Israel authorizes 'severe' response to abductions


This Space for Rent
Got to love the Newt...

We don't need McCain or Rudy in times like these. We need a real Republican leader. McCain is McCain and we don't need him for obvious reasons. Rudy would be a great peace time President but he has no national level experience and during a war that is a much greater responsibility and takes a fine understanding of how Department politics work, etc...


Good old George Stephanopolis drug out the flag bearer of Democrat diplomacy today, Madeline Albright. She condemned Bush and Rice for not immediately dropping everything and sprinting off to the Middle East to get the terrorists to behave. She still thinks that giving into some of the demands of groups like Hezbollah in order to brive them into behaving for a few years is keeping the peace. I can't understand how such a complete coward ever rose to be Secretary of State.

Rice was interviewed and she pretty much said that the Israelis have a right to defend themselves and that the Iranians are behind all this. She also said that she would do eveything she could, but that the underlying cause of these problems had to be dealth with, and that underlying cause is Iran.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Then why don't we have active terrorist organizations in the US?
You don't think there are active cells here in the US? If you don't then your just deluding yourself. They're here, we just have to keep our eyes peeled so that they don't do something again.


New Member
The capture of the isreali soilders happened on the shaba farms land that is being occupied ileagally by isreal. The UN has said that the shaba farms area IS not part of isreal. These men were in occupied land. They didnt hava a right to be there in the first place.


Super Genius
frstabbo said:
The capture of the isreali soilders happened on the shaba farms land that is being occupied ileagally by isreal. The UN has said that the shaba farms area IS not part of isreal. These men were in occupied land. They didnt hava a right to be there in the first place.
Oh, well that makes kidnapping them ok... :rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
frstabbo said:
The capture of the isreali soilders happened on the shaba farms land that is being occupied ileagally by isreal. The UN has said that the shaba farms area IS not part of isreal. These men were in occupied land. They didnt hava a right to be there in the first place.
After being attacked, Israel retliated and moved into Lebanon, Egypt and Syria.. trying to appease the world they withdrew, leaving only a small security zone to stop the neverendind attacks into Israel by rockets and mortars. Now fair is fair, THEY attacked Israel, Israel in turn contrattacked and WON.. now by all reasoning, they should have been allowed to keep ALL the land that they occupied at the end of hostilities, I mean, they didn't start it right? But trying to appease the wussified west that has lost all concept of, "The spoils of War" and defense, Israel gave 95% of it back.. THEN the UN comes in and says the 5% they did keep, they are occupying illegally?? What did the UN say about the attack from Egypt and Syria?? Not a thing.


New Member
frstabbo said:
The capture of the isreali soilders happened on the shaba farms land that is being occupied ileagally by isreal. The UN has said that the shaba farms area IS not part of isreal. These men were in occupied land. They didnt hava a right to be there in the first place.

You are sounding like an idiot. Hezbollah has been designated as a terrorist organization by the UN. Does that give them the right to kidnap or kill Israeli soldiers on anyone's land anywhere, anytime? Does that give them the right to attack a sovereign nation from the soil of another sovereign nation?

You make NO mention of UNITED NATIONS security council resolution 1559 REQUIRING Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah and to take control of its side of the border!


I bowl overhand
itsbob said:
After being attacked, Israel retliated and moved into Lebanon, Egypt and Syria.. trying to appease the world they withdrew, leaving only a small security zone to stop the neverendind attacks into Israel by rockets and mortars. Now fair is fair, THEY attacked Israel, Israel in turn contrattacked and WON.. now by all reasoning, they should have been allowed to keep ALL the land that they occupied at the end of hostilities, I mean, they didn't start it right? But trying to appease the wussified west that has lost all concept of, "The spoils of War" and defense, Israel gave 95% of it back.. THEN the UN comes in and says the 5% they did keep, they are occupying illegally?? What did the UN say about the attack from Egypt and Syria?? Not a thing.
and I was wrong.. the UN set the withdrawal borders back to the border in 1949(?) which included the Shebaa farms on the Israeli side.. after Israel was in the process of peaceful withdraw, Lebanon tried to make a point of saying the Shebaa Farms were part of Lebanon, which they had no past legal right to anyways, they belonged to Syria prior to belonging to Israel.


Bustem' Down said:
You don't think there are active cells here in the US? If you don't then your just deluding yourself. They're here, we just have to keep our eyes peeled so that they don't do something again.

I don't think she's referring to foreign terrorist groups with cells in the US, but rather our own indigenous terrorist organizations that operate in the US and export terror. I have to disagree with her because we do have ELF, The Screen Actor's Guild, Handgun Control Inc, the DNC, and a host of others operating on our soil.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I have to disagree with her because we do have ELF, The Screen Actor's Guild, Handgun Control Inc, the DNC, and a host of others operating on our soil.


New Member
dck4shrt said:
You are sounding like an idiot. Hezbollah has been designated as a terrorist organization by the UN. Does that give them the right to kidnap or kill Israeli soldiers on anyone's land anywhere, anytime? Does that give them the right to attack a sovereign nation from the soil of another sovereign nation?

You make NO mention of UNITED NATIONS security council resolution 1559 REQUIRING Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah and to take control of its side of the border!
Dck, don't waste your time responding to this idiot (frstabbo)!! He's more clueless than Baghdad Bob. :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
You don't think there are active cells here in the US? If you don't then your just deluding yourself.
"Active" meaning actively engaged in killing people and blowing stuff up. And that goes for either foreign cells or our own homegrown terrorists.

We don't have random grocery store bombings, or someone blowing themselves up inside a bar full of people. We get lone nutties who shoot up their school, work or McDonald's. That's not the same thing as organized terrorists killing in the name of some cause.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
"Active" meaning actively engaged in killing people and blowing stuff up. And that goes for either foreign cells or our own homegrown terrorists.

We don't have random grocery store bombings, or someone blowing themselves up inside a bar full of people. We get lone nutties who shoot up their school, work or McDonald's. That's not the same thing as organized terrorists killing in the name of some cause.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Next time you're high fiving Israel for it's surgical military strikes, think about these pics. Unfortunately, the American media will not show them to us because some poor souls might offended. Do you believe that these children supported Hezbollah, if they even knew what it was?

How about those of you with your own children. Do you feel that the kidnapping of two soldiers who could have been returned by simple negotiation justifies what you see in these pics?


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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
David said:
Next time you're high fiving Israel for it's surgical military strikes, think about these pics. Unfortunately, the American media will not show them to us because some poor souls might offended. Do you believe that these children supported Hezbollah, if they even knew what it was?

How about those of you with your own children. Do you feel that the kidnapping of two soldiers who could have been returned by simple negotiation justifies what you see in these pics?
Civilian casulaties happen in every war there ever was and will be. Isreal has a right to defend herself as a sovereign state.


Football addict
Sit back and think about how lucky we really are. That lilputian plot of land is bombarded with so many terrorist acts and WE haven't much to show since 9/11. Amazing, really.


It's Great to be American
David said:
Next time you're high fiving Israel for it's surgical military strikes, think about these pics. Unfortunately, the American media will not show them to us because some poor souls might offended. Do you believe that these children supported Hezbollah, if they even knew what it was?

How about those of you with your own children. Do you feel that the kidnapping of two soldiers who could have been returned by simple negotiation justifies what you see in these pics?

I don't advocate killing innocent civilians however, I believe that if the US had taken a stance like this immediately after 9-11 we would have fewer problems over there than we have today and maybe our troops would be home today.


David said:
Next time you're high fiving Israel for it's surgical military strikes, think about these pics. Unfortunately, the American media will not show them to us because some poor souls might offended. Do you believe that these children supported Hezbollah, if they even knew what it was?

How about those of you with your own children. Do you feel that the kidnapping of two soldiers who could have been returned by simple negotiation justifies what you see in these pics?
If hezbollah didnt put their communications and command areas in civilian neighborhoods the civilian casualities would be less.

Who is to say Israel didnt try to negotiate with the captors?


I bowl overhand
David said:
Next time you're high fiving Israel for it's surgical military strikes, think about these pics. Unfortunately, the American media will not show them to us because some poor souls might offended. Do you believe that these children supported Hezbollah, if they even knew what it was?

How about those of you with your own children. Do you feel that the kidnapping of two soldiers who could have been returned by simple negotiation justifies what you see in these pics?
Hezbollah, like Iraq, don't play by the rules, but they will take EVRY opportunity to show how bad Israel is by waving dead children at the cameras.

What they don't mention is Hez storing arm caches in neighborhoods full of children. Firing rockets from playgrounds, and school courtyards. They want to fight from areas that they feel are safe, and use women and children as shields for their weapons and themselves.

Israel is targeting what they are targeting, and it is VERY precise, they are not wantonly throwing rockets into populated areas. Hez is NOT targeting anything of military value, they aren't shooting at the artillery that is stationary and shooting at them, they are targeting population centers full of civilians.