to save for retirement.


sockgirl77 said:
She is no longer married and should not be living on someone else.

She is no longer married, and she never wanted it that way. He left her after she gave him 20 years of what he asked for. A beautiful wife who kept the home immaculate and herself kept "up".

Should she have to work now after sacrificing 20 years to make that man happy? HELL NO!!!

When my mom told me that all she did was get her hair and nails done, I said, "So what?! That's what he wanted her to do for 20 years."

Now, mom is dealing with working until she can afford to retire (when her dad kicks the bucket) Her DH works on "projects" around the house. Isn't love grand?


If it were me I think I'd be watching my back! Sounds a little fishy to me. :canyousaygunforhire: :shrug:


Salt Life
sockgirl77 said:
She is no longer married and should not be living on someone else.
Listen to Wenchy, she makes valid points. If a couple get married and they both agree the wife will stay at home and take care of the house, family, pets, etc., she should be entitled to a percentage of her husbands earnings and pension should they separate. Her career was being a SAH mom and she gave up things so that her family could have more. That's deserving of something if you ask me.


Chasey_Lane said:
Listen to Wenchy, she makes valid points. If a couple get married and they both agree the wife will stay at home and take care of the house, family, pets, etc., she should be entitled to a percentage of her husbands earnings and pension should they separate. Her career was being a SAH mom and she gave up things so that her family could have more. That's deserving of something if you ask me.

The point that you're missing is that there was no agreement for her to stay at home. She worked when we met, when we got married, after we had kids, at every duty station we went to. She is perfectly able to work. She did not quit working until she decided to make a career change (from accounting to medical) and go back to school. I paid for that school and picked up her slack until she graduated. Then what? NOTHING. She has not earned one single dime from the additional schooling she went to and has since only gone back to work part time, doing under the table jobs (golf cours cart girl. great tips, no taxes). She is not sick, disabled, under a great deal of pressure from the kids (one away at college, the other a high school junior who takes care of himself for the most part). She can work, she should work....or she should find herself another sugar daddy to get her money from. Take out a life insurance policy on him.


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Listen to Wenchy, she makes valid points. If a couple get married and they both agree the wife will stay at home and take care of the house, family, pets, etc., she should be entitled to a percentage of her husbands earnings and pension should they separate. Her career was being a SAH mom and she gave up things so that her family could have more. That's deserving of something if you ask me.
No one asked you. :neener:


flomaster said:
Okay, burned a brain cell during lunch on this. If the ex wants the policy and the benefits are going to the kiddies only, then I am all for it. Sounds like based on the wifey's ill feelings that the ex didn't spell it out that way.

Heck, if my ex was any kind of human being and not the toad licking, evil wench, douche bag that she is, I would split the cost for my oldest daughter. But of course because she is the toad licking, evil wench, douche bag that she is we don't.

Yep, if the policy were on me, but the $$ going to the kids in case I die, I would have no problem with it...and neither would current wife. Although, I do currently have a 400K policy on me with the $$$ going to the kids if something should happen. However, that's not the deal. She wants the policy to take care of her.